Why would sachs buy poloniex if crypto was dying

Why would sachs buy poloniex if crypto was dying

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Sell goyim!

Circle bought poloniex and also big firms make mistakes too.


they bought it right after BTC shit the fucking bed. I don't believe this for one second

just for memes

They make money from trading fees. It's doesn't have to be dying to stay under 10k forever.

They wanted the names of the people who traded there and their wallet details etc

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they'd be making no money if crypto dies, trade volume is dying and it BTC goes to something like

Most of the 1500 cryptocurrencies will die. One of them, however, will be the next world reserve currency.

Because the house always wins


It's just a hedge, what if crypto does take off, wouldnt you want a peice of it? If it doesnt take off then it's just crumbs anyway

They didn't. Circle bought poloniex, GS merely helped them get funding. That's what investment banks do, by definition. It's their business.
Don't mistake that for an indication that Polo is now owned by GS, that is false. They do not own Polo.

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so you can sell it to GS directly
greedy kikes

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Are you stupid? It's a terribly bad sign that they did this.

They didn't. They supplied funding for the deal.

Hahahahaha fucking faggots.
Its just getting started.
Anyone go to the crypto conference in london today?

nah what happen?
any info?

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they bought the casino where you play lol

Hmm why would they buy low... Goes against everything we've been taught


Literally this

And that one will be nano

Mega shilling garbage icos.
But, the talks were very good.
Over booked, over 4000 people showed up. Fucking fire hazard.
Guys, this is just getting started.
Institutions have bought very little.
You guys thought dec was crazy... you have no idea whats coming.
Theres billionaires just starting to look into this. They will pump the market sky high.

Not even drug dealers and prostitutes are using Nano.

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they fomo'd in and bought at ATH
crypto is dead for a few years lad, just forget about it. like Charlie Lee said, we are entering a multi-year bear market in crypto. may as well hold but don't expect anything, we're only going down from here for "a while"

>he knows

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user crypto isnt dying. This is simply a typical Hegelian dialectic situation playing out.

Problem, reaction then solution its as old as the hills. The financial system has a problem and one reaction is the advent of alternative crypto currencies to fill a gap. However this gives the current financial system an extra headache as this crypto model does away with their usury and middle man status. Hence they will attempt to combat cryptos first by assimilating them then ultimately controlling them which is their solution but not necessarily our solution. You have been warned.

Sachs didn't. A company they have a small stake in (compared to what they invest in other companies) did. One of the founders of the company that bought Poloniex used to work at Sachs and probably got the investment cash from Sacs because of that.

The reason they bought it is obvious - the money to be made right now is in exchanges. They will be the first US exchange to offer margin-trading type offerings, and there's a considerable amount of money on the table there.

This is all public information. Sachs did not influence the company's decision to buy it. They're just an investor, and that company has been profitable so far.

You coinfags here never do any research. The information is all out there.

Because Poloniex was about to become insolvent.

No you fucking retard. Its monero

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The amount Sachs invested is pretty small, too, compared to what they invest in other markets/industries. They probably spend more on the electric bills for their buildings than the entire investment in Circle. Sachs invested 50 million in Circle in it's first round of investment, GS made 37 billion last year. 50 million for a company like GS is nothing.

The interesting thing to me is Circle's CEO Allaire. He helped make ColdFusion, ran Macromedia and pushed Flash, and founded Brightcove. Doesn't mean anything, just that he's been around the scene for a while.

You know how in a movie it gets really quite before the reactor blows up? That's what this is. Prices down so big players can accumulate and then the explosion!
I bet jap-niggers dumps were coordinated with big money, but I'm a tinfoil hat type

Why would someone who is already a billionaire invest in something so risky? Crypto is also harder to invest in for him than the assets he is used to, and is a technology that even most people that already invest in understands very little about.

fast currencies are actually worth less because the faster you can transfer a currency, the less total value it needs, to be able to handle all the value being transacted. If this does not make sense to you you need to go back and study economics.

The big dogs aren't buying in. Why would they? They watched a commodity shoot up in value in an insane way, and lose most of it in two months.

What benefit would they get taking a risk like that? They didn't get to be big dogs playing with what are essentially penny stocks.

Instead, you have the big institutions saying things like BofA did recently, where one of their top executives said it was detrimental to their business. All of the big banks banned credit card purchases of crypto - that's not a move that's saying 'We support crypto".

Look at it from the point of view of the banking system. It offers them no benefit, they have no control over it, and it erodes their profits. Why would they willingly adopt technology that has no benefit to them?

Same for Wall Street. They just see crypto as disruptive to their business model, that they've invested huge fortunes in.

Unironically this

>not knowing how Jews play the game

They bought Poloniex so they can position themselves in. Notice how they bought Poloniex through Circle then FUD crypto in the media saying Bitcoin and Ethereum are in a bubble (not far from truth). Jews didn't get rich by buying in late snd being liberal with their money. They got rich by buying at bargains and selling at the highs to gullible goyim. Then when the market collapses again, they wait until it becomes a bargain once anew and start the whole cycle all over again.

Boom and bust cycles my friend, that's how the game is played

yeah, credit card. you brainlet. you can still buy with a checking account or debit card

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So, all in on BABB?

the bears underestimate plebbit tards who will le hodl to zero. couple that with the limited supply of bitcoin and coins being continually lost and upcoming halvenings mean the supply side of the equation is gonna shrink to zero. then realize every day millions of new streetshitting pajeet bagholders are born.

we are all gonna make it

to mine all the data.

But seriously crypto isn't dead at all.

Just gonna leave this here. You can all thank me in 6 months.

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Crypto isn't going to dissapear, they will likely start looking at putting securities on the blockchain etc. Just because all these tokens have no value doesn't mean you can actually use tokens for an actuall purpose such as tokenising securities and stocks... I suppose.

haha exactly. Even most traders hold some amount forever. The bears can't win with bitcoin. The math is against them.

biz is a lot worse, plebbit panic sells much earlier.
Seriously, have you seen some of the portfolios that get posted on here?
How you can anyone with an IQ above room temperature hold through the biggest bullrun this shit has ever seen and still holding whilst it starts dropping like a stone?
The Dunning-Kruger effect should be renamed the biz effect.