Fuck your lamboland and lambos /biz
This is what i am after, a true whale trader automobile.
Fuck your lamboland and lambos /biz
This is what i am after, a true whale trader automobile.
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same here i want exactly this car
Hitlers 770k
>yeah i like exclusive cars
This looks surprisingly modern and sexy for being who knows how old. If you painted it more modern colors you could perhaps even pick roasties in it.
This is the new all electric mercedes, isn't even out yet, dummy.
i like it but only if you live near the ocean like in the pic.. its not a city car
I prefer the model 3
>you're driving a 8 year old Honda, user?
>when I'll finally buy a car with my crypto gains
>it'll be a real classy car.
>no, I don't have a driver's license yet,
>why do you ask?
you have class, user
what Veeky Forums fags actually believe
I personally like the old one with the round lights a bit more.
Every time I see one of these driving around all I can think about is how small of a dick that guy must have.
You're projecting.
itt. a bunch of fucking farmlets
imagine spending your time hating other people for not wanting an electric piece of shit
I like the way you think, but I'm going to get a BTR-80.
Couldn't even spring for a BTR-90 user...
Next you're going to try and say you want a BRDM-2
Funnily enough you can get a BTR-60 for the same price as a regular car. If I wasn't a NEET and just worked at McDonald's I'd already have a 60.
May as well go with the new shit and get that Oshkosh defence l-atv
Here in Germany I will get some legal issues to drive that thing on the road, but if you know were to get on, fully armed, with an option for delivery in a foggy night to my garage let me know!
When does it come out?
t. dicklet
i dont get this type of thinking. Are pilots who fly the boeing 747 dicklets because they fly a bigger jet?
It's not, it's a fucking concept car and the brainlets on this board attempting to talk about cars is always embarrassing.
tiny boi
Step aside for the real space program.
In 2020 when the sensible time to cash out comes around, Porsche project E cars will come out. That will be the best choice. Electric 911's and shit
Are u nigger?
>This is what I want. A concept car that will never ever exist.
I too have dreams. And they are free.
Ok, figured as much, I just asked because some guy said that it wasn't out YET.
>not wanting a ural motorcycle
micro penis
was referring to my wheels (in this case my tracks)
not my dicklet spaceship because you win in that regard
there is literally nothing wrong with driving a large vehicle. Enough with the ad hominems
>hurrrrr my peeni big big cuz i drive prius so he must have small peeni. me thoughts original me so smart.
Still not even big boy
its like you want to not go to the extremes of autism.
yeah, well....
check out my boat
hah I was gonna post a bagger pic
Literally impossible to park if you live in a big city.
pic related is my yacht
>the year of the Lord 2018
>living in the city
Its like you don't even want to breath that clean, crisp country air
It seems like you don't want to go big boy my friend.
Big city never.
used to own the Seawise Giant
but I felt a bit insecure when roasties started doing laughinggirls.jpg when I tried to dock in Monaco for the GP that time
good luck with those bags. you big dicked asshole
pic related is my newest acquisition
it's my latest little runabout ,
it's pretty ballin
nah he is right though
its somethng a bitter woman would say
>hurrr he must hav a smol dik hunn he rejected me and drives a ferrari
t. dicklet rejection magnet that doesn't drive about on his own Blaster
stay poor.
So far only electric cucks and niggerHummers?
No true patrician auto enthusiasts in this board»
lol posts an expensive toyota.
The 'small dick' argument is similar to when an unfit person sees someone in good shape/ is muscular and then their only response is "b-b-but muh leg day! You have small legs!"
Its just a coping mechanism to make up for their own inadequacies
My daily driver
post a timestamped pic of you dick and ill do the same
not joking
Yes, I actually have a small penis.
its very understated
i like it anyway
not catching on fire on your way to wagecuck while flying next to your flying burn unit patient maker
not gonna make it user
had to upload again.
pic related is me just now
truly an underrated automobile
I mean if you want to live in that death trap go ahead my friend.
I was told to invest early into gold and was rewarded with pic related.
good times
Fly past at 200 mph in silence
>hits 200mph (barely)
>battery runs out
The absolute state of electric soyboys
LFA performance is underwhelming, especially given its price
ill stick with this cuz im not a soyboy who knows nothing about cars
good luck escaping that node of the multiverse I created.
post dick pics faggot
>ranks 4 in burgerking
>electric piece of shit
When can the breed of person who says things like this just die out?
>I cant drive 100s of miles in my supercar without stopping wahhhhh
lmao enjoy filling up at the gas station with the other peasants
>flies of cliff
False advertising
>moving the goalposts
>falling for the electric meme
I guess you can download the v10 soundtrack and actually make an exhaust note you absolute doublenigger.
>also that weight
Can't even take turns with your lolcan'tturn soycar
Have fun with your shitty multiverse. I'm going to be living up the high life.
thats why WE LOVE RUSSIA
shitskins and niggers btfo over there
Nice ricer
good choice user.
now we see eye to eye
check this out though...
patrician choice user
If I ever make it I'm getting one of these bad boys
it wont even cost me 1 cent to fuck up your dream OP
why yes I do want my clothes to smell of petrol, thanks
good job eating the "we luv russa" meme you dumb fucking nigger
guess what, muslim shitskins are cucking russians since... I dont fucking know but you can bet you arse on it its a long long timeframe. these barbarian russians are eating the muslim dick atleast for a millenia. no wonder they are ugly, alcoholic, depressed, poor and they got the highest suicide rates in the world. atleast thier women are good cumdumpsters. (but not good company, they are dumb, usually smoking, drinking, getting hoe tattoos and act like queens)
russia is mudslime shit tier
Don't spout cliches every time one comes to mind.
Are you a caucasian nigger?
>tfw you will never go to slav high school with Sminem and friends, sing songs with Russian qts and have your first kiss with a girl in weather so cold that your lips get stuck together