No larping blockfolio faggots allowed. Of course don't forget to redact your private key first ;)
ITT: We show off our ethereum wallets
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do not fucking do this, newfriends
he will remove the big black line or whatever you put up and steal your pkey
>oh haha OP don't you know what a QR code is LOL such an idiot
>guys look OP is retarded
why cant we do that to his?
speak for yourself i just cleared his account.
-t. the hacker known as Veeky Forums
Wtf i have zero eth now!
Because there's nothing in that address, OP larped with inspect element hoping that some real retard post his private keys.
You realize he's just purposefully being a faggot right?
Here are my addresses.
Here's a tip if you're trying to scam retards op. Post the steps to get to this page for them because they won't know otherwise.
Stop right there criminal scum!
How do you use inspect element to find that out?
Wtf? Am I being rused
Here you go OP, one of these private keys (in bytes) has about 0.1ETH on it. Good luck.
what do i gain from this ?
This. OP is simultaneously relying on newfag not knowing what a private key QR code is, but having enough ability to navigate from internet page to internet page without the help of a carer. Maybe try this scam on Plebbit?
how do i block it
IDIOT you can still read the QR code, delete that seriosly
Here's what I dont get. How could QR codes fit all of the bajillions of different keys/websites/etc? It looks like there could never be that many different line-dots in the QR box
pls no bully
Think of them as 2d barcodes. How can those barcodes fit bajillions of products on them? No bully, but use your brain user.
Here's mine, faggots. No larp, that's actually how much I'm holding.
QR code still missing data and amount of work to reconstruct it is not worth anyone's time
but yes
I could never steal someone else's hard earned cash, even if I was completely anonymous. I'm just too good of a person. It's not in me.
lmao thanks
Plz give me link to website, i don'\t know how to create this pic.
Also I'm trying to find out how to program smart contracts, any pointers?
newfag doesnt even know what etherwallet is
not as much as some people here, but a good start I guess
Oh christ, I hope to fuck this is a larp.
Equivalent values zero. You missed a bit.
it is
that just beacause eth is worth 0
lol not to OP, ETH is his ticket to a porcelain toilet
I would move your eth shortly. It is possible to decode partial QR codes.
If your balance is real, someone will probably consider it worth their time trying to decode it.
OK neat! What do you guys think of my "hodlings" so far? I made a lot from cryptokitties but unfortunately lost a bit in daytrading since then T__T.
it is most definitely a larp, by default MEW blacks out the QR code and private key, and it takes a true retard to reveal them both and take a screenshot
This is a scam thread. Post bait for OP with a real private key to an empty wallet, or fuck off.
every dot (or lack thereof) is essentially a binary number; 0 or 1. I don't know how many dots there are in QR codes, but the number of available codes is two to the power of that amount, i.e. a VERY large number.
Hmm, thanks. I looked into it a bit more and yeah thats a pretty big number
Doubt anyone will even bother.
There's too much missing for someone to decrypt it.
Can't delete the post anyway, it says I need to wait longer. probably need a gold account or some shit
This actually has all my wallet keys but good luck scanning it in --- there aren't any QR readers that can support this large.
Well played to anyone who became rich. I wasted my time on video games.
Whats that about, these black n white boxes? Heres mine
I wouldnt scan any of these. They're probably viruses
No, mine says: Hitler did nothing wrong!
No matching entries. Liar!!!
no shit, faggot
How fucking retarded can you guys be, you realize you forgot to hide the QR code right? JFC all those accounts have been emptied GG.
>They're probably viruses
It is not possible to store a virus in such a small amount of bytes.
>i only have 0.15 eth
please scam me so i can go back to playing vidya and wasting my life
What's a 'vidya'?