Are they, dare I say it, /oursnack/?
Are they, dare I say it, /oursnack/?
Other urls found in this thread:
worms > bears
Fucking shit faggot kill you're self
>omg is this /oursnack/?
>Veeky Forums is legion
>super secret based forum group
>roflxd gummy bears is new queen of Veeky Forums
>worms > bears
What did user mean by this?
>tumblr filename
Do Americans really consider candy to be a snack?
I prefer red licorice. Not Twizzlers because they're shit.
The best kind have a nice tang to them and aren't just solidly sweet.
Oh my christ. Sour patch kids video game? Sour patch kids rap with the phrase "pussy pump" in it? Fucking Method Man? I mean, I knew the Wu was all about making money, but holy shit.
Sakura pls
Fuck yes
sugar free > sugar
Sour Gummy Worms >>>>> The liquid shitstorm from eating Haribo sugarfree gummy bears >>>>> gummi Bears
I prefer octopuses
As opposed to considering them a delicacy, you poor fuck.
They are up there with the best
But /oursnack/ has to include nuts in some way
Do not bring /tv/ into this.
>Not saltwater taffy
I like the sour red cherry balls.
They're all about moderation, though.
>not Spiders
beautiful gummy worms
Your mouth is now watering. It's begging to be fucked.
gummy octopus is the patricians choice
That was only because all these phallic looking gummies were being posted.
>not bats that look like winged dicks
>have dickbat
>call it Fledermaus
What did the Germans mean by this?
>3 (THREE) flavors in one candy
THIS is the right choice.
Snakes are best gummy creature
This exists.
"Arsch mit Ohren" (Arse with ears) means something like pain in the butt
Haribo is god tier of gummy candies.
those wacky germans
God I want to be DP'd by those snakes while getting throatfucked by the bear.
user you are making my snake hard....
Kinda un-gummying my worm...
Why is it that the northern you go the better the candies just like everything else gets? Literally can't get good candies or good quality of life if you go south of Germany.
Do you think they also have sweet and sour tasting dicks? And liquid gummy cummies?
oh shit waddup
Not so fast, bruh!
winged dicks and asses with ears are our final solution in the humourous question.
Actually, sugarless gummy bears are the final solution
These little fuckers right here.
>tfw biting off the 'cap' first and acting like drinking the coke
>not being /tumblr/
fuck off redditfag
cherry cola bottles >>>>> cola bottles
You and I would get along just fine, bro
Anyone else swallow gummy bears whole? I don't know why I do it, but I love the feeling of that cool jelly wriggling down my throat, then imagine a literal bear being dissolved in stomach acid.
Person who did this after losing a bet here, these reviews may seem hyperbolic and overexaggerated, let me tell you, they are not. They are 100% accurate descriptions of what happens. You will completely empty your bowels in excruciating liquid format by eating a whole bag. It is a minimum of eight hours of pure agony. Do not consider doing this lightly.
sugarfree bear cleanse...prescribe once a month.
too niche
>a literal bear
is Veeky Forums 5? wait, dont answer that.
Good man.
This is the most reddit reply you could have possibly come up with.
Problem with worms is that they come in pre-mixxed flavors. With bears you can mix and match any flavors and ratio you want.
I devour about 360g a day. Love em
You don't happen to live in the vicinity of London do you?
Sour gay bacon strips