Cardano paying twice the salary for women and “enbies” (whatever the fuck that is). How is this legal?
Cardano went full cuck
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck is an enbie
NB short for nonbinary
Absolutely disgusting. Dumping my 10k ADA now. This is the nail in the coffin
Fucking soyboy liberal cucks
>Cardano paying twice the salary for women and “enbies”
I don't think that's what the tweet implies
I wouldn't be surprised if the government started giving tax credits to businesses based on the "diversity" of their employees.
Fuck I wish I knew how to computer for easy gains
Seems pretty straightforward to me. Charles Hoskinson is a jewish cuck
if its real then why would you block out the name? post a link for proof or gtfo
no irish need apply
Fucking ENBIES. Hahaha holy shit I hope they hire some fat tranny dykes who proceed to derail the project.
Kek is that the type of “programmers” they hire? No wonder it’s called ADA after their feminist icon. Fucking soyboys when will they learn
Lmao let's make that fat faggot Hoskinson reply to us on twitter again. Fucking faggot bitch pussy. His shitcoin is fucking dead.
NB means non-biological you stupid fucks. They want some rogue ai to do some code for them.
I read it as the want womyn and cucks to apply twice as much as they want straight white shitlords, not that they will pay them double. They're retarded but not that retarded.
Kek. Someone should make a meme of Hoskinson vs Larimer. The virgin soyboy feminist vs the chad blockchain dev
Does this person work for Cardano? I don't really get what this thread is. You post a screenshot from some trans twitter and how does it relate to Cardano?
I guess it does work for Cardano lmao
Turn off Veeky Forums
Hit the weights
Take a shower
Go outside
Have sex
Get a clue
It's weak FUD that has been debunked earlier today. The tweet is not real.
i hate that open mouth soy faggotry selfie homosexuality. somebody just execute that piece of shit
Situation 1: they end up hiring all men anyway because they are the only people qualified to do the work
Situation 2: thwy hire women, pay them double and they fuck up the project
If you holdin this shitcoin dump now
haha fuck cardano
Kek, and THIS is the future of crypto? Holy shit.
The tweet is real, it's just by some dev at cardano. Great thread worth reading.
Holy fucking shit
>here's a thing
>it applies doubly so if you're not a man
>"why did you bring politics into it?"
>i didn't lol bye
Imagine having to work or interact with this person.
everything that SJW touches dies, when will they learn
i think it's time to admit that mtf trannies are master race and will control everything in the future
>complains about the gender wage gap
>literally creates a giant wage gap
and the funny thing is is that there was no gender wage gap in the first place
it's like complaining about racism, and then advocating for a white tax
anyone who naturally feels the need to prostrate themselves to these race-and-gender obsessed morons is probably bland enough to deserve whatever hellish shit they'll be put through in doing so anyway
i want them to fucking break from the strain of having given so much to such ungrateful, hateful people, and to come out of it like wild fucking animals
i want it to be very clear to everyone
that when you try to break someone with gradual pressure
the eventual backlash will be so fucking tremendous that nobody involved in setting this up will survive
Oh good, "enbie", I now have a slur to throw at them that's got comparable impact to "nigger".
This person is mentally ill and would sap all productivity from you. Fuck this asshole.
Hmmm she actually reminds me of Eliza Kasan from Deus EX. Cardano is the most cyberpunk project. I’m all in. Especially because I like seeing fat kekostani neets getting triggered.
btw you're still just men in drag
Thanks sold 100k
What the fuck is with these SJW nigger coins?
I posted an update for you guys
chill dude, they're not paying them double
i'm a straight white guy but i can't help but notice that trannies seem to sit on the perfect level of the autism spectrum. nearly every major project has them embedded somewhere, doing all of the heavy lifting.
For fuck's sake what the actual fuck is that. Is that person in charge of Plutus implementation?!
How the fuck can I trust this project now. I am honestly baffled
Was planning on buying some, kinda glad I didn't now. Regardless of me disagreeing with such politics, this level of faggotry nonsense is completely toxic business-wise, it ain't gonna end well for cardano bagholders
Every place has some asshole employees, this doesn't mean anything.
the one trans dev i know is very autistic and just an ok dev
thinks he/she's hot shit though, not a super annoying person but one of those people who thinks they're a lot smarter than they are
i used to be a disgusting white male but now i'm an NB as far as work knows.
HR lives in fear of me. join me brothers. converting to islam soon
I have honestly been the biggest bagholder and shiller for this shit.
I've been here all day every day dispelling FUD threads. I am having suicidal thoughts now
Reading comprehension ftw
half of Veeky Forums isnt even able to correctly interpret tweets
That said; fucking soyboy move
pretty good strategy
Do you actually have to provide proof of butt sex?
I would bet anything that it would be easy to find someone worse than this working for ETH.
you know whats funny? they are nothing but a bunch of faggots hoping onto another bandwagon.
the 'autist' crown in this day and age signals being ahead of the curve, having obsessive ability to focus, generally its the new "hey guys I am a gamer girl/ I am so nerdy"
bunch of faggots
dumping this pos
>doing all of the heavy lifting
Not really. The trannies with makeup like the subject of discussion are purely narcissists. If you actually look at quality of work you realize they are holding everyone back.
Some of the older autogynephile types are alright, if they have the proper object-obsessed engineer brain.
thats what you get for fomoing after, not before, a massive bullrun. Cardano was worth 250 sat at one point and shat on when even mentioned on this board. That was the time to buy
Yes, that part is fine, it's the "encouraging some people to apply over others" that isn't. Still, people are grasping at straws to hate on Cardano.
way past my bedtime
glad to read that the cardano hiring manager isn't completely retarded
>Functional programming
>Not stack based or Object Oriented(smalltalk)
When will the functional meme die.
He's not the hiring manager.
I've thought about this. I'd be willing to wear a wig and makeup during work hours if it means more job opportunities and immunity from being fired.
He used to look fucking normal, what the fuck went wrong?! Can we get him a doctor, a priest, ANYTHING?!
Wtf. When did he become mentally ill? He looks like wh*te male in this pic
>functional programming
>hires non-functioning people with mental disorders
In 5 years when the pendulum swings back because young hipster retards realize OO was made for a reason.
Never follow trends, never. In 10 years JAVA will still be the foundation of everything and hipsters will be using the next retardation.
I FEEL BETRAYED... I Liked Charles!!! HE WAS BAE... FUCK Libertarians I'm going back to NatSoc, Sieg fucking Heil! See you on /pol/
Link tweet or it's fake pajeet fud
As written tweet doesn't imply separate salaries and you're retarded if you think it does, learn to read. What "goes DOUBLE" is encouragement for women to apply. That isn't bad in of itself, since women are de facto discouraged from applying, by the industry
Didn't stop you from writing a long diatribe against nonexistent social injustice though.
It's like you get off from having something to be angry about. Get a job nigger.
His voice sounded kinda faggy before:
>Link tweet
Here you faggot
Go to bed Darryl. Or is sleep too "oppressive" for you also?
>women are de facto discouraged from applying, by the industry
People change, who knows. Sometime you hire people, and these people go off the deep end. I'm sure that if he's still with IOHK, it's because he's still good at what he does, and that if his behavior or opinions start interfering with his work, they'll let him go.
wut wut
Someone tell me where I can short this crap!
My money dick is throbbing so hard right now.
The guy is a literal tranny, he wants some tranny friends to play with, give him a break.
It's past a well known fact, /pol/tard.
The current debate in the industry right now is whether or not they SHOULD be discouraged. (i.e., are there biological differences that make them bad code monkeys?)
bitmex sir
>whether or not they SHOULD be discouraged
Lol, nobody is arguing that women SHOULD be discouraged.
The only question is whether they need to be coddled and patronized and given special bonus points so that the gender ratio equals that of general population. Or alternatively if they should be treated as equals and have to live up to the same standards as men.
makes sense why cardano is cuck, look at that fkin guy
>tfw I chose ICX instead
Post a picture of yourself user.
C# any good in your opinion?
let that be a lesson of wisdom for you. Liberturd's only set of values is making money at ANY cost
>coding in Haskell
>paying women and "enbies" twice the salary to do it instead of men
>>paying women and "enbies" twice the salary to do it instead of men
Can you read? Do you have any reading comprehension?
stop grasping at straws man, this is bad, this is really really bad. And I fucking love Cardano, I have a pretty have bag of ADAs
its like they want it to be true
C# is Java, just Microsoft brand. I actually prefer C# since it has a lot of quality of life features built in, that's basically the only difference.
How is pointing out that "paying someone double" is different than "doubly encouraged someone to apply" grasping at straws?
the almost 3 months bleed is pretty bad in itself. A damn tweet changes nothing. Hope this shit drops to 400 sat again
>whether they should be coddled and patronized
far-right strawman
>Or alternatively if they should be treated as equals
the actual debate
They read whatever suits them.
They have copied outrage politics from the far-left tumblr harpies and mastered it.
Better hurry up and sell it all bro. They're hiring women, their product is destined to fail.