Stuck on Settings

I just installed 1.4.1, now im stuck on the settings screen. I tried reset all function and did a recovery, but I'm still stuck on 'Settings'. Anyone else get this problem?

Attached: my-Ledger-Nano-S.jpg (1000x750, 29K)

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rekt gg

Congrats you played yourself for buying some chink shit

go in and see if your firmware/mcu are updated. if so, congrats. you did it. just reinstall apps from the manager.

did you lock the price in?

They are installed, but I can't navigate away from the settings page to the homepage.

You have to open the ledger manager on pc and reinstall the wallet apps ya dingus

Just flash a thumb drive and use that dipshit

You’re a faggot with no considerable money, fuck off.

Jesus I am a brainlet holy fuck. Thanks for spoon feeding me.