itt: search "raw vegan" versions of foods not usually either
>post pictures of atrocities
Itt: search "raw vegan" versions of foods not usually either
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I searched for keto stuff
>3 Cups Carrot Pulp (stuffed into measuring cups)
>1 Bell Pepper
>1 1/2 – 2 Cups Almonds (ground)
>2 1/2 tsp sea salt
>3 tsp Thyme
>2 1/2 tsp Cumin
>1-2 tbsp Lemon Juice
>1 tsp Black Pepper
>1 1/2 tsp Nutritional Yeast
>3 Cups Water
>1 Cup Ground Flax
>3 cups raw sunflower seeds
>1½ cups raisins, divided
>4 medium apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
>1 Tbsp. cinnamon
>1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
If vegans are so against meat and dairy why are they so obessed with copying meat and dairy dishes? Come up wih your own shit.
what is the fucking point of putting "Chick-n" in the name?
>cut apples
>put shit on it
There's a raw vegan restaurant just 2 blocks down the street from my house, and after hearing people rave about it for nearly a year, even though I'm an omnivore, I decided to try it for shits and giggles. I ordered their "Living Nachos", and actually they weren't bad. Very tasty, in fact. The "chips" were weird, but they tasted good. I might order those again sometime if I'm feeling like I need to be particularly healthy, but a lot of their other food looked fucking awful, like pic related.
Philly cheesesteak
what's the point of food being raw
More nutrients or something. Some raw vegan dishes are alright. I like this cucumber noodle "padthai" a place far from me does
It would have kinda made sense if they were doing a falafel type deal with chickpeas...honestly, I assumed there was a chickpea base until I looked carefully. You fucking got me, user.
raw vegan is just the result of extremism when it comes to eating. It's similar to someone eating an epic meal time meal or loading up a burger with 4 meat patties and 4 slices of cheese, where it's obvious that you can't fit it into your mouth.
Hell, the vegan diet itself is extreme as well considering you can only shop the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket, then the rest of it is closed off to you, besides the bakery but even then it's only bread. Being a vegan for the animals sake, okay, I can understand that. Being vegan for your health..... lol nice meme.
>More nutrients or something
Assuming you meant to respond to me, cooking, especially of vegetables draws out the nutrients into the water.
>cooking vegetables in water
Stop that.
As a vegan myself I am disgusted by this shit. That's fucking ridiculous
Actually being able to make fire evolved our brains way more than cooking itself.
depends entirely on the nutrient in question, you raging sperg
some are even more complex in that heat both destroys them and makes them easier to absorb
I'm a meat murderer and I find it entertaining at times. They experiment in weird ways and it leads to creative recipes. A lot of them are good too, like the raw lasagnas, breads and desserts.
For me, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
So we can break our teeth faster an pay the dentists more money.
Raw veganism is a scheme by big dental.
Stop eating rocks, user
I was born with extremely brittle teeth and almost no enamel, I'm just jealous of normal people eating what they want.
not really. depends on the food. Most food actually does loose absorable calories. mankind grew because it DECONTAMINATED food. You use an extreme amount of energy overcoming illness. Additionally, one of the things that does go really well with being cooked is tubers and other root vegetables, which were probably pretty damn important for early humans
Is yeast vegan?
They are a fungus, so yes.
it's like a food gore thread
Sorry to hear that. At least you can eat the creamy desserts. Have you ever eaten cashew 'cheese' cake?
vegans are speciesist bullies.
>Have you ever eaten cashew 'cheese' cake?
No but now I'm interested after looking it up, I'll make it sometime in the future, thanks for the recommendation.
Hahahahaa 100% of vegan recipes posted are retarded attemots at creating something that isn't vegan.
If you want to be a shit licker hipster nu male vegan then just eat your fucking bucket of leaves and shut up about how amazing it is to be vegan, if it weren't you wouldn't be trying to recreate all the foods you ate when you were a kid and hadn't developed retardation yet.
I've always found it odd how vegans try to claim their food is JUST AS DELICIOUS as the rest. Isn't the point of veganism that you're making a sacrifice for ethical reasons? It's not like anyone becomes vegan because they prefer vegan food. Everyone knows it's disgusting most of the time.
There probably used tobe a point, my mother was a vegetarian for health reasons but still sometimes ate boiled chicken. After social media and people trying to reassure their existence by following stupid trends online it became just that - a shit group of self entitled faggots who want to belong somewhere.
It's just flavor of the month, first it was smoking, then fat,then sugar, then animals, then gluten, then salt, and now milk and eggs.
>Isn't the point of veganism that you're making a sacrifice for ethical reasons?
Used to be, but I think lately it's become vogue to be vegan for health reasons, in the same way that everyone's eating gluten-free now even if they don't actually have a gluten allergy.
Some foods bioavailability is affected by the cooking process.
I eat mostly vegan, as I had my gallbladder removed and meat and dairy makes me shit like a gerbil. I've never once eaten one of these faux-foods. Their cashew wizardry is unnecessary. What's wrong with red beans and rice. Or a bowl of god damned oatmeal.
You can't post a picture of that food on your Instagram
it's not RAW so clearly CHEMICALS and TOXINS
fucking terrible
That's not raw.
These vegans don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Recipe on stachio turtles?
>I like applesauce but I don’t like to boil all of the nutrients out of the apples to make it. This raw version tastes just like the cooked stuff, only better!
>Blend two apples and one banana together in a blender. You will need to add a little bit of water to make it creamy. Start with a tablespoon and keep adding water one tablespoon at a time until you get the texture you want. I like to add a about 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon to flavor.
It is 'raw'. They put up some random rule that you could heat the food to a certain point (but not above it) and not 'kill it'. All the enzymes, fairies, unicorns and little people are still fine at that point. made a smoothie. Well done.
>These vegans don't know what the fuck they're doing.
You just summed up all of veganism.
What! That doesn't make any sense.
>½ cup lemon juice
>1 tsp salt
>1 ½ tsp cumin
>1 cup raw tahini (the Artisana brand is nice; substitute regular tahini if you need to)
>4 tbsp olive oil
>½ cup raw sesame seeds
Thank you :)
...Why wouldn't they just make regular hummus?
What the fuck is raw tahini?
They're vegans refusing to eat cooked food. Are you expecting logic? But seriously, the argument is that heating kills nutrients and 'enzymes', but only above a certaint point.
Because chickpeas are cooked :(
It probably tastes great but that looks like those turds you get after eating loads of greens.
How can you call it hummus if there's no chickpeas? It's like calling fermented nutbutters 'cheese'. Oh wait they already do that :/
>raw yam burgers & daikon fries with ketchup
enjoy your dehydrated pistachios
>I'm an omnivore
you mean you're not vegan
fucking pretentious hipster labels are the death of our society
This might actually be fine.
This actually looks alright, it's just dates mixed with chocolate and maple syrup.
But it seems like the kind of thing where you'd have a piece, think to yourself "that's actually alright", but by the third bite you're like "okay, enough of that".
Okay, I'm [triggered].
No, I mean I'm an omnivore. That's not a "pretentious hipster label" it's a fucking scientific name for how most humans eat.
Saying "I'm not vegan" is vague and could be interpreted as any other shitty lifestyle. Saying I'm an omnivore means I eat pretty much anything.
how the fuck does tamari or tahini count as raw? Tahini is made of fucking toasted sesame
gave me a little chuckle to see this
As long as you don't cook it yourself, it's raw
jesus christ...
that sounds like it could be good but the picture is absolutely terrible
oh ive been a raw all my life then.
ill buy a shirt right now and will update my status.
>into the water.
why do you waste the water then? Also "nutrient" aren't real, you can talk minerals, vitamins, fiber, protein or sugar if you want, but "nutrient" is babytalk from retards that don't want to admit they don't really know what they are talking about.
But that's fucking mental. Isn't that against all food heating protocol? And dangerous from a food safety aspect?
Do raw vegans get ill all the time from their faggy diet?
Nigger pls
Why do vegans smell bad?
They don't wash because animals have feelings.
>has no intelligent reply so invokes the "nigger"
So the blind can hate them too
That looks pretty good
>that sounds like it could be good
Seriously? You hear the phrase "raw coconut calamari" and that sounds good to you?
It's words stringed together in a way that makes no sense. Does "watery nettle pufferfish" sound good as well? Or "crunchy water chestnut bisque"?
Have you considered prosthetics
Was it expensive?
Sounds pretty good to be honest.
>Pink Himalayan salt
Can anyone explain to me - what the fuck is this shit? I used to be a vegetarian, but I wasn't RETARDED.
Like, you CAN actually get good meat substitutes if you're concentrating on making them taste good as their own thing, rather than emulating stuff.
But... what is this shit? Why all this 'raw vegan' shit seems braindead. Why is all this stuff frankensteinian mixes of random vegetables? Jesus, want equivalent of chicken nuggets - then use a fitting meat substitute and you could create a variation on it, and not do... whatever the fuck is THIS shit.
It looks like trying to recreate meals using stuff from dumpster diving.
And how the fuck is any of this shit healthier?
What? I thought boiled stuff can lose nutrients if you DRAIN THE WATER you boiled them in? It definitely doesn't apply to stuff like soups, preserves and applesauce?
who uses the water they boiled the apples in or for that matter any water, when making apple sauce?
Not really, it was about the same prices as most casual restaurants in my area.
what was the consequence for your bowels like?
Raw veganism. It's exactly what it sounds like- you're a vegan, except you also can't cook things, or at least can't cook them past a certain point. Ostensibly, it's because many cooking methods leach nutrients out of vegetables or denature them, so only eating raw veggies maximizes their nutritional value. In reality it's the natural endpoint of all the "the more things I can brag about not eating and the more people I can inconvenience with my dietary habits the cooler and more important I feel" shit that's become so prevalent.
holy shit, you're even more retarded than raw vegans, thats fucking medal worthy.
enzymes are proteins, lots of proteins start denaturing at ~41 degrees celsius, that's the point.
try taking a 10th grade bio class.
Same as usual. I eat a lot of vegetables anyway, like I usually have a salad every night with dinner, whether I'm eating steak or fish or pasta, etc. So, my bowels were fine, same as always.
Meaning that you consume everything, even things you /dontlike/ just like me?
> hate meat
> lets make all non meat food try to taste like meat
Sure, I eat things I don't really like. I'm not a man-child. As long as it's not poisonous, contains poop or someone's "bodily fluids", or has fucking shit that will break my teeth in it, I'll try it. If I don't care for something, I probably won't order it a third time (but I always try things twice from different places before deciding), but when I'm eating at someone's home, I'd never be so rude as to not eat what they're serving. And at home, I'm always experimenting with new foods and new recipes. Eating is one of the few pleasures in life (besides sex) that allows you to use all your senses. Why deny yourself that exploration?
So deviled eggs without eggs or mayo