ITT post your shit tier job title

ITT post your shit tier job title

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I trade crypto for a living. I prefer Venture capitalst.

Corporate Accountant

So God tier on its way to shit tier.

Definitely suicide tier.

business development manager

Communications. I shitpost the days away and get paid.

sales manager

Attached: 1497244776652.jpg (1600x1231, 869K)

Senior Research Analyst

coal sampler


welder 500k starting

Sales associate

My major if finance. What is the God Tier finance related job?

80k and 40 a week desk monkey work is fine with me

Be a stockbroker, mine takes a % sweep of my 6 figure portfolio annually. He prolly has hundreds of clients with much higher net worth than me.


Chief Handler of Hygienic Functionary Labors

My God Tier job is Game Designer

why is high compensation low satisfaction worse than low in both?

Where are welders on this list?

Geotechnical engineer

t. 10k stinky linky holder

>be 22
>land job as trader
What do Veeky Forums? I though it would take me longer to get here...

Better off than all soft-science degree holders, some engineers, liberal arts majors, business management majors, and the bottom 99% of the service industry. You are probably way ahead in terms of saving for retirement and didn't have to take out a mortgage to make 50k a year.

Pretty gud breh.

3d artist / game developer

more like literally suicide tier

How did you get it?

I left Veeky Forums for 4 years

This. Pls tell user

worked for start up hedge fund for free for about 10 months

Sr. Vice Cock Sucker