How much link do I need to make it?

How much link do I need to make it?
How many for just a basic insurance policy for making it?

Attached: 1520721856672.png (782x960, 478K)

you need only one. chainlink $10000000000000 EOY

their loss user
i really dont know why you guys even make these posts anymore
we know its going to be big
we hold our link
we are paitent and wait
we know this is a long hold
and we trade with other shitcoins
but the link stays
I have my link just sitting on my ledger
not on binance to be daytraded
We will make it user.
I believed the fud last year with ans
I still kick myself over that
Not this time

thing is... link is much different from regular scamcoins...
link is being run by a genius.. with crazy partnerships...
think about it.. sergey has been running a successful company... 32M raised at ico...
this is an opportunity to get on the ground floor...
i honestly feel bad for people who aren't holding link... in a few years.... we will make it... and it will be something the likes of which the world has never seen... honestly.. im enjoying this ride and im proud to be a link marine....
for the doubters.. or the haters...
just know... we dont care... we know the value of link and trust sergey.... this is the type of investment we will look back on in 30 years and thank ourselves.... trust me on this...


Serious question, why do some people seem to seriously think that Link has some kind of insane potential? If oracles for smart contracts really prove to be that useful, wouldn't it be likely that Ethereum will sooner or later develop their own integrated solution to this, just like all the other platforms would? The way I'm seeing it is that Link could play a role as long as this all remains very marginal, but if it ever achieves any level of popularity, integrated solutions will make it worthless.

Can someone explain in clear terms and without insults me why I am wrong? Because I see Link being at best $2 at the end of the year, and that's being optimistic.

Because Link is run by a genius

oracles aren't even close to being at the top of Ethereum's priority-list. They've got too much invested in solving scaling issues for them to even be thinking about that right now. Plus, it's more efficient for oracles to run on a blockchain-agnostic 2nd layer.

Is he? He's been involved in the field for a long time, but which one of his project make you say that? Is it his work on NXT?

I know they're not a priority for now, what I was wondering is, if they ever prove to be popular, wouldn't it make sense that they would then become a higher order priority for Ethereum (just like for the other platforms)? This is why I was wondering if Link in itself only had a chance only as long as the popularity of oracles remained relatively low. Maybe it needs to be a 2nd layer solution as you say, I don't know enough about that.

Thanks, that was part of what I didn't understand; if the plan is really to make Link blockchain agnostic, then it makes a bit more sense now why some people are enthusiastic about it.