Post your rare sminems itt

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I've got some sminems in my sminem folder, tho i'm not sure if they're rare

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A rare glimpse into our lords humble life. Thank you user

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Fuck off with that stupid little faggot

u mad, bro?

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never going to make it.

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keep seeing this faggot in every thread. has anybody figured out what is wrong with this kid? Or is it just your regular russoukranianmongoloid mixture?

May he smite you with his strong hands!

You better watch your mouth

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I have around 10, but I wonder were people actually get those from?

I also wonder if Sminem is aware he is as close to a crypto god it's possible ?

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This meme is terrible

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You are a towel

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sminem is love

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Cute ,cute, CUTE!!

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Ancient bulls on his chest,the signs where there all time. Mindblowing


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Where do you people get these pictures?


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Does anyone have any info on this guy? I am actually willing to visit him

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I’m sure you’re not worthy user.

Nothing personell

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Look at that bountiful harvest,

All i know is that he is from Vladivostok and everyone knows him there. Book a flight, and once you there just ask some pedestrian to show you the way to our mighty lord

Mary and Joseph

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Watch your back faggot it's over for you

Holy shit he's built. And look at those thumbs! We are not worthy.

Be careful what you say, he can hear you

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The happiness, the food, the celebration. Sminems child like wonder can teach us all about materialistic gains. Sminem lives in Russia probably doesn't have everything the world can offer but he has still achieved happiness within, that most of us could never achieve no matter how many Lambos or mcmansions we own

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look like horses to me

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How did sweet kid end up getting caught in /biz's memestorm? The guy seems to be content with going about his life and here we are turning him into memes.

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Found them in a stone chest on a hill

Can someone explain how he is a meme and does he know he is

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It says "Glory to the winner-heroes"
Nothing wrong with being happy your country won a war at some point, I guess

Now that’s some well filled cups, Sminem clearly makes water into whatever that is.

he fights the bogs for our freedom and that takes a toll

You're a legend user. This thread is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while.

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My grandad left me his walnut fingerbox the exact same way

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Such creapy tread with anons stalking teenage poor kid from ussr

Have you guys ever wondered why Russian women are above-average looking while men are absolute shit tier anti-chad mongoloids???

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checked my man
>not knowing sminem is itt

Sminem doesn’t know poor and rich, all he knows is good (himself) and evil (bogs)

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I think sminem represents everything aside material gains, and a realistic vision of what we can achieve without money or goods. Maybe we are not here for the money, just for the social interaction that the whole crypto-shit Brings to us, and Sminem with his long and cozy arms gives us strenght and support for every bear run we face. Thanks God for Sminem

damn, chadmode sminem

where are all those coming from? VK, the russian Facebook ?

to think that he already bought 10,000 BTC by that age

WTF are the mods doing? How is this Veeky Forums related?

100% chad

I want ot breed her mom

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me on the left

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These are pretty ominous

This kid could be rich if he started posting on this board. I am sure there are some anons here crazy enough to donate some to sminem :).

lmao everyday a new sminem i havent seen
keep up the good work guys

i hate it that he does not want our bags for free to have a better life.

What’s wrong with you!

that must be at his grandparents
absolutely comfy

where are these sminem pics coming from

unloading my bags of sminems

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he's boy cool


Swimmin' Sminem

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Guys i think i'm done, got no more rare sminems. Please contribute if you have any that wasn't posted itt

The Chad Sminem

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