Ok i'm going to give you guys a tip, so listen up. some of you guys here are pretty smart. but most of you aren't...

ok i'm going to give you guys a tip, so listen up. some of you guys here are pretty smart. but most of you aren't. there's nothing wrong with not being smart. most people aren't. but maybe if you listen to me you'll make some money.

bitcoin cash is going to be the Amazon.com of crypto.
>what does this mean?
it means that they want to provide all the functionality that every competing crypto provides. it means that if they execute that no other cryptos will have value. vitalik buterin initially wanted to build Ethereum on top of bitcoin. it was only after that the bitcoin team told him to piss off that he decided to build ethereum. but smart contracts are totally possible on top of bitcoin cash, not bitcoin segwit. similarly, with extension blocks, privacy guarantees as strong if not stronger than what coins like monero provides is totally possible. you'll still retail blockchain auditability--the privacy will be optional. further, because its not a "privacy coin" per se, a government less easily can decide to outright outlaw it.
>but user why won't bitcoin just do this?
bitcoin segwit literally can't due to its blocksize limitations. segwit itself also carries major problems. lightning network, which bitcoin segwit is staking its future on, is vulnerable to bank runs and is equivalent to fractional reserve banking. bitcoin segwit is also vulnerable to "altruistic selfish mining", which could lead to segwit transactions being stolen. the economics of this are downright scary.

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yeah i wanna b the amazon of crypto too giv fiat pls

While I prefer bch over btc I wish they at least attempted a longer term solution like sharding.

Attached: info4.png (760x1520, 995K)

they've tested gigabyte sized blocks and they seem attainable. there's no reason why individuals need to host their own nodes.

There is only one truth you need to know OP.
Anything with "bit" or "coin" in the name will not be worth shit in the future.

Buy Link

Unironically all in BCH. It is the real bitcoin, it is the true crypto. People don't hate it because it's stealing the bitcoin name, they hate it because they're scared. No other coin can disrupt the market like BCH can, and has. BCH will be the nail in the coffin to alt moon gains.


t. roger ver

Explain the segwit problem for a brainlet

so i should buy more eth?

Bean Cash makes your shitcoin obsolete.

the segwit problem is as follows:
in nonsegwit bitcoin, Alice sends funds to Bob by attaching to her transaction "proof" that she owns her funds. in segwit, this "witness" is "segregated" (hence, segwit), meaning that it is removed from the block. instead, the witness data for segwit transactions (not all transactions are segwit transactions--segwit was a soft fork; that is, a messy hack) is relegated to a separate "special" type of block that only makes sense to nodes with segwit enabled. the way that they implemented this is as i said very messy and leads to lots of potential problems, one of which is the altruistic selfish mining vulnerability that i mentioned. i recommend the following vidya on the topic youtube.com/watch?v=VoFb3mcxluY this particular issue is discussed as his point #5 but the whole talk is worth listening to.


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>bitcoin cash
Had to stop reading there, it’s bcash

This threads agaaaaaain

>Those filenames
Where can I join the Ripple shill team?

Anyone who disagrees with this, state your case

Attached: XRP Will Save You.jpg (1437x908, 274K)

OP ive done tons of research on BCH and agree wiht everything you just said...

lets face it OP the crypto market is completely retarded. nobody gives a shit about fundamentals or superior tech. do you think this shitshow of a market will ever figure out whats going on with BTC / BCH? Personally I dont think so.
but for the small chance that BCH actually takes over everything I still hold my free coins I got from the fork and I will never sell them.

bitcoin cash is slightly upgrade btc. Cardano will become the crypto that truly kills banks

bgone btrash

segwit is literally why bch forked off btc
btc didnt want to increase the block size limit because and rolled out segwit as a mechanism to increase capacity slightly

Hop on board! Read about Ripple, it's technology and what problem's its solving. Read about macroeconomics and why XRP is superior to other cryptos for the global economy. Load your bags with as much XRP as possible. Save an arsenal of highly potent, weaponized memes. Start shilling and BTFO the no-ripplers.


Attached: XRP Smug Pepe.jpg (600x600, 58K)

I actually like ripple but bitcoin cash can give better percentages due to its mc and everyday use

BCH is less-shitting bitcoin. Neither can compare to XRP. Have you sent XRP from wallet to wallet? It's difficult to go back to anything else.

your ripple shilling is like cancer

It's going to suck for you if you don't hedge your portfolio with XRP.

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I have a thousand and know it's going to pump again at some point. Now go away please.

I'm here until XRP hits $1000.

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People are nor scared at all. They are annoyed of your proponents. Doesn't matter, Smart people Support the real Bitcoin Cash.

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Not to mention with Bitpay activating BCH fully now both coins are on a similar merchant adoption level except why would anyone pay with core when cash is much cheaper. Only zealous corecucks will still pay with core over bitcoin cash.

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14 days

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>no reason for nodes
What do you mean? Doesn't that just centralize it.

>bitcoin cash
stopped reading right there

There is nothing special about bitcoin cash. There are far better options out there. Still this is a retarded market so technology means jack shit. You can dyor but it is still crypto space is a fucking coinflip.

non-mining nodes in bitcoin only audit the chain. They don't secure or add to it in any way.
In the future non-mining nodes will be run by nonprofits to make sure miners aren't colluding. Nobody really needs to run their own.

Sorry you sold your BCH at 200 bucks a pop. You clearly don't understand what BCH is if you believe what you just wrote.

this. craig wright talks about this. small nodes don't improve network security and in fact they arguable impair it. they don't add value to securing the network--that's what the miners are for. if they detect a problem they can't *do* anything, just try to alert people. if the miners are functioning properly that shouldnt be necessary; otherwise, things are fucked anyway. they tend to be less powerful machines, with fewer connections to the network, and therefore their understanding of the chain tends to lag behind. so to the extent that you care about e.g. zero confrmation transactions, they make things worse.



>bitcoin cash will be a vertically integrated ecommerce solution that handles everything from creating products, providing a marketplace for consumers to buy those products, providing web services to host this marketplace, warehousing the products, marketing new products and collecting data on customers, and soon delivering those products to consumers.
Somehow I doubt this

but still, why does this not centralize it? this would slim down the amount of miners now to those who will afford both newer GPUs and ever larger HDDs

>BTC private
>BTC candy
>BTC cash
>BTC moon
>BTC dark
>BTC red
>BTC dark

Shitcoins, shitcoins everywhere.

The only four cryptos that can be """easily""" exchanged for cash where I live are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.
Bitcoin and Litecoin both do the thing now that you think Bitcoin Cash will do in the future.
Why would I buy another crypto so I can BCH to buy my [thing], and why would the merchant take BCH if he has to buy another crypto to buy his fiat?
Most people will just buy [thing] with fiat, unless they already use Bitcoin (or less likely Litecoin) as a piggybank.
I fucking hate BTC by the way, and I wish everyone would just use ETH because shitcoin is dragging us all down with it.
But BCH offers nothing that Litecoin doesn't. Prove me wrong.

>implying sha256 miners use gpus
>implying sha256 miners who literally print money cant afford a $50 hard drive

In the long run, we're more likely to land on one supremely dominant currency rather than multiple competing ones. This is because a currency's value grows exponentially with the size of its base. BCH already has the advantage over LTC here. After all, anyone can fork the bitcoin repo and launch a network. No one is going to attribute any value to it though.

Network security.
Litecoin and bitcoin are both adopting segwit. Ethereum is buggy and vulnerable to attacks. Ripple may be okay if you trust it not being centralized and remain a good got. Other than that, bitcoin cash is proven reliable moreso than the coins you listed

the "big boys" may not use GPUs but this is the aspect that helps with decentralisation.
HDD prices will rise, especially if blocks get crazy like 1 GB. And that is the point - it is thus another barrier to entry.

that's a good point about segwit. LTC also is vulnerable to the altruistic selfish mining scheme.

would still be less centralized than lightning network

The one thing that I like about BCH is that it has a strong community of disciples behind it, and I wish those guys all the best in making Bitcoin what we all hoped it could be.
My thinking on Bitcoin soured once we saw how easy it is for one party to corner and tank the market, and I would be interested to know how any Bitcoin fork will avoid this.
I like Litecoin more now than I did because having its inventor divest and spread the coin into more hands seems like a plus now.
Also I sold all my NEO in light of Gox 2.0, because even though I like his business model this one guy who owns it all could fuck the coinholders too easy.
Tldr coin monopolisation is fucking us all what do.

I will need to read more about this. If you can get this message out to average coin guy that BCH is the secure medium of exchange then you have a fighting chance of winning the e-commerce war as most of us like to think we are hot shit technologists and early adopters.
I'll think about making a BCH piggybank, but you guys should do a deal with Coinjar and get them to pair it with fiat.
This is the entry point for most of the fiat coming into crypto from Australia.

I'm aware of that, the question I've had on my mind is if segwit has the potential to mess up the BTC blockchain in a permanent way. What say you?

are you sure btc, bch,eth and ltc ect arent going to be the netscape, aol, napster or alta vista of the crypto world?

it's certainly a risk. see youtube.com/watch?v=VoFb3mcxluY

Fuck off it is, btcmarkets is point of entry.

>38 minutes

no thanks.

>ETH -8% since Jan 1
>Bcash -57% since Jan 1... a true shitcoin
not even in contention. fucking sad man, fucking sad.

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>reddit /btc/ pretending to be from biz
it's not working faggot

And the final chapter:
>Bitcoin gaining market dominance
>ETH gaining market dominance
>Litecoin gaining market dominance
>BCash losing market dominance

Attached: dominance.jpg (1543x786, 289K)

Thanks, will create account today and check it out.
I like competition.

that dominance isnt so pretty after you zoom out, is it?

Attached: file.png (2164x1332, 429K)

Zoom out, idiot.

I'm not sure where you're going with this.
Have a cookie.

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Already watched some of this, a little technical for me and 38 minutes.

Can you give me the rundown on how Segway can corrupt the blockchain

you're living in the past my delusional friend. Zooming out just shows an ETH approaching bitcoin and a wee little Bcash fizzle and burn way down at the bottom right. The chart since the start of the year was actually more favorable to Bcash than the chart showing the alt-coin boom. not too smart over at r/btc/ i see.

basic gist is you can wind up in situations in which a cartel of miners never transmit the witness data to the rest of the network, allowing segwit tx's to be stolen by the miners hypothetically

that graph triggers you I see. go ahead and state your case why the chart from the 1st of the year should not be used which shows Bcash crashing against Bitcoin, ETH and Litecoin. Face it, Bcash is a shitcoin and it's performance is is reflected in that. -57% since Jan 1. JUST

>past performance is indicative of future results

you're either not too smart, or just triggered. savor the crashing BCash. -57% since Jan 1. Fantastic

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Sure fucking thing retard....1gb blocks, the cost of running a node becomes insanely high so only big mining opreations can afford it... Nodes easily geolocalizeable - insane centralization. I want a coin that can survive a gov ban and btc (and xmr) is the only one that would survive

short of a world government, bitcoin will be able to survive a government ban. there are large mining presences in china, thailand, phillipines, russia, soon to be iceland, canada

mining is going to continue to get more and more professionalized. top tier infrastructure. that's how competition works. baby mining on his 1060 is a bygone era.

I agree user, you know what else i like?
E-mails, they are so fast it's incredible, also they are free to send, it's eaven better than bch and ripple

This is a newer and better video on the segwit miner scenario


By measurement of market capitalization, bitcoin cash addresses the roughly 120 trillion dollars cash market, while bitcoin addresses the roughly 8 trillion dollar gold market.

Nothing to fight over. Two separate stated utility functions. Two separate objectives.

Bcash is never going to happen

Found the Dash shill

Yeah OK super genius.
I'm sure when those last 165,000 BTC hit the market you'll be fine.
I'm only interested in BCH as a vehicle for e-commerce after the crash which we're still in the middle of.
Please go and be a brainlet somewhere else.

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Dude, I don't give a fuck about that graph, it doesn't affect my life. If anything, it makes me want to buy bch more