I went to bed last night...

I went to bed last night. I laid down on my feather down mattress and cozied up in my blanket in my room that is at 68 degrees at night. As I was laying there it kinda hit me.
/ourguy/ last night spent the night in a 8x6 room that he will be in for the next 7 years. Sleeping on what is basically a thin beanbag, a thin blanket, and a shit pillow. Bunking with Tyrone the murder rapist. This thought made my gut wretch and I honestly felt his dispare.
This is the society we live in. This is what happens when you don't play by (((their))) rules. It's a gross abuse of justice.
Those of us who have made it. This could be our future. Keep that in mind.
I feel like it was not too long ago I was watching him on stream giving people advice and teaching people things like biochemistry and investing and programming. What a waste.
I hope he makes it out alive.
This is the society we live in anons.

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stupid post is stupid

Jews won’t even have the decency to kill you. It’s because they enjoy the torture of dumb goyim. The eternal goy forced to be a slave. You even have to fight your own kind who lovingly lick the Jew boot.

Yeah it sucks, because Martin is a very smart, funny and insightful guy. He totally got scapegoated in the media. Buuuut, you probably shouldn't defraud your own investors and get caught red handed for it. Hopefully he'll get out on good behavior in 2-3 years. I definitely feel bad for him.

He's going to a comfy white collar prison, you fucking idiot. Btw, mattresses aren't made with down feathers. Pillows are, retard!

martin begged for trouble. very immature. the lesson to learn is keep your head down because the media can turn you into a hero or devil. he could have lived a life of anonymous wealth. only fools want fame.

Sorry mattress topper. I didn't think there were such faggot soyboys on here that knew the difference

Imagine, every day he will ask himself: "why am I sitting here?" and he wont find an answer. While Tyrone slowly accepts the fact that he brought himself into that position by selling drugs and killing people, Martin wont find anything to accept. The rage will build and unleash once he comes out.

If he makes it out without having a hit called on him the next 7 years I hope he searches for his justice

Also "7 years"

op is a 15 year old neet larping faggot that thinks you spend your entire prison sentence in prison

Jesus christ faggot. He's in federal. You have to serve like 90% of your sentence. He will be lucky to only serve 6

Hopefully the God Emperor pardons him.

I went to bed feeling bad about the guy. Murderers can get away, but he got thrown in prison on a technicality.
I hope he appeals and drops it down to 3-4, meaning 2-3 tops, with half a year already served. And I hope he doesn't lose the desire to tech while he's in there.
Miss him already, no homo :(((

He still can appeal right?

your understanding of black people is woefully misinformed

Does anyone have any idea what prison he is in? I wanna write to him

Black's don't think like this. Nothing is ever their fault. It's the bitch ass cop who caught him in the act, it's his fault. Or it's his lawyer's fault when he was found guilty. Surely not his

Don't disrespect the Wu.

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I thought this too. He will be fine, write some letters (wait a while for him to settle in before spamming letters) he did pretty well in jail. Having access to money makes you a supreme baller in the system. People like him. I do worry though because it’s a fact, you don’t make it through the system without getting roughed up. It just doesn’t happen.
It won’t really be 7 years unless he fucks it all up which is unlikely. In sentencing they mentioned he was a good inmate at jail. If he was to take advantage of all available programs he could see release in 2 years at a minimum, 5 years maximum, if good enough behavior is maintained. But it’s difficult (impossible) to go that long without a couple marks on the record. My biggest concern is that he comes out changed. Surely it will kill his ego but will it fuck up his brain? Hope not.
Makes me wonder what kind of shit I do that can be punishable if someone really wanted to prosecute. We have this vicious desire to lock people up and make it as shitty as possible, it’s like a bloodsport in the US. All of that goes away when it’s you they’re locking up.
Yes. Would he spend the money for it? Maybe. He’s spent like $10m on court already.
I get that people think this but that is bullshit. We’re not supposed to have kangaroo courts in America that judge you for your unethical, but legal behaviors. You’re not supposed to be thrown in prison for being an ass. That isn’t justice. Although I accept the court’s decision. He didn’t really get it too bad considering the various avenues inmates have to reduce their time.

“0-6 months with no fine” - Martin Shkreli August 4th 2017
Never forget hahahahaha. S

>Don't disrespect washed up nigger rappers

You trade assets, yet you don't know that mattresses aren't stuffed with feathers? Kys

What was he indicted for?

is he into crypto? does he have any shitcoins he`s hoping will x1000 once he serves the duration of his time


About $50,000 in bitcoin at $5,000.

its fed man. There is no early release, you do the full sentence. He's doing near all 7 years, required.


I recall some blog written by a lawyer who basically said that blacks have virtually no understanding of guilt or consequences

Anal sex with prospective clients in exchange for ponzi services.

this truly hit me right in the feels

Keep your head down goy don't espouse views outside the Overton window or you'll face the consequences.

Why is a price-gouging asshole /ourguy/? I hope he rots in jail, nothing of value...


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Federal Sentence means he has to serve 85% at least before parole. If it was State prison, he could get out in 3 years on good behavior. Federal means he's fucked.

This. Fuck that guy. This board is truly delusional

I wonder why a lot of us feel for the guy (besides the fact that it's sick to imprison a human being in a cage for a non violent crime that he already paid the investors back for). Is it because in many ways he's a reflection of the experiences some of us had during our formative years? He wasnt the stereotypical kid who had easy social interactions during school, he held many opinions/beliefs that went against conventional wisdom, and he actually "made it" his own way without having to suck Jewish cock in a cubicle for 40 years. He proved doubters wrong time and time again, gave 0 fucks about a society jealous of his financial success/intellect, exposed a lot of people to the hypocrisy of big pharma, and even took time out of his own day to teach finance/chemistry/programming for free.

He's almost entirely a self-made man without becoming subservient to whatever fucked up societal boundaries we're all afraid of eventually being subjected to, whether that's wagecucking or spending prime years accumulating meaningless degrees just to get a livable salary. The fact that society takes someone who clearly provides value and rejoices in putting him in a cage is fucking depressing


>There are people right now on Veeky Forums who don't know pharmabro
Fucking disgusting

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That's not true. You're eligible after 85% of the sentence is served. He also got a time served credit that takes off 6 months. You can also get credit for working in prison on a day-for-day basis (one day worked, one day off). Additionally you can get a maximum of 47 days off each year for good behavior (no disciplinary issues in the year).
He's a good teacher and has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge. I used to see him in streams just reading textbooks. He also has devoted much of his life to developing cures for childhood illnesses. It is a waste of his talents to be in prison.

Wasn't he bragging on H3H3 that he'll spend some time in jail but come out with $100M? Why did he get so bent out of shape? Was he only expecting like 2 years? Won't he still have enough to retire when he gets out? They're only taking $7M from him right? Was he crying over the $7M? I mean shit I know 7 years is not something ever want to hear, but I don't get why he was so broken up about it. He'll probably be in there playing fucking tennis for 7 years.

7.4 million plus his 2 million dollar wu tang album.

The fine was part of the punishment and may also be part of a lawsuit settlement. Investors didn't lose money, in fact, they made substantial returns in the neighborhood of 400% iirc.
Daraprim was $20/ea for insured patients, $1 for those with federal coverage, and cost nothing if you were uninsured. The profit was being put towards developing a replacement for daraprim because it kills some of it's patients. They only got halfway through that development.
And the fact that people see his sentence as vengeance for this is kind of fucked up. Raising drug costs isn't illegal.

Meanwhile at Mylan, CEO Heather Briggs still fucking over kids on Epipen prices; pharmabro billed insurance the bulk of his increase, pretty much gives Daraprim away to people who can't afford it, guess who Briggs bills?

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> Even though some people weren't directly paying for the medications he pumped the price of a bunch of people were laid off because the company hiring them didn't want to pay for their medication. Someone even died because they couldn't afford the pill they needed.
The medication price was 0. Everyone could afford it. He sent the medication to everyone who requested it.
Shkreli is simply one of the greatest heroes ever existed in this shithole of world, but he will be treatee as scum by literal subhumans and disgusting worms like you.
I hope your mom get cancer, no joke


1) martin shkreli is a political prisoner; he should be freed

2) You are all seriously deluded faggots who need to go outside and stop personally identifying with a millionaire you have nothing in common with

fake album, in any case denounced by wu-tang


Maybe he was crying over the Wu-Tang album.

I could care less. He got what he deserved. He had no intention of giving investors their money back. He only did it to get sympathy from the court. Even though some people weren't directly paying for the lifesaving medications he overcharged insurance for, a bunch of people were laid off because the company hiring them didn't want to pay for their medication. That line that the extra profits were being put towards research to make those drugs better was a lie as well. If that was true he would have told the corporations that from the beginning but he kept it a secret. Someone even died because they couldn't afford the pill they needed. Martin is real smart, i'll give him that, but he screwed himself over. He didn't have morals.

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He'll be out in a year on good behavior

tyrone will also make him his bottom bitch and penetrate his boipuccy

mind providing sources backing your statements? I don't believe some random chink from an anonymous basket weaving image forum.

>implying tyrones go to minimum security prisons

fock off and dyor than faggot. get jewed goyim, shitlet

Watch his videos.
>I don't trust him
Don't, I guess. But desu I trust the CEO of Turing more than random reporters to know about the business dealings of Turing. This came before the legal issues btw.

it's a huge LARP on this board, whether he did something morally wrong isn't even relevant, it's a rare case where the justice system actually jailed someone for what amounts to enterprise-level extortion

This case was not about daraprim at all.

You have to serve 85% of your sentence when you get convicted in federal court. And then your supervised for the rest and go back if you fuck up.

You don’t know shit faggot. Go listen to your fake empty mumble rap.

And for a lead, a good video is "why do you hate me"

>Buuuut, you probably shouldn't defraud your own investors and get caught red handed for it.
No. People who commit securities fraud where their investors don't lose money are sentenced less than jaywalkers. The precedent is that the sentencing is commensurate with the amount of money lost and nothing happens if nobody lost money. This BS about it "not counting because he only paid them out once they called him on it" is absurd. To say that he broke the law and deserves it is only harmful in regard to this case because the fact is nobody goes to jail for what he did. It is a politically motivated jailing.

Think again faggot. 5 years left at minimum.

Fuck you all you fucking burgers and your retarded judicial system. KYS you niggerlovers.

Wow this europoor is bootyhurt.

Yes, I am butthurt when an innocent person ends up in a prison for fucking 7 years, faggot.

This is the best take, he was dumb and careless and lied to investors. Sucks he got so long for it but when he gets out hopefully he'll be better for it.

did you decide to wake up and type garbage today?

Stay asshurt faggot.
Ps. Im not a burger so kys

more refugees would solve this problem

>The medication price was 0.
So who was he selling to?

Most of it was sold to the government (medicare/medicaid) at pennies per pill

Some sold to people without insurance at pennies per pill.

The rest was sold to insurance companies and hospitals for the full price.

He's going to club fed and will parole out in 3 years. He'll be watching TV and playing XBOX during his vacation.

You missed /b/ by a few letters, user. I’m saying this because your post is random and asinine. Squirrel boy broke the law, therefore squirrelly went to jail. It’s pretty simple cause and effect.

Don’t break the law, and don’t barge about it online and in front of cameras like some wannabe thug.

martin did nothing wrong

also report all /pol/ posters

And I wasn't even talking to you, you fucking retard. That's why I divided the text. Kill yourself.

Doesn't matter, we need more white people in prison

the prison he's going to will be 90% white people.

do you really think any other race commits white collar (no pun intended) crime?

no, I didn't say that

I said we need more white people in prison

like I said the prison he's going to will prob be 90% white. unless you just mean the total prison population including all levels of security.

Ok, so I can't remember, this is a fairly common practice right? So why did he get so much media attention for jacking up the price of this one particular pill?

He's not though. His own lawyer admitted during sentencing that his bail revocation disqualifies him from minimum security prison.

Yes, that is what I mean - more white prisoners

Minorities are dis proportionally jailed and this is bad for 2 reasons

1) White people get to continue committing crimes that affect us all, unlike petty robberies

2) We would finally stop jailing people for petty crimes because of the influx of actual criminals

He had more morals than the sheep crying for his blood. The guy exposed how the whole pharma insurance cartel worked


Shit. I'm going to find out what prison he's in and send him a letter.

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Hate to break it to you but he's reading so many textbooks because he's on coccaine/adderall

Before he went to prison he went a little bit crazy with his filmed 'flu', likely spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on that binge.

You can find it on bop.gov > inmate search by number > 87850-053. It still shows the jail though so wait a while.

Tinfoil hat

So I consider this guy a role model personally, but I don't understand why he owes so much money when he says that everyone was paid back.

hey shareblue! you spend all day on this board huh?

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i wanna send a letter too from eu, is this possible? also do they check those letters and discard if content isnt appropriate?

Stay mad nigger loving commie

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>the current prison system in US is fine
okay user. I'm glad you live in a better country, if you're this ignorant, that or you don't pay taxes

Meanwhile in Lithuania, the global pedo ring is doing whatever they want as they control every state


Yes goy, act the way our jew— err i mean TPTB deem appropriate. Very good goy.

>violence is the only jail-able offence in US
100% retarded, I'm not denying any statistics

Yes, you won't get anything besides a letter in so don't bother. They will inspect the letter itself for anything that "may threaten the institution" so be sensible.

its a shame OP yeah
also seeing how many retards hate on that guy when its obvious theyre just parrotting whatever the MSM fed them... that is really disheartening. these retards are allowed to vote and have power over our lifes. we are all fucked desu and I dont have much hope for humanity left at this point.

also the takeaway from this I guess is dont get too big. if youre sitting on 8 figures you will show up on their radar. keep a low profile and maybe stick within the 7 figure range.

You took the bait you stupid kike.