What foods do presidents like to eat?


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President Trump has no time to eat now. A certain Clinton needs investigating and copious amounts of jail time. Now is not the time to rest, Mr. President.

I voted for Trump. Today's been really, really great.

Trump Tower has the best taco bowls.





I fucking hate my generation.
My memebook's feed is absolutely hilarious right now though

I didn't back Trump but I saw the writing on the wall when Hil started walking around like she had a big dick, ignoring the "little people".

The little people is why she lost. Suck it, Hil.

How did Hillary still lose with a guaranteed California vote? Blows my mind.

I'm only a millennial if you force me into that box because of being born in the 80s.

Skimming through the Wikipedia article, the only thing I identify with is my comfortability with technology. I mean, we just memed Trump into the White House.

The fuck is he putting in his mouth? Sincerely can't tell if that's ice-cream or some extremely low-grade american "meat" product

I think it's a steak-like thing

Holy shit, I just woke up and didn't check the news. I thought every board was just trolling me, but you guys really did it. GG.

As for what he is eating, looks like a poorly marinated/grilled pork chop on a stick.


It appears he won 7 out of 11 swing states. I read that if you look all the way back to the 40s, whoever is elected president has always won Ohio (a swing state). Ohio was one of the states he won.

Basically, the parties always secure certain states, but then there are the swing states which can go either way. Getting enough swing states will give you the electoral votes you need to win. In the end, he had 276 to her 218.


Looks like chicken or pork maybe.

It's a pork chop, you cretins.

>pork chop
why the fuck is it melting

This is what it's supposed to look like though.

Do they use actual trimmed chops for this? You'd think it would be too chewy to work well with the stick. Ham seems more likely to me.

it tends to look like that when you use boneless pork loin chops, the lack of grill marks is probably what threw most people off.

>West and East coast nu male cucks go on and on about flyovers being irrelevant
>Flyover states LITERALLY blow the fuck out of commiefornia and jew york and secure an easy victory for our guy Trump

But please do tell me more about your Ethiopian-Aleppian soul comfort food joint, José.

Ethiopian food is delicious and Ethiopians are typically the sort of hardworking and productive immigrant America is all about.

I don't know what a leppian is, though.

It wasn't an easy victory, the margin was razor thin, Trump never stopped campaigning and pushed his campaign everywhere, even places where most people weren't interested. Hil on the other hand ignored folks (like the people who backed Sanders) out her own sheer arrogance.

Hil got blown out by his work ethic

But most importantly: SOROS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>/pol/ teamed up with blacks to fight against white woman and won
>Veeky Forums was investigating the government for pedophilia

What fucking timeline are we on anymore?

So this is what rich people eat

He won states that were projected as clear wins for Hillary. Pennsylvania for example when they counted early votes for starts had an overwhelming majority for Hillary however by the end of the night the regular voting day votes completely overtook those.

The only one

Aren't millenials supposed to be people born after 2000? Are you telling me 16 year olds can vote in America?

Millennials are anyone I don't agree with

>Aren't millenials supposed to be people born after 2000?
No " There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s."

You're thinking of Gen Z. Gen Z isn't as "progress"ive as millenials.

Millenial is a vague marketing term thats been arbitrarily expanded constantly.

millennials can go as far back as people born in the 80s

They're the new cuck?

You're delusional.

I believe it is you the one who's delusional.

>something happened?
>something happened
>no it didn't, you're delusional

are you okay user

I don't even think you know what you're responding to.

Yes I do

Then you'd know that I'm calling the guy delusional for believing that only one black guy voted for trump.

>What fucking timeline are we on anymore?
>only one black guy

Can blame any American of any color for wanting foreign influences removed from their government? GEORGE SOROS GET THE FUCK OUT

Black guy here.

I will make him Sweet Potato Pie, fried catfish, and steamed Brussels sprouts.

My favorite foods that I will honored to share with Trump.

Lets say you're a working stiff black guy in LA and you see Mexican gangs terrorizing black residents ... who are you going to vote for?

Not all blacks are beneficiaries of the status quo, only those on welfare and receiving affirmative action (ie. not working stiffs). Some of them are even in a situation where they can clearly see that without needing to educate themselves.

I'm going to have a taco bowl to honor the new president elect. There's not a Trump Tower around here, so I'll go to the local Mexican place before they have to go back

Because they're the first generation that won't become more conservative with age.


>Russian division of Burger King will start selling a new burger called "Trump-burger" to celebrate Trump's victory on presidential election. It is going to be a double version of angriest whopper (hottest whopper available in Russia) to which you can't add any mexican additions (sauces, etc).





We'll be the first generation to see global temperature rise by 2°C in one lifetime and just elected a climate change denier. I hope millennials on Veeky Forums enjoys eating bugs for protein, food substitutes, and starvation later in our lives. I mean, think of all the great memes.

lol okay dude, the Earth is a lot hardier than you think. We could detonate multiple nukes with minimal effect on the environment.

It's a Chinese conspiracy apparently.

Who fucking cares about the Earth / Environment? I care about humans. I wish this "climate change == hippies" thing wasn't so popular. I don't like struggling agriculture along the equator, and expanding extremes of temperature.

Well I don't like our dependence on foreign oil and would like our strategic reserves left untouched should the worst come to pass (WW3) but the idiots in this country always ignore this.

I fucking hate all the idiots in this world. This election has just made me all the more aware.

Let's make our own country with blackjack and strategically-stockpiled oil, powered by solar panels and a homemade nuclear reactor.

is trump our guy?

First world cultures are in temperate zones and can take care of themselves.

It's the savages who are slightly fucked by climate change (compared to overpopulation it's a drop in the pond, without warming Africa would still be heading for a Malthusian catastrophe).

Your own country? That's racist.

Guy here, I was answering your question, not referring to your picture

>people who aren't from my country / my culture group
Fuck them desu, I don't give a single fuck about them

He's just eating that one piece of chicken by itself? No bread, no brocolli, no ketchup? what the fuck

>mfw the flyovers won



What if...Trump never expected to win? What he's having a panic attack right now because he did not expect such a landslide win? When he gave his acceptance speech he looked as if he wanted to cry.

>jew york and commiefornia BTFO

>he looked as if he wanted to cry
Probably shock.
I don't think he expected to win, and is probably feeling overwhelmed now, but he did say that he'd consider it the biggest waste of time of his life if he ended up losing

I voted Obama when I was in college. Now I voted Trump. Libshits aren't the future of anything.

>commiefornia BTFO


>votes 100% Democrat
>burns down own state trying to punish someone
>only punishing themselves

I wonder if based sleepy Ben Carson will be a part of Trump's cabinet?

What exactly is the deal with all these food pictures anyway? And why is always eating shit? Surely he can't eat like that all the time and still be in good health.

>rioting in a state that gave 55 votes to Hillary
>literally only punishing themselves

what a bunch of cucks

also I wonder if Trump has tried and/or likes caviar

I'm proud of you flyovers. My home state went red but I'm in Washington now. Very disappointed by the cuckery. They were red for a while early in the day

What scumbags. Send them away with the illegals.

Not even Jew york resorted to such buffoonery, California is in a class of its own

Of course he's tried caviar. There's no other food as associated with wealth and conspicuous consumption.

Washington is one of the few states left that has any fucking sense. sure, the ammount is probably something that could fill a thimble. better than the blind rage you trump fags have, lacking a bigger cup, you screamed in rage to destroy what little you have.

I bet 80% of you retarded publicans think your shitty party is against federalism. If your party actually gave a fuck about making that real instead of just using it to shill easy votes, they woldn't have time to build walls and bitch about how the world is leaving youre evil asses in the decrepid annuls of moral history. Getting this country on a real politcal and state powered system will never happen when you vote in corporate greedy assholes who want to deregulate america so they can line their pockets with it.

just fucking look at the reality. Trump, guy number one to bitch about china, has all of his shit outsourced there. oh except for the hats, becuase america deserves hats that tow his line, but hes too rich and happy with it to give you fuckers jobs in his actual company even if it inconvinienced him personally.

You cucks ellected a guy who vowed to make atlanta city great again over a decade ago and it's still shit today. Now you have convinced yourself that the latest corporate theif in office is in there for your benefit, and not to steal every dollar he can while doing maybe one or two things he promised like every other crook. The guy is evil, and hitlery isn't any better, and the whole system will never heal while there is no party in this entire country championing decentralization and only decenstralization.

>>rioting in a state that gave 55 votes to Hillary
>>literally only punishing themselves

Liberals are a fucking embarrassment to California.

>itt: alt-righters so lacking in imagination and intelligence they can only come up with a pejorative describing a sexual fetish to refer to a political viewpoint with which they disagree.

i voted for johnson just hate hillary and only mildly dislike trump. hope that calms your autistic rage.

Here's a pasta recipe from Finland's next prime minister, Antti Rinne.

>500g spaghetti
>800g bacon
>800g emmental
>1,5 red bell peppers
>6 garlic cloves
>6dl cream
>5tbsp olive oil
>salt and black pepper

Pic related, nice and healthy.

They're actually doing this? Jesus....America, you got some childish people.

White truffles and foie grois spring to mind.

Well done Trump Steaks with fancy ketchup

Sour Grapes washed down with Liberal Tears.

Part of a balanced and nutritious breakfast.

>6dl cream
wtf i hate finland now

Remember to go vegan to stop the horrific damage.

Well, a lack of the vitamins and minerals in meat does lead to lower brain function.

That pic is fake, this is the real one

>The picture that finally drove user to an hero


The McChicken for trump. The best fast food sandwich

Earth is overpopulated.

Fuck the equatorfags. They've never been productive away.

Just California and it seems to be mostly college/university students. You see, everyone else has to work.

Tool wrote a song about this years in advance:


>Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
>Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
>Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.

>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.