Light up a Marlboro

>Light up a Marlboro
>tastes like arsenic and death
>light up American Spirit
>tastes like tobacco

Can someone explain this meme to me?

Why not just suck on a tail pipe if you want to die early?

As a former smoker of 1 1/2 or more if my friends had any on them I reccomejd the losenges from Costco as they are cheap. Stick them under your tongue and grin and bare it.

>not wanting to die early
>in the current year

Vaping is pretty neckbeardy but 1. less tumor-y 2. you get to smell like apples and cinnamon and shit instead of rot

edgy post millenial cigarette turd

Is this food/cooking related? Or nah.

Ex-Smoker here, why don't you stop being such a fucking faggot.

Export A > Marlboro > Camel

Export A, as a primary. Then I smoked Camels for a few months. Opened my pack of camels one night and almost vomited from the smell. Woke my buddy up, trading him for his Marlboros and smoked those for the next 5 months.
Then back to Exports.

Marlboros, sure not the best, but way better than fuckin camels.

I never tried the losenge but have been on the gum for a while. Is it better?

Though I chew the same piece for hours now

Also when I smoked just did the American spirits pouch and used a bong to rip it

Ex smokers are the biggest cunts on the planet.

Worse than vegans.

Yep, most ex smokers are fucking annoying as shit.

It's in the curing process. Marlboro does weird shit when curing, involving ammonia and shit. American Spirit uses classic simple curing processes that use no foreign chemicals. There's still all kinds of nasty shit in it, but it's only the normal nasty shit that's in the leaf already. Nat Sherman's, too, but I don't think they taste as good.

Tobacco makes me puke. Am I allergic or something? I can smoke exactly one cigarette. Any more and I get extremely lightheaded and ill puke more often then not

What's wrong with me

Arsenic residue smells better on your breath and fingers than tobacco

Dude I can understand the occasional vape, but when you take huge vape hits.

theres popcorn lung

and also you smell like shit

because the sweet vapor attaches to your clothes and bacteria eat that shit up and make you smell like shit.

I'd say chew bubblegum, but aspertame and xylitol kill the good bacteria in your mouth or something.

you're gay


well there hasn't been a case of anyone vaping getting popcorn lung yet. Also diacetyl is more prevalent in cigarette smoke by a huge margin.

If you smoke you should switch to vapor if you want some sort of harm reduction.
You're a faggot either way though so whatever.

You're just new to it, you gotta build up a tolerance to nicotine.

I was the same when I had my first tobacco product, for me it was a cigar but I was drunk as fuck and inhaling the cigar smoke.

all smokers have the habit because they want to feel a phallus in their mouths all day, its a literal replacement for cocksucking.

maybe you should try the real deal, huh?

No one has any god damn idea about the long term implications of vaping. There's no studies, no standardization of the amount of nicotine/whatever chemicals are in it.


Diacetyl as the other person said is found in cigarettes too in higher concentrations but it doesn't matter since all the other toxins shadow it.

Vaping isn't healthy but it is healthier than smoking

It's flavor-related therefore Veeky Forums. Or can you give me a better board to post it on, rulefag?

This board is for people aged 18 and up please come back later.

if you are the dicklicker that posted it, you can always just delete it...

It's too late. He's already committed to throwing haymakers at my whole e-lyfe I'm probably about to get rekt even harder



Because life fucking sucks. You honestly believe life is great?

>not having superior Southern Cut

Fucking plebs

But I've been smoking cigs casually for years. I just can't smoke more than 1 within like 2 hours or whatever

Who needs to die first? The alcoholcucks or tobaccucks.

american spirit is additive free organic tobacco, no meme it's just the best stuff widely available.

That's the beauty of it. The holier-than-thou hipsters and neckbeards who have taken up vaping are at the forefront of a massive clinical trial. Only time will tell if vaping is safe. I hope it isn't as safe as these pompous assholes think so that I don't feel as bad about being a smoker.

>not smoking Marlboro 27s

Stay pleb, you fucking faggot.

Your not a winner just because there are bigger losers than you, dorkchop.

>Marlboro 27s
Hipster detected

Holy shit this. Best cigarette to ever exist/10
t. Texan MAN, not a woman with a penis

Marb lights are terrible. Theyre all my dad would smoke. I always went with reds, 27s, southern cut or l&ms