How does it feel to watch your bitcoins value slowly fall to $4,000? It can all be over you, you know...

How does it feel to watch your bitcoins value slowly fall to $4,000? It can all be over you, you know. All you have to do is push that little sell button and the pain will wash away.

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short sellers are the new shitcoin pajeets.

The pain will never wash away.
Even if you sell you'll still spend the entire day looking at charts to see if it'll go up.
And when it does, you'll either fomo back in or kill yourself.
We either get rich or sink with the ship.

Attached: XRP Will Save You.jpg (1437x908, 274K)

Bitcoin will hit 8k or lower in a few hours. You should tether up unless you hate money.

There has been too much violence, too much pain. None here are without sin, but I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Leave the bitcoin, and all your alts, and I spare your lives. Just walk away. I will help you purchase stocks and bonds. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror. I await your answer. You have one full day to decide.

Attached: boomer.jpg (658x370, 114K)

Most of us don't have Bcore, OP.

I wanted to buy a car in Jan.
Instead I put my moneys in 4 alts.
Everybody laughed.
Will go down with this ship and learn my lesson.

>implying I didn't sell at 17k


>not buying the dip
>FOMOing in later

Attached: XRP Feels Great Man Cosmic Moon.jpg (474x447, 69K)

>sell at $19,200
>called an idiot on Veeky Forums
>all replies are images of people selling at $5 and such
I feel fine



its just another trap

been there seen that many a time throughout the last 8 years

Nocoiner here (all in bleeding alts) and I'd love to see $2k-$4k BTC - would make wagecuckery worthwhile knowing I could buy near enough a full bitcoin with a month's salary.



Its great, short since 9433.

That's a really gay pepe

this is a good troll thread

He hasn't seen one piece


>implying I want BTC to go up
I shorted, nigga. The more it falls the better.

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