New sustainable & non-pajeet ether game

New sustainable & non-pajeet ether game.

Simple rules, some of you may remember me from last time. The basics of the game are as follows:
- purchase a bounty hunter, get a 20% chance of killing someone else and taking the bounty
- 30% of new hire funds go to bounty pool
- killing someone else drains the bounty
- if someone hires your hunter you profit from the difference

I've adjusted the mechanics and tested thoroughly to allow the game to game to continue indefinitely. I've also sent some Ether to the contract to start things off. For those of you who have balls, good luck.

Read more here:

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at 4.26.30 PM.png (953x634, 260K)

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Looks fun, probably more profitable than holding my shitcoins right now

So if I understand correctly, if I buy one of these for .01 I have a chance of getting the current .02 bounty?

saw this and unironically bought 2, made $ on last one. another $200 pot??

Yep, I started the contract off by sending .02 so someone will get easy money soon

These always start off slow but the last ones picked up quickly, looking forward to seeing how the new mechanics work

>bounty hunter
>mysterious emblem
Holy shit OP, you play fucking Runescape. Kek’d

Very true, and checked. I bet you'd drain the bounty on your first buy with those digits

rip my bags on v1 I got pajeeted.

That's the fuckin' way she goes bud
Plebbit seems to like it. Did you make this post about the first version OP?

I didn't make that post, glad they're enjoying it though

Two transactions coming in, who's the man with the plan?

I folded and bought 2 hoping for the bounty... I didn't get it though.

The fire rises

This is actually the best fucking ethereum game ever.

Thanks to killing it's not a ponzi shit sheme. I like it a lot.

You the dude who just got in? I'm hoping to not get JUSTed

The bounty is sooo close to being cleared

How do I check what the bounty is

It's at the top of the page, also listed on the smart contract

Bounty $25, buy in still .01. Get in this shit.

>40 mins last activity
its dead

Except... it's not. Anyone who buys in has a 20% chance of 3xing their initial, and if they don't, the bounty goes up. The game's design is solid.

Good luck with that. I put 0.3 ETH*2 in and I will never see that money again.

No idea what that is or how that relates to this.

Attached: 1443994713617.jpg (726x468, 356K)

>20% chance of 3x
20% x 300% = 60%
Playing a game which has worse payouts
than fucking casinos

Yeah, but then the bounty goes up and makes people more likely to buy your bags, which also gives you profit.

get in on the biggest ether game of 2018


>discord gg / ajsz8tn

will revolutionize crypto gaming with its ACTUAL ADDICTIVE gameplay, none of this jpeg buying.

get in early for the ground floor x1000 is easy returns

Attached: goo5.jpg (600x600, 30K)
