Why you should be betting on smart contracts

cryptocurrencies vs smartcontracts dapps and oracles

if you are betting on cryptocurrencies where the only function is to send them fast to other addresses you should reconsider your investing strategies. because you are currently betting on a solution with no problem to solve. there is nothing wrong with the current fiat system, you can pay anywhere instantly with almost no fees with debit and credit cards. and the foreign exchange market will probably never use a cryptocurrency, maybe they will use blockchain but it will still be fiat based. also the current fiat system is so heavily rooted in our civilization it's hard too replace

smart contracts, dapps and oracles, on the other hand, will maybe have huge adoption rate in a year or two. these things create value because they can replace jobs or make someone's jobs more efficient. just look how fast email has replaced most of the postal services. it was so successfully adopted because it saved a lot of money. smartcontracts can replace a lot of resource and labor heavy processes. once they are proven to work we will see fast adoption.

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other examples of new tech that had fast and huge adoption: Netflix replaced DVD/VHS rentals, they could do it way cheaper because there was no physical logistics problem and they needed a fraction of the employees needed for a company like blockbuster.

Is this new LINK shilling strategy? Nobody needs or wants dapps and oracles.

Aeternity? Sure. ChainLink? Nope.

And why is that?

memory cards replaced kodak film roles. because again they were cheaper and could be used again. same way ipod's/mp3's/phone's replaced cd's.

this is not link shill, because i wouldn't invest into something that doesn't have an mvp

Curious to know what you’re holding OP, seems like you’d be into iExec (RLC) ...

I would say decentralization is a huge value for currencies.
It's not about government adoption, it's about ignoring the government.

Most valuable player?

what was the name of the new chainlink competitor with nodes that can consume all APIs instead of a single one?


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Witnet kills the chainlink. Also has its own blockchain not relying on the dinosaur Ethereum.

MInimal viable product

Did somebody say SHILL?

Will witnet have a main net release with nodes already in operation with companies before ChainLink?

ChainLink has offchain voting, check the whitepaper.

Are you a hippie communist? if you already made it, you realize the current system is in your favor. 50%+ Labor tax but only 1-2% capital tax. So every wagecuck pays for your healthcare and infrastructure, while you are living off that sweet interest on your Index funds.

I fully agree user. Not only is it heavily rooted and already perfectly functional, but governments/central banks would never allow a alternative monetary system to coexist with the fiat system.

It's funny how most of the convo centers on muh coin will be used to pay for coffee, muh transaction rate, ....it's all hot air, unless of course it's a FedCoin with backdoors and a unique personal identifier tied to it lol

Smart contracts are only good for ponzis

This is the max ethereum is ever gonna be, prepare for the crash when they switch to POS. I wouldn't hold to much of it unless you bought at under 100$.

fuck me you're dumb. have you ever travelled outside of whatever shithole country you live in?

WOW, what an amazing argument

Buy the smart contract rumour

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I'm invested in ETH and LINK how else do I capitalize on smart contracts?

What the fuck does MVP mean? Oh so because they haven't launched mainnet yet but you can set up a node and run API data feed through it? I'm lost at your reasoning desu can you explain?

Isn't multisig a smart contract. Fuck me I know nothing. Bcash is capable of smart contracts but BTC isn't what the fuck. So much mis info.

Didn’r Realize link already had mvp

Bcash also isn’t usable for SmartContracts yet. Maybe in 2019. But currently only see it as a attempt to gain some traction again with vage promises

Unless they cause inflation or bet on countries and their money going down.

Yeah so what. Inflation is only like 2-3% if your index funds don’t make you 10-20% a year you are fucking retarded

Like anybody would believe this spelling challenged retard

Sure, there has never been more inflation than that in history.

You've got it backwards. Dapps are the ones with no value right now (with most of it being propped up by speculation), while a decentralized currency is the only major thing of value.

You have to ask yourself, why are decentralized apps necessary? There's a lot of tradeoffs that need to be made in order to get a decentralized application to be functional. Currently that's a huge amount of performance and energy loss. There's not too many use cases where you'd want to make those sacrifices.

The only real major use of decentralization so far is money. And money that's free from a central authority is something that's been wanted for hundreds of years, but impossible to achieve until Bitcoin.

Bitcoin allows one to be autonomous, not rely on banks, not risk having funds frozen, it's pseudo anonymous, not-debt backed, cannot be printed/hyper-inflated, allow transfers anywhere in the world without extra infrastructure, has an immutable ledger, and is free from a central authority.

The whole cryptocurrency space pretty much revolves around Bitcoin because so far that's been the only real thing of value. Bitcoin has the potential to have a $10T market on it's own. Dapps on the other hand are fairly speculatory, but even if a substantial ecosystem were to appear, would it even be worth $500B?.

Also, there's a lot of reasons why dapps on a secondary layer like Lightning Network (rather than the primary layer) is a better solution overall.

delusional corecuck detected. why would any government allow to let their most powerful weapon of influence be taken away.

Man Bitcoin Segwit are such fucking retards aren't they?

Fuck them

its self explanatory if you have ever tried to move any amount of money across borders you fucking retard.

ALREady done this many times with no problem

As if the central bank monetary system isn't the biggest problem we have as a civilisation?

Somebody didn’t read the whitepaper. Chainlink is blockchain agnostic. Somebody also didn’t check out witnet’s roadmap. Testnet isn’t happening untill 2019 and tokens won’t even be released untill mainnet releases even later than that. Good luck.

The MT. Gox situation will send everyone to NANO. Better buy before the real flippening.

Nobody wants applications that lack centralised control and failure points? Kek, sure user.

You get it. SmartContracts are like hiring a lawyer/third party to oversee and control the excecution of a contract/transaction. But with SmartContracts you can do this with a fraction of the costs

Also LINK 1000$ EOY

I just started to learn solidity and programming dApps. Am I gonna make it?


great post, but biz just wants to shill their shitcoin bags and lie to newfags

Psssst go for the coin that’s integrating smart contracts and quantum resistant signatures without the need for a fork

Hint: starts with a C and is very, very cheap right now

privacy currencies are still smart and currencies until international payment services get unfucked

Just spill it you cocktease