>American Frozen Foods
American Frozen Foods
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o b s e you aint got no alibi
is that how aids are made?
Look at this fucking unbelievable obsession
it's painfully sad.
Global ban on yuroppors PLEASE.
do americans really eat this?
Yes. Amerikkka has low food regulations. And these fools want to elect Donald Drumpfh who will deregulate even further.
It's nice to see Americans making an effort to cook something, rather than eating fast food or from a packet.
I guess heating frozen food is a good start.
>can't report threads from my country
Thanks fucking hiri
Why are yuropoors so obsessed with the US?
Do Americans really eat this for breakfast?
I'm American and I've never seen anything like that.
If Americans didn't exist, what would yuropoors be obsessed about?
Muslim penises
My friend's family served burgers like this at a BBQ and i was horrified. What causes that?
West African penises
The Russians that would have swept through and taken over all their countries
We have little choice
Unless I could learn to cook but that's what a wife is supposed to do
what's the point of paying for insurance if the deductible is higher than the price of the repair