What is Veeky Forums eating today?

Post your fine dining itt

Try to guess anons
a) country
b) favorite crypto
c) net worth

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Other urls found in this thread:


a) USA
b) cripple
c) 2-5k by the looks of it

A fucking shotgun if btc doesn't recover

I'm gonna end it Sunday because I'm in fucked otherwise

How much money would it take for you to not kys?

Bitcoin needs to go back to 16k or I'm done for

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800 bucks

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do americans really eat like this?

I make that every week at work and this is coming from someone who's using a toilet as a dining room table.

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Yes, just like germans.

lucky 1st world country

The phantom, exterior like fish eggs interior like suicide wrist-red, I could exercise you, this could be your phys-ed cheat on your man homie AGHHH I tried to sneak through the door man! Can't make it, can't make it, the shit's stuck! Outta my way son! DOOR STUCK! DOOR STUCK! Please! I beg you!

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why not sell a kidney then if you were going to kys anyway.

Because life isnt a movie wtf

inb4 someone posts those bowls of ground beef

I'm just saying friend, if I was really that upset about my meme money tanking I would sell my organs and bodily fluids and at least use the money to go on a vacation or something before offing myself.

what are you looking at on your screen?

Pizza and wings

im in crypto to pay rent
i dont have such a luxurious life as you


yes, we eat like kings

I mean I work pretty hard to pay my rent. but post a pic of your foods please, I'm really curious now since you think I live in luxury.

pretty much spot on except for nipple

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i live on pasta or beans


Had some sevan chicken with garlic sauce, shat hamover


One outta three ain't bad.

doesn't sound too bad user, not worth killing yourself over at least. I lived off ramen for the last two months after my identity got stolen. got to use my first good check since then to buy some nice shit at the grocery today

do you poop like once a week?

Delicious home made Katsukare from the waifu.

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Don't know what you're getting at my friendo.

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