When do you think true recovery will begin? April or May?

When do you think true recovery will begin? April or May?

Attached: XbL2lGj.jpg (640x640, 58K)

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Can we stop pushing it back.

First it was February, then it was March. Now April.

>you will never get to drive your girl to th hood and watch her get creampied by niggers in the back of your car

But...but...but Marius said the bull run starts today!!!!!!

Attached: 1497992394668.jpg (1024x949, 212K)

Yeah I would never. Cause I’m not a cuck

Missed out on the Marius meme. Elaborate?

We will never have a "recovery" in the sense of a return to 2017 style gains. 2017 was a once in a lifetime event. We might reach 1T market cap by 2025 though. I expect only very slow gains from here on out, but I think it's also reasonably likely that the market realizes that crypto is a scam and the whole thing evaporates before that.

>When do you think true recovery will begin?

hint:7nm asics bitmain


Well, no one was really expecting for Gox to climb out of their dirty Bin Laden Hole and Market Sell tens of thousands of coins.


Attached: (1).png (508x418, 14K)


Attached: jewsloveblackcock.jpg (960x544, 125K)

You are confusing your 1550 shitcoins with the 5 that will survive pretty much like the dotcom.

But I don't expect you ignoramus to know which ones ain't shit.

Good luck.

Protip: Computer science degrees help.

All cryptocurrencies are shitcoins.


why is she naked in a car?

Holy shit

Slowly beginning in april imo.
End of may = preparing to eos launching (and tron launching if they even have what to launch).

because she is most likely a whore (woman) that has been given the "opportunity" to try and seduce a rich man in his car

car doesn't look expensive desu

Yep. I expected the January/February crash but this second plunge was not anticipated. Without the Gox news the charts on most of the large cap coins would have started to flatten out, lose volume, trade in a tighter volatility range and so on for a period of a few months, normal late stage bear market consolidation. Now it has to go through a whole second bearish period, high volatility, another big drop or two, then return to mean.

Far end of April bull run till late June then unironically 50% retracement

end of 2018

this chick is so fine.