How much money do you need in crypto right now to "make it" ? Obviously the days of turning 1k into 100k+ are over...

How much money do you need in crypto right now to "make it" ? Obviously the days of turning 1k into 100k+ are over. But could a person make it with 10k-20k in crypto right now?

Attached: Atenas-Costa-Rica-homes.jpg (640x480, 251K)

>Obviously the days of turning 1k into 100k+ are over.
sorry buddy, but with this attitude you definitely ain't gunna make it

>asking anyone what will happen in the future

Truth is man, no one really knows shit. Your guess is as good as everyone else’s.

Seriously. No crypto has any sort of real word widespread adoption yet. That EOY 2017 spike was just dipping our toes in the water.


Let's be realistic user. We most likely won't see another bull run like 2017. Crypto still has much more room to grow but we won't be seeing any crazy %10,000 increase in any cryptos this year most likely.

For me I have my sights on "Tier 1" making it. 600k. Take a 5% return in dividends for basic sustenance so I never have to wagecuck again.

You need 1MM user. Then set a stop-loss on 800k. Don't be a pussy!
Also Req $10eom.

>Let's be realistic user. We most likely won't see another bull run like 2017
People said the same thing in Q1 2014 when BTC was going down from $1k
This is still the beginning

Well you sure as hell ain't gonna make it with that defeatist attitude you fucking loser. We havn't even begun to realize the potential of the blockchain and it is only now starting to see real-world adoption yet you somehow think it's all coming to an end. Invest in projects with solid teams, real-world application and demand and a strong competetive edge and you WILL make it.

Plenty of coins have 100x in the last few months lol. Guess its not for you.