large matter
this nonbinary augments has too much spare time on its hands
what the fuck is going on with the cuckening of coins? iota, stellar, now cardano
our society tries to answer the question 'is leaving mentally ill without treatment beneficial' with an experiment.
The results of this experiment you can judge by yourself.
These are the cucks that call EOS vapourware.
EOS is the white mans coin.
Link 'her' twitter account
Tech sector has always had its share of fuckups, mentally ill, and downright weirdos.
This is not an issue exclusive to blockchain, but rather something that comes with the territory of innovation.
My question is just how much is this particular weird fuckup contributing to the project. I doubt it's all that much, judging from how much time they waste obsessing over trivia.
They aren't going untreated, rather, this is the result of their treatment-the mutilation of their bodies, and the scrambling of their brains with chemical cocktails that encourage their shitty behavior.
nvm ,here it is
Can someone summarize what he's advocating?
tech sector is full of social akward people whom never have developed proper social skills so they are easily cultural conditioned. They learn from late night shows, tumblr, /b/. To be good is not to be respectful with them, to be good is to be how cultural image in the media portrays what's good. They don't have the natural capacity to be good nor assertive so they mimic what they see.
>Tech sector has always had its share of fuckups, mentally ill, and downright weirdos.
It did, but it was high functioning autism. Now it's full of "diversity." Ironic, considering that SV is the ivory tower that tried too hard to push equality and now California is the one to suffer.
Notice how it's always those in the ivory tower who are the last to know about the ill effects of their shitty decisions?
I gagged reading that
Personal responsibility and truth.
A light blend of Stoicism, Jungian thinking and Christian teachings. Acknowledging you must first improve / fix yourself before trying to improve others or radically change world around you. Acknowledging nothing good ever comes easily, sacrifice and facing adversity are necessary parts of growing as a person, or achieving goals.
His "controversy" is protesting Canada's newly minted bill that can compel speech. His study of totalitarianism in all forms informed his choice to protest it.
While I agree with all that, does he criticize anything that is beyond the self? All the suffering in the world is not the effect of people not being stoic enough.
At least I know for certain now to never ever buy this shit.
Individual responsibility, mythology, religion, traditionalism, an understanding of one's lack of understanding, self-understanding
He doesn't criticise the environment (outside of the environment being other individuals), so the critiquing of individuals is all that is left.
One of his specialised fields is the diagnosis and understanding of resentful and totalitarian feelings in individuals.
Suffering is a common theme in most of his lectures."Ideological possession" is a common topic and references 20th Century politics a lot. He's a cultural critic.
>All the suffering in the world is not the effect of people not being stoic enough.
No, but being stoic is knowing you have to coexist with suffering while doing all you can to minimise it. "Sometimes even to live is an act of courage."
>His "controversy" is protesting Canada's newly minted bill that can compel speech. His study of totalitarianism in all forms informed his choice to protest it.
Look man, I used to go to UofT and took Peterson classes, I know his shtick and I know the man. He’s a great psychologist, an expert in personality and development. He doesn’t know the law.
I get where he’s coming from and I’d be worried if that bill was doing what he was saying but good lord it really doesn’t. You can’t find a single lawyer that agrees with his compelled speech baloney and it’s going to get increasingly fucking awkward for him as the years pass and no one is tossed in jail for refusing to use gender neutral pronouns. It’s just not happening and that’s not me being optimistic or whatever....it’s just not what the goddamn law says.
Need I remind you guys that crazy whacked out trannys made the matrix
Cardano ain't over yet
Dude where's my car?
One more thing: he’s someone who definitely lost it a bit reading about the gulags and the threat of nuclear war and the holocaust etc etc. He doesn’t approach these problems with the same degree of intellectual rigor that he applies to the field of personality. I believe he’s genuinely frightened by these things, he cries about it in interviews, I don’t doubt his fear of totalitarianism. There’s just no rational reason whatsoever to think it’s coming to Canada. His brain broke thirty years ago when he was writing Maps or Meaning and he’ll never look at these issues logically because of that.
the absolute state of cardano
Given that he was able to interpret the law in that way means that at a certain point the law would be used in that way if no fuss was made about that.
The first part was the good one and wasn't made by them. The rest of the series were made by trannies and was shit.
Spotted the rainbow haired faggot that needs to kill itself.
that's why after the first one it went to shit
Every time I cross the border into Canada, the guy in the booth looks at my passport and says, "So, wanna fuck my wife, eh?" You maple niggers are going to get bought out by chink ant people who will push you into the ocean.
>Look man, I used to go to UofT and took Peterson classes...He doesn’t know the law.
Luckily you do! With those credentials how could i doubt you...
>You can’t find a single lawyer that agrees with his compelled speech baloney
Pretty sure he interviewed one on his channel, with a little looking you can find dissent. I'll avoid listing meme lawyers like Sharpio as they have grounds to rail against it regardless.
Exactly, they were turned into trannies for making the first by the Jews who then got their grubby hands on it
>You can’t find a single lawyer that agrees with his compelled speech baloney
Robert P.George
He was educated at Swarthmore College (BA), Harvard Law School (JD), Harvard Divinity School (MTS in Social Policy), and Oxford University (DPhil in philosophy of law).
Shit, that was what... 5 minutes?
Bill C-16 does not criminalize anything. It prevents people from being fired for their gender identity, a nebulously defined concept to be sure. Claims that one was discriminated against goes to a human rights tribunal, as has been the case with that law for every protected group.
Peterson talks about it like you’d be sent to the goddamn gulag, not slapped with a fine.
Before he became famous I hoped that he’d reach a lot of people because I saw how helpful he could be. And today, I can see that he’s still doing a lot of good with that fame. The thing is, he speaks with the same sort of authority on every matter: psychology, history, philosophy, the law...but he really only is an expert in psychology. That doesn’t mean everything else he says should be dismissed, but everyone who listens to him has to be very careful to scrutinize his claims. His arguments outside of his pure psych work consist of a lot of conjecture.
The arrogance and ignorance of people today to think that we can never descend into to totalitarianism again baffles me. What exactly makes us so different from say 70 years ago? Where does this misplaced confidence come from?
>Maple nigger defending his government for literally criminalising speech.
Being this cucked.
Do you honest-to-God think that fucking CANADA is close to becoming a totalitarian state and that it is in any meaningful way comparable to the birth of the Soviet Union? It isn’t hubris or arrogance to think that such a claim is patently absurd.
t. goose stepping communist
Wow man look up “literally” in the dictionary because that bill criminalizes fuck-all. Worst-scenario you get a FINE if you’re caught discriminating against someone’s gender identity, and the human rights tribunal has to determine it was done with hatred. No criminal record. A FINE.
alt right stuff
Cleaning your room
The Soviet Union was an evil state. The conditions that led to the creation of the Soviet Union in 1922 are, believe it or not, noticeably different in every single way to the current state of Canada in 2018, would you believe it?
I feel like I was touching shit when I held Stellar and Cardano at some point. I'm glad I sold.
If you cant see what is happening in front of you for what it is, chances are you're actively supporting it.
meanwhile an insane amount of countries have laws against insulting public officials and no one gives a fuck
This sort of ideological absolutism is ironically the very thing that Peterson purports to fight.
My position isn’t outrageous, here. I’m saying that a reasonable person could be, I don’t know, peeved, that you might get fined if you fire someone because they’re a tranny. A person might not like getting a fine.
But no, Peterson’s emotionally unstable. Brilliant, but hoo-boy. So he takes that as Step 1 to the Canadian gulags.
>human rights tribunal
>a fine
>thinking this is acceptable in any way
Leaf user, please do yourself a favor and check how much these FINES are. They aren't something you poor niggers can afford. I know the average salary there is like 40k in North American Peso money.
Bill C-16 mandates what you must say. Not what you cannot say, but what you must say. This is an absolute violation of free speech.
>Just a fine bro
isnt that the WIPE YOUR ASS cult leader?
that guy is also a religious nut tho
Whos this person supposed to be?
how does this relate to cardano, set aside OP's title
Jesus fucking Christ why didn't I sell at $1
Can you explain. What the fuck am I reading how relates to cardano
Wait is this thing a developer for cardano? If so literally will be market selling entire stack today
The have an fucking army of researchers. something ethereum should have long ago.
Only one SJW oddball in a group of a hundred? that's a success.
Also, wasn't this female supposed to be vitaliks mother?
whats more valuable to these virtue signaling companies a transgirl or an actual girl?
The more minority checkpoints a person ticks off, the better. Then they lock the beast up in a basement and pretend it isn't there so the work can commence in peace
Why would you sell, that guys hilarious
>he didn't invest in the one coin with the biggest chad as CEO
Found another good one.
Can we, as a society, just kill these people already?
This fucked up that the media is influencing companies to waste money on literal subhumans in order to push a 'pro-mentally ill' agenda
"Worship of the broken" is what it's best described as.
clean le epic room
Did he take this post down? I can't find it anymore.
This is really good
Nevermind, found it.
Am I psy-opped when I think that its oke for society to not do anything about this?
Straight up, the most effective fud I've ever seen. Only works on Veeky Forums though, normies are fucking brainwashed to think it's okay now.
It’s not even FUD at this point. I lost all confidence in this project.
And no, I won’t buy EOS either
Yeah I'm 100% out. Not that I had any ADA, but I'm adding this to my list of nevers.
Tamara looks like a hot teacher...
It's my biggest fucking hold. I can't sell it when it's 80% down and a month before staking and dapps testnet.
What do?
2 and a half hours
Do people actually have the time for this shit
Decided to add archive.is for everything
There's an error on that page.
He wrote "she", as if having XX chromosomes.
That dude is prominently gay.
Can't wait for his gayness to take its toll on Cardano. My sides are already expanding.
Can we complain to this creatures employer about the degenerate nature of their twitter? or will they get a free pass for being mentally ill?
All ive ever known about Cardano is its a retarded scam and not to buy it, confused how this mutant is affiliated with them though. someone help a dumb user understand
Wat does this person have to do w Cardano?
What happens when I refuse to pay the fine, since I deny the government the moral right to mug me for not buying into the current game of first creating mentally ill people, then exploiting them as a voting bloc?
Uncle Fester.
What do you think? It'll get a medal of valour or something as a reward.
Thank you
No company would allow an employee to act like this and represent their company? Would they really
One of the reasons I hold AMB is their CEO being make money fuck bitches type.
He would rather snort cocaine from some thot’s ass than help useless niggers.
Clearly they are proud of her
Don't people realize that their actions in their personal lives affects their business lives as well?
Jews, mostly
Thanks just sold 100k