Rate my NEET dinner eaten cold/10
Rate my NEET dinner eaten cold/10
No future/10
10/10 do what you gotta do man
>eaten cold
what's wrong with you? military PTSD? scratch that even the military gives you shit to warm up the food now.
I recommend the seafood chowder, not the clam though as the clam has bits of shell and sand in them so it's not edible.
>eating hot meals
what are you a pussy?
real men eat it cold for WW3 preparations.
Chicken and sausage gumbo is superior
i won't eat chicken unless i've seen it whole
i worked in the industry
rec me some good NEET meals
lulz, read the "pub inspired" on the can as "pure inbred" at first glance
If you're eating it cold then ravioli ain't bad. Aside from that keep it simple. Peas and carrots. Sweet corn. Green beans. Canned chicken (like the kind that comes in a small flat can that you make chicken salad with).
Keep some hot sauce with you. You'll need it.
I eat canned food twice in a month or less but I don't have a can opener at home so I open my cans with a big kitchen knife, I really need to buy a can opener.
hey I have the same brand of supplements
you should eat better food, dude.
I'm sure you've seen a lot of chickens holes then
Why is it called NEET meals? Is it because they're cheap enough even NEET can buy them?
I ate worse shit than this when I was living in a student flat. Brand name Cans LA-TEE-FUCKIN-DA Look at me I'm not eating the canned spaggetti thats already cut up into two inch sections and soaked in oniony water mixed with tomato sauce
Neets can't plan for shit so they spent everything fast and then live 20 days on shit food
i worked in importing
most chicken that goes into frozen and canned foods comes pre processed from third world countries by sea
manufacturers aren't required to label this if it's just an ingredient
studies have shown that many of these products don't contain much actual meat at all, mostly skin, fat, an connective tissue