One of you faggots must know Russian. Here is a link to his social media account. He was just logged in yesterday. Let’s get him to make the call!

Attached: CB8F2188-10C0-4899-A194-44438DEADE6A.jpg (1024x768, 308K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>being that new

Attached: 1518433811811.jpg (576x768, 104K)

well, it looks like Sminem has a girfriend, he's already a bigger Chad than you, OP

This image raises questions
His bodyguard?

He protects sminem against the bogdabot assassination attempts. Pulls through every single one of them.

Looks like he's having a good life unlike most cunts on here

won't russia wonder why shit loads of traffic is visiting his social media account from all around the world?

all those hoes have been around sminem

Attached: image.jpg (1280x960, 210K)

holy fuck he's dating some 30 year old

Attached: The absolute Sminemadman.png (1542x884, 1.75M)

3rd girl from left looks very sminish, relative?

No you guys his gf is this plant

Attached: image.jpg (1680x1260, 946K)

she looks like the teachers daughter

I think he's an elf and is probably 600 years old

I know russian, so what you wanna do?

Ask him "When bull senpai?"

>stalking some russian kid
>hurr funneh forced may-may

I think I'm getting too old for this shit

Tell him to post a photo with a timestamp and Veeky Forums written, and post a btc adress so we can send him a little bit of btc (anons dont be jews, do your part) Than he will fully endorse Veeky Forums and become our not kidding

He is 21 years old

I cant spare more than 10$ but if we all send a few bucks it could be great. Just think of the meme potential of this. Just immagine how would the boggs feel, that would be like spitting in their face

We've tried to offer him (and his GF) and cash before with a Russian speaking user - they just want to be left alone.

He'll come here when he is ready (after beating the Bogs & BTC +100K)

send him this


Attached: sminem buy link.jpg (1780x1332, 712K)

>420 friends
sminem... blazin' it

Jesus, this board is like reddit. Adopts year old memes and still don't know shit about it. /int/ found him like 3 years ago.

I was on this thread last time...nothing happened...he was contacted by an RU non.

His ok account was posted here months ago, probably by people from /int/. idk why this faggot op acts like it just happened. OP, where do you think all those pictures came from? Fucking newfag. Sminem was funny but don't fucking force it.

He turned his back on us, were fucked boys. Were gonna get buttfucked by the bears for a long time

let him be you faggots

I really, really hope hes is not gay

Attached: (790x591, 326K)

>Not wanting sminem to be your bf and cuddle with him under blankets while btc goes past 80k
Not going to make it

someone do this
also here's the video of sminem listening to Putin, and he also says one phrase approximately in the middle of the video

alright fuck the putin video, everyone watch this one

New friends try to fit in way to hard

Requesting link pool rebrand to Sminempool
1% of the profit go to a Fund to give our Savior a decent life and get him out of wagecucking or at least out of Vladivostok