Is this what happens when monkeys are allowed to run a country ? They might as well make Shitcoin their national currency
South Africa
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It's a joke right?
Afrikaaners better sell n run
naaaahhhhh, maybe. Maybe not though. :D
Ending Apartheid was a mistake
It will happen because niggers but yes the article is fake.
Don't western central banks do the same thing? Printing more money to kick the can down the road for time being?
didn't sergy essentially claim the same thing?
they should learn from the masters
they should enslave all the afrikaaners and start a series of profitable businesses with minimal labor costs
Just a reminder half their population is below 85 IQ. Why do you think their democracies end up in a shit hole.
don't click!
Fake news. There is no source beyond some bullshit clickbait site that also claimed loads of people died who didn't
Fake news site
A literal pol shill jew owns that site, btw.
My bad. But as I knew the South African Parliament, it seemed possible
Haha those ridiculous niggers think they can just make up fake money and then everyone will be rich
Anyway anons hold tight on your fake internet money and soon we will all be rich
*fistfight begins*
God can't you stupid poltards stay in your containment zone
tfw this is why I thought btc and eth wouldn't be worth anything
>19 year old me: wtf you can just make virtual money with your pc? who the fuck would pay for that?
Why not sell the country to the chinks right away then when it's still worth something? They'll be on the prey right after anyway like they're in Zimbabwe now.
We've seen this before, just look at Zimbabwe under Mugabe in 2000.
After Mugabe's land grab farm production will fell massively, there was hyper inflation, mass displacement of over 200000 people, and complete economic devastation - not to mention all the killing that took place.
Zimbabwe's dollar inflated so badly that eventually they had to throw away their money all together and start using the American dollar.
Already Cape Town is struggling to get water, infistructure is beginning to fail, investors are pulling out.
In short, the situation is completely fucked and is only going to get worse.
The smartest and best viruses are able to live on the host for a long period of time. The worst viruses kill the host quickly, ending the potential to pass on and populate. Blacks are a prime example of the latter... the UN and other countries must stop giving aid so Africa can burn to ashes along with its shit tier viruses. Only then can it be globally useful
Let me just start by saying that I don't agree with your post, identity politics are retarded and show lazy thinking.
I have no issue with giving aid to people in plight except for the sad reality that the aid is often seized by regimes for distribution among the army/militia/warlords. That being said, South Africa wasn't/isn't surviving on UN aid but with this new power grab you can expect them to need aid in the next decade. You can expect to see the displacement of thousands of white South African refugees who will be forced to flee the country due to homelessness at best and genocide at worst. We're already seeing cases of white people's hands being chopped off and other forms of torture, rape etc. from the mob who are seizing land by force. It's really brutal what's going on and I'm surprised that it's not being discussed more.
South Africa will be a failed state in under 10 years, and African niggers will place the blame on whites, because they left, instead of conducting a "responsible handover".
In this manner, all responsibility past, present, and future will be scrubbed, and the region can descend into tribal chaos with a clean conscience.
>I have no issue with giving aid to people in plight
Then you are evil. Aid creates dependence. Wake up.
This. It's a vicious cycle. You give aid to people who would not have otherwise survived. They create multiple children creating a greater burden and they are no greater at dealing with it. It's a problem that leads to more and more mouths which is why Africa is having a population explosion.
Letting them starve is literally the best thing that can be done for the continent.
They are going to get a massive XLM airdrop. They will be fine.
>I have no issue with giving AIDS to people in plight
fixed that for you
Is there any way to short South Africa?
It's a complex situation. The aid we give is often taken and used to fuel the local militias and warlords but aid doesn't always come in the form of ongoing food airdrops. Sometimes aid comes in the form of military intervention, it can mean helping people flee from genocidal conditions. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some level of aid to help extract some of these white farmers that are soon to be refugees.
But I agree completely that ongoing aid/welfare state does nothing to elevate people.
Thanks mate, that's exactly what I meant.
I mean, XLM is going to be a hell of a lot more stable then their currency in the near future.
Provided we keep pumping our own money into it.
Yes. It comes from some WordPress site with no tangible journalistic credibility.
This is fake you idiots. The current finance minister is actually one of the better ones SA has had in years.
You say that now wait untill the hutsis and tutsis come round the corner with their maschetes
This is our containment zone