Behold, the bacon wrapped tur-crab-topus!
Has America gone too far?
Needs more gravy
I'd vote for it
nigga lemme get a piece
Not American enough. Needs to be on a burger with sparklers and cream cheese frosting representing the colors of the US flag.
This looks like what nightmares are made of
I'd stick my dick in it
It saddens me to share a planet with whatever greedy fat uncultured slob that made this shit.
>not covered and filled with processed cheese
Dat some fine surf and turf
Aquatic symphony of flavors with gamey taste of duck and neutral but toothsome chew of octopus
This picture made me turn vegan.
Fuck you user.
this is horrifying
>chew of octopus
he's never had good octopus
I kinda want to try this with a smaller bird and octopus
the cooking times are too far off now but I think if you could get the legs (sorry tentacles) nice and crispy without the bird drying out it'd work a lot better.
maybe a sea duck so the flavors aren't quite so mismatched, definitely a heavy marinade.
teriyaki would work, maybe a quick fry to crisp it up as well.
Overall I think the presentation is what makes this terrifying, the idea of some housewife placing this on the table for Sunday dinner is just too clear in that roasting pan.
Once you slope things up it's much more approachable.
Delicious cthulu
>crab them by the pussy