How does someone become shaped like this? It looks like a shaved version of the grinch

How does someone become shaped like this? It looks like a shaved version of the grinch.

Attached: 4479FA87-952A-4362-9A6A-166AE9C9EFFA.jpg (1000x750, 67K)

Is that you user?

wow! literally sit all day and eat foods high in estrogen, I guess?


No I’m not a shaved grinch Or shaved Lorax.

Jokes aside, this kid probably has a hormone issue..Cushings?


you may not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like

is he getting ready to re-enact some of his favorite prison rape scenes?

kleinfelter syndrome

bad genes. this person should not breed for the sake of future humanity.


Dairy, soy and mouth breathing. the triple whammy

Tap water


>the absolute state of Veeky Forums

Eat like a progressive liberal fag, that’s all there is to it.

embrace feminism

Attached: 10625995.png (792x719, 266K)

I look a lot this but fatter


do you honestly think this person will breed?
let's be realistic here.

Idk biz. From the looks of how confident he is, he gets more pussy than the whole board combined. Only real slayers pose like this.

Never work out your upper body.
The issue here isn’t that the legs and hips are too wide, although they are borderline. The real issue is that his shoulders, chest, and arms are too weak.

this is actually what it is guys

Would probally be really hot if transitioned.

Looks more like weird fat distribution

None of what we see here is the result of any kind of physical activity

Holy shit, I legit think this might be my cousin. I haven't seen or talked to him in so long but I'm pretty sure this is him. Fucking gross! I never thought I'd see my goddamn cousin naked online, wtf!!! He's suuuper autistic too and works at like Walmart or Whole Foods or some shit. Fucking weird af school shooter type of kid, super silent all the time and has some serious mental problems. He just plays video games all day and gives his money to his mom (he's about 30 rn and there's no sign at all he's moving out of his Mom's house).

He gets it from his dad, his dad was weird af too. I'm so thankful that this soyboy shit doesn't run in my side of the family.

school shooter type kid
makes fun of him

you're fucking garbage.

you just described a large portion of biz.
great job.

Nah, he was fucked from childhood, he used to crush little animals in his hand and show them to the rest of us.

Be nice to your cousin user.
Remember your are on Veeky Forums here.

>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
report and sage

you forgot ur meme arrows

you ahve to go back now

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While you and your friends went home he was probably being abused, now you know where he was so desperate to visit your house.