discovered last night that my wife who I was married for 5 years been sleeping with other men. She's a fucking stripper with no status and I tried being a decent human being and help her. user I'm fuking broken right now. Thinking of divorce what the fuck all this doesn't matter anymore if you ain't loved.
Discovered last night that my wife who I was married for 5 years been sleeping with other men...
I too can write fake stories on image boards.
Kys larper
bait but
>marrying a stripper
wew come on now, how did you think that would end
Buy link, larp harder.
But seriously, marry the men she was cheating on you with.
4c has been into your account
bro I wish it would be fuking bad dream
I'm literally tearing up right now hysterical in tears after not sleeping all night completely in pieces, she's afraid to come home ignoring my texts
shes a stripper though.
also i think they only give replys on your slide post like half a cent.
>afraid to come home
Problem solved?
honestly this is not the right board user
what you can do now is:
2. forgive her like the man of God you are and work together to be a better couple
Divorce her you little bitch
Atleast post her brapper
2: bullshit! you will never forget and will be a paranoid asshole soon...
>laugh all you can want if you think i'm a cuck
she was there as my rebounce when I left my ex-wife who also cheated on me. I repaid favor with marrying her and saving $ to buy home, but we got in verbal fight once and I kicked her out the house so she called cops on me for fake domestic disturbance and I drained that savings on lawyers.
that was month prior after she caught me sending nudes to some tinder thot last year
>I dont know why i'm writing here thanks user bros
she will get deported likely
1. divorce her and never marry again
2. find a much younger chick who hasn't been on the cock carousel
3. keep her as your girlfriend until she hits roughly 30
4. rinse and repeat, always having a younger woman waiting in the wings so that you can jump ship at the right moment
you're clearly bluepilled as fuck about women user.
You better hide your crypto before her lawyers can find it. Don't let her whore hands get a hold of your LINKs
I just had 10 minutes of hyperventilating hysterical crying session and I think I'm feeling a little better
haha why are you so beta
>cheating whore fucking you over for X years
>don't want to send her back to her pit from whence her shitty traitorous genes came
Were you shaking? Literally?
I grew up in old school women dominate eastern europe family environment with strong moral intergrity respect and values for women
>basically cucked from birth
I think it started because of extra expenses and fees - I feel like she might be doing it for cash...
yea it fucked me up hard, her cats surrounded me and started purring and yelling to calm me down lol
You may as well start posting pics of this whore so the rest of us can properly evaluate your situation
her body is 10/10 user shes fucking hot russian piece, not sure it'll make me feel better knowing what happpened
You will get over it user and if you don't you will die.
thinking of cashing 1BTC and take 1 week off work to go somewhere tropical warm and full of hungry pussy
literally shaking rn
i wish somehow i was able to talk to you before you got married. i have deep experience with "dancers". once a girl has crossed that line you can still have some sort of relationship but there are realities, however charming she may be.
if a woman has taken to the pole and not immediately stepped down she, at bare minimum, looks at men as a bank robber looks at banks. it doesn't matter what she says or promises. even if she has convinced herself otherwise, the muscle memory is always there as develops in any profession.
you must never give a dancer leverage. no matter what. just follow this simple maxim and you can enjoy her many charms but always remember you're an amateur at attraction and she is a professional.
right now she is counting on a "revenge" reaction. you need to get into damage control mode to protect your assets instead. keep a cool head, record any interactions and talk to an attorney ASAP.
checked but also don't do that, fucking other whore will give you the same feeling like posting her on here now. Let her be away for a minute and evaluate what you want. Is every woman gonna cheat on you so you better stay with her or is she a nasty whore you should leave?
either way, you'll get it together dude
Do it user.
Just don't fall in love again. Procreation is a meme anyways.
Don’t date strippers or bartenders, they’re all fucking crazy.
>record any interactions
>She's a fucking stripper with no status and I tried being a decent human being and help her
AKA you power tripped on her and she got tired of your shit.
Funny, I've been living with a female roommate for a while and she just moved out to move in with her former boss who wants to marry her, even though he's only known her for a year professionally. He actually wrote, "We work well together, I wonder what it would be like if we raised kids together?" in an email.
He's 56 years old and she's 30. A very, very powerful political figure and she was his intern.
She's Latina in background and grew up in the ghetto, and he has it in his head that he's "saving her" from this.
Truth is she has a master's degree from a prestigious university and moved on to another job making 60k and really doesn't need his shit either. She's only realizing this now.
He was playing all sorts of games with her head and acted like a complete ass in front of me. Completely nervous, like he was going to get caught doing something wrong. He even tried to look me in the eye when she was looking away, his look was like, "Heh, heh, you're in the know. We are both such smart and powerful people, you and I."
My motherfucking dick. I nearly spit in his face the last time he was here and he hasn't come back yet and hopefully never will. She deserves someone who actually loves her, not one who thinks he can use his "status" to exploit her like a puppet.
If you do not have children with your wife you should divorce her. It would be better the both of you. Guys like you need to get a clue. Women are not hopeless or harmless and you're figuring that out now, it seems.
>She's a fucking stripper with no status and I tried being a decent human being and help her
beta provider detected
>she's afraid to come home ignoring my texts
she's fucking niggers atm mate
Pretty much. Also single mothers.
I know it's a meme around here but I have a couple friends who fell for that trap... 1 is miserable but the other is super religious so he's got things locked down pretty well desu.
Stop being weak OP - you're literally letting a succubus steal your energy.
shes not fucking anyone user and I know it
Boo fucking who. Humans are naturally polygamous. Monogamy is a meme and a relic of religion. Grow a pair and join her in a gangbang.
Did you hire a private investigator? If the answer is "no" then there's a 90% chance she is fucking another guy.
I've been the other guy a couple times in my life, trust me on this one.
just talked to her
she said she fell in love with some dude
i think its over
First bit of good advice Veeky Forums has ever produced
>polygamy means to watch other men fuck your wife
top cuck
go away reddit
Did she get BLACKED?
My ex gf got really drunk and had sex with someone, know what i did op? I smoked some weed and started drinking a bit and went to a party. Fucked a girl that was hotter than her and sent her a snap of the girl giving me head. Then she was crying all the time and tried to call me countless times for the next days. Did i give a shit? no, cheating girls are shit tier and you should not feel bad. Fucked her bestfriend after a week and now she is alone and friendless and i heard she started taking pills. Feelsgoodman
Don't be such a pussy. So what if your wife is having fun. 39, married here. after some time in a relationship you start to own each other and start to use your partner as an extension of your brain. can you get me this, can you do that, etc etc The best thing you could wish for is an open relationship. two independent islands that choose to be together because you like to, not because you have to. You like some girl? go for it. She want to fuck? why not. as long in the end you love each other and respect each others choices unconditionally. I learned the hard way. You can never own anybody!
The whole idea of a 50+ years marriage was invented by banks in the 50's to sell mortgages. Biz pleas reinvent marriage. fucking someone you like/love is totally fine
>he fell for the Russian bride meme
cuck alert
fitting picture my friend. i really implore you to read Evola’s Ride the Tiger, you seem ready for it and it very precisely and eloquently explains where we are and what our next steps are.
youre almost there user except you lack the audacity to say that a real relationship is one where the man can do what you say, but the only thing a woman can do, the only way for her is to fully and completely submit to her man. any other expressions are immoral