>Why did mods delete the last Sminem thread? edition.
Post your rarest sminems, discuss how we will make sminem rich, and how you aspire to be a little more like sminem each day.
This is very related to business and finance, and just so mods don't do shit this time; what do you all think about current economic policy?
Attached: allhail.jpg (639x574, 83K)
Sure they deleted it and not just timed out?
Attached: 1520709348717.jpg (1024x768, 225K)
Attached: 1520271132177.jpg (1680x1260, 163K)
It would have been archived, it's 404d
Attached: 1520712160019.jpg (720x960, 120K)
Sminem is God
Attached: 1520713599928.png (638x686, 669K)
Fuck you and this little queer
>Why did mods delete the last Sminem thread?
We have mods here? kek
This is obvious b8 now, every thread someone does this. Enjoy your (you)
Anyone else get End of Evangelion vibes from this image?
what's this faggots actual name?
Mess with this bull, you get his horns
you are not worthy to know the name of he who shall not be named. his name makes mere mortals tremble, the likes of you would perish instantaneously
man i feel bad for this kid. imagine how he feels
inb4 cuckfag
Nobody even knows his real name here and he's hardly a memetic superstar anywhere outside of Veeky Forums. He'll be just fine.
>>Why did mods delete the last Sminem thread? edition.
probably because it has fuck all to do with biz
Sminem is literally a Veeky Forums meme newfag. You would have seen it become one if you weren't this new.
you're a retard. this is board is for business discussion, not image dumps of some autistic russian goblin
saging this worthless thread
Because it's some shitty forced meme by some shitty newfag, and I reported it because it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums.
you pathetic loses need to neck yourselves. enjoy never making any gains