Finish the sentence Veeky Forums

Not to be racist or anything, but Indian people ______.

Attached: 1516616826896.jpg (250x175, 8K)

are lovely.

Run this board.


do the needful

are worthless degenerates who will do anything they can to scam the white man

are gandu

don't exist

Holy fucking quads m8


stink more than LINK

Based quads user.

are niggers

Indian people are the god tier race, confirmed.

Attached: handsome_pajeet.jpg (608x895, 140K)

Always travel in 3s

wow there are decent people after all

are really unlucky

show ethnic solidarity and are very nationalist in their politics.

are people from India.

Should get rid of castes.

dont understand western humor

are the highest earning income group in the united states.

found the pajeet

are fucking gay