I want to get into the golddigging businsss

I know that the best targets are 30-35 year old men. I'm 20. I am not interested in being a sugar baby so I can't do older. I'm 20. Where do I meet these men though? Tinder is full of thirsty 20 year olds.

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Google is your friend.

I know this is just bait, but people like that make me sad.

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Post tits and vagoo and can you travel to Italy?

cankles and a moustache. You won't make it

You idiot, young rich men like that don't want 20 year old turboskanks on the contraceptive pill like yourself. Why would they? The market is completely saturated with golddigging whores so anyone who wants one and is even slightly desirable can get an absolutely premium specimen. Young rich guys go for fresh, innocent, fertile teenagers. They will leave you for the 86 year old creepers. Better hope you get one whose fetish is scat and not snuff

Gold digging is only desireable and mutually beneficial if you bring this to the table:

1) Virgin
2) Morally upright
3) You want to have lots of children
4) You want to cook
5) You want to make the house nice
6) You understand that if you cheat on your husband you and any man who cheats with you will be killed
7) You can only file for divorce if your husband cheats on you.
8) You are paid one lump-sum (your gold) at the beginning of the marriage, and in the event of a divorce, that is your severance fee. No alimony.
9) In the event of a divorce and there are children, child support payments are based on the actual cost of supporting a child, not "lifestyle."
10) In the event of a divorce and there are children, you get the children until age 12. After that they go with their father.

I didn't mention looks, because that affects how much gold you get. If you are more attractive you get more gold.

This, if youre cute ill have you move in with me and we can live a traditional christian life.

I only want one kid. I want to foster kids though. I don't like doing domestic things. I need to big money if he cheats and I need to be paid yearly if I'm a SAHM.

STFU homosexual retard. I'm talking to the woman. And I'm not talking about "moving in" with anyone. I'm talking about marriage - between one man and one woman - as it has been done for thousands of years across many different cultures. Marriage is also a business deal, and this woman has a legitimate interest in maximizing the business gains of her marriage. That also requires her to put in work, such as cooking, having children, and making a nice home.