Jibrel partnership announcement

Are you buying Jibrel now that it’s a guaranteed 5x?

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520K here. I think I'm okay.


Nice $1 million you have there

Stay poor brainlet

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I really wouldn't be surprised if Binance listed it now.

I bought 70k, I'm going to try and buy 70k more over the next few weeks.

hopefully 38k is enough to make it.

I think they have a bigger plan with Binance considering the CEO visited. We’ll see though.
Nice, I only got 20k, it’s still going to be worth a fuckload in a year.

Don't worry about how much you have friends, we're ALL gonna make it

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Yeah I've been hoarding JNT, looks like a lot of people and some chinese have the same idea.

I don't like how they are dealing with Arabs.

They *are* Arabs themselves, user-kun.

its a scam for you to buy more right now.

>As part of its partnership with SEED Group, Jibrel Network aims to tokenize USD 250 million worth of financial assets in addition to the USD 30 million raised to act as liquidity for jCash.

we are all going to make it
5K jibronaut here

having the government support is everything, doesn't matter what country/region it is, money is money

-Meeting with the Shiek STATUS:Failed
-Seed announcement end of February STATUS Failed
Meme Contest confirmed by Jibrel STATUS Lied about by Talal
Seed announcement 11 days late on a 'pay to publish' news site STATUS Accomplished

>Muh Lamboland

can someone show me the maths on 5x. 250M USD tokenised right?

you come into MY HOUSE and try to FUD MY COIN
go back to your designated shitting street
we are busy getting rich

Not an argument, why is your lord Talal always late.... if he even arrives? Why did he pump this announcement on Feb 26th as if it would be a major news network? Why are you blind?

even if it was pay to publish the news is not fake and will likely be covered by other sources now.

WARNING: don't buy in yet, the news are likely to be fake.

stay poor I guess lol

Why is that?

back to the discords with you

You heard him guys SELL SELL SELL

its the fucking finance news site for Reuters in the Middle East, what more do you want

Your absolutely right, im sure a major news network will do what reuters did at a fee for free
Im not buying bazinga coin... oh shit... flashbacks.,....

Wish I had that much capital to invest in Jibrel. 8k jibroni checking in. This is my moonshot coin

It is not hard to buy an article there. I will wait for an official announcement by Talal.

Why are they re-using an old photo for the paid article

If it goes well you'll probably have enough for a down payment on a house in a couple years.

By Talal? Are you thick? Announcements by Talal
"We will have an announcement with the Sheik mid February"
"We will have an announcement about seed by the end of February"

This motherfucker could tell you fags he signed a deal with Trump and you would throw 3000 at him.... Jesus

>Jibrel Network aims to tokenize USD 250 million worth of financial assets in addition to the USD 30 million raised to act as liquidity for jCash

>Imminent moon mission

I guess the confirmed SEED partnership is just for show then. Stay poor

I do not think that lying about the article would benefit him at the moment even if he is a scammer.

Joke's on you the price is as low as it's been in several days due to the dip.

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11 days late you morons, has the assets been tokenized? I checked the price, i don't see a 6x?

Sooooo what are you relying on? The integrity of a guy who has lied three times!

In 3 monrths when your posting your Wojacks im going to say i told you so...

T. Bought at 38 cents and sold at 60

Aims to. Else it would be guaranteed gains since assets would be 5x of mcap.

I'm relying on this from the official SEED website.

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nice fud user but you don't have to, we still have time until the tokenization

Kek I don’t need to argue with your absolute trash-tier FUD

Conformed by Talal.

He is in chat right now so someone can ask him what aims means and when the tokenization happens.

>$0.326694 USD (-1.47%)
Nice announcement
Nice pump

Whales have been holding it down for days to accumulate as much as possible before take off. Look at the volume and sell orders being continuously added, most JNT investors are very aware of the situation.

As someone who has bought large quantities nobody is holding shit down. There is just fuck all volume and the order book is thin both ways.

>aims to tokenize
What did he mean by this?

Why isn't the price taking off then?

Talal Tabbaa:
Hello @FontasHere The scope of the collaboration includes the tokenization of the mentioned amount, and I understand your point of view, but a media outlet such as Zawya/Reuters won't be able to delve into details on the mechanics, timeline, etc.

As mentioned, we will have a more detailed post addressing specifics...

I am NEVER falling for the "le whales are cumulatin" meme ever again

Very nice. Hmm, unless there's something about the token mechanics I don't understand... This is a guaranteed 250MM marketcap then? Already own some JNT but considering selling my other shit coins now.

3.5k JNT here, am I gonna make it?

Timeline is important but it's going to be at least four or five times that. They need to hold enough JNT to cover the tokenized assets. Assuming they only hold a quarter of the total JNT supply that makes the market cap a billion.

I'm to lazy to google what tokanizing assets means but I hold like 5k jibrel

I've been watching jnt for weeks and I'm starting to think all these threads are pnd groups. Nothing good comes of them, the shilling is a little too convenient, they post fake articles like op.

this is gonna be like SALT

prepare to get JUST'd

That article is from the arab reuters.Cant get much more official.

literally brought some yesterday
I'm a turbo poorfag but I guess you start somewhere

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Prove it


forgot pic

Attached: thompsonsandniggers.png (451x375, 47K)

Fake link virus/scam/phishing site

Do not click


r u even trying lad?


Trying way too hard user, it's ok price is still low don't stress

lmao did you reply to yourself on your mobile faggot?

lol all the briainlets here with the fud

JNT easy win

talal will fuck all your mothers bruh

Tokenization is not going to happen immediately.

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Do you even downloaded the whitepaper yet? I don't ask if you read it...just downloaded?

Assets have already been tokenised for the pilot.It could be updated any day now.

Where did they buy the JNT for tokenisation from? Surely not from Bibox/KuCoin. If it's JNT in their own possession how do they decide the price? I've asked this in the telegram before and no one answered.

anyone with less than 15K JNT = jiblet

White paper?


its ok bby we all gonna make it
6K now btw, this is the best I can do without taking out a loan

I don't know frankly but if you PM Talal personally on TG he'll respond for sure. I'd like to know as well.

I don't think they have the JNT locked in yet, the fact that pilot programs have started with jcash does not mean that the full amount of even 30M was used yet.

I am guessing they will start buying from the market when jnt hits the big exchanges. Just going from the fact that they had the Binance CEO speak at their conference I think we can assume they have a tight relationship with binance.

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37k here semipoor faggot but i hope i will make it too!

Thats lambo money
It might even be servant money if you hold long enough

25k JNT here.
Feels good man.

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Should I sell my shitty Vechain to increase my JNT stack. At a 30% loss right now


I dunno, does a minimum 6x increase sound like something you want to partake in or will you FOMO in afterwards then sell when it falls a bit?

no buy high sell low it's the Veeky Forums way


Moon when¿

not sure what this coin does but i've noticed people that post in JNT threads are some of the dumbest in all of biz which is really saying something

Moon soon

JNT is up already

>you will never see sub 30c JNT

it's happening

Uuga buuga eee jibrl stupid bizlets bad con eeee

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3.5k JNT here, will I make it?

You mean guys like you?

I think any amount >1K will make it, maybe it will take a few years, but this is going to outer fucking space

I'm guessing idiots got scammed with some fake news and are now shilling their bags? Really you guys bought "Jibrel" tokens? Lol

Mfw poorfag and i have 850 jnt :(

Jibrel is a good name faggot

I go to the barbershop and I say give me the jibrel please with extra jel

Told you it was an arab oil scam coin and you didnt believe me back then, now you are shilling it everyday from Telegram, kek. You wont sell your bags on me, enjoy bagholders

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the fud just keeps getting weaker and weaker..