"Mexican" bakery
"Mexican" bakery
Add lard and cinnamon to your ingredients, walla you've got pan dulce.
All that bread is designed to be dunked into hot coffee, it's called "sopear".
I saw all this same shit at my Mexican bakery.
It looks colorful and nice, but to be honest its all bland, dry, stale, and nasty, sitting in open air containers covered with flies, being fingered by everyone.
Only positive was that its cheap, and if you run a leafblower for a living and have 12 kids, that's kind of important.
Its almost like they are striving for Japanese-level cutesy-tacky playfulness and colorful design, but failing badly on both presentation and taste. Spics are truly third world gooks.
Still, its a good effort. You can bring home half the store for about five bucks, and feed your 12 kids on a leafblower's wage.
these are my go to. Puerquitos are pig shaped aniseedey/rootbeery mexican gingerbread and they are so nice
also a big fan of guava and cheese empenadas, or buying telera rolls for sandwiches
Its delicious.
I used to love pan dulce, dry and stale, shit's always good.
Had to give it up to stop being fat and bakeries don't count calories.
The Chinese are third world gooks.
>Spics are truly third world gooks
What kind of fucking lens do you see the world through, you knuckle dragging Neanderthal? You realize your line is extinct, right?
Maybe I should clarify.
"Gook" meaning Japanese, I realize almost all of Asia is third world and their food looks like puke. Its the Japanese who dress up their foods all cute with pink and yellow and fancy ass designs, and that's what the Mexicans are attempting to copy here.
I think someone here is a little butthurt. Need some Preparation H? Its ancient Chinese secret, shark liver oil shrinks your ass tumors!
orejas are my favorite
Trump's America, everybody
Thanks for the clarification. So what you're saying is your lens is an absolutely obscured opaque.
Oh fuck yes
Sixy five cents for a dozen sweet buns
Then I moved away :(
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I didn't know those are Mexican. I didn't know their name and I live in California so I simply see these everywhere.
My local panaderia bakes their cuernos with a huge sugary stripe in the middle, not like the puny one in the picture. Man, now I want one.
Actually gooks are Korean, the Japs are Nips
But Spaniards brought baking to the Americas before the Japanese did.
Why are mexican sweets such shit? Serious replies only please.
Because you have shit taste.
The candy or baked goods or both?
>Muh period bread
they fought the french over pastries and lost
You, sir, are fucking insane.
I like him.
Don't the French call these 'palmiers'?
Mexicans aren't trying to copy Japs at all, that doesn't even make sense. Those breads have been around forever.
However the thought of all Mexicans being massive weebs trying to make their food kawaii is amusing to me.
Different tastes in that Mexican pastries are not as sweet as other types (mainly American style pastries). Also I think Mexican breads are supposed to be consumed with coffee or hot chocolate, which makes up for them being drier than other types of breads.
I have no explanation as to why their sweets and candies are so shitty though.
But you agree that their sweets are shit.
You have to go back Pablo
It literally said that right in the post.
I just didn't expect to find someone to seriously agree with me. I was sure as soon as I pinned myself to an opinion I would only get contrarians to reply. I am surprised. Pleasantly.
Where do I get these.
I've always wanted to try it but I don't want to drive into those parts of towns.
I wish my someone in my local farmers market would bring these.
Even Mexicans know their breads are shit.
You have to drive to those parts of town. Also speak Spanish
Quite honestly, a lot of those bakeries are shit at making pan dulce, but when you find one that's good at it, with fluffy bread that isn't cloyingly sweet and doesn't have random pieces of cheap cinnamon...
I know they exist, but all the ones that I know of are far away from me now :(
Who /piggie/ here?
I'm pretty sure that's a pastry we call Elephant Ears in America
What's that bun thing in the top right?
As a south american I agree
For some reason we where never big on baking even tho every house has an oven
Pastries are seen as a really cheap breakfast unless you buy them from a German or French place
The only passable thing are churros really
does anyone know a good mexican bakery in NC? I'll literally suck your dick
Yes, someone knows
Question answered, now suck my dick
tastes like this
a culinary abomination.
have someone blind taste test the most elegant mexican baked good versus the most simple french croissant.
the most mundane croissant decimates all of mexican bakeries.
thankfully, trump is taking care of these for us :^)
Why do they look like fossils?
I believe it's a birote (bee-roh-teh).
They're usually used to make tortas. They're not actually a type of pastry.
youre dumb as fuck
also gook is not a name for japanese
please kill yourself cracker
only speak with spoken to, ingrate.
if you haven't gone back home yet, can you take your awful bakeries with you? TIA
yes, yes you got him my man!!
Shut up nigger, massa is talking.
I think mexican sweets are shitty due to them using natural sweeteners like honey, whereas americans use hfcs or a shit ton of sugar in everything.
There's one right down the street from me. The giant flat cinnamon discs are the best fucking things ever.
Fuck off you little, Brown Mexitroll. Got back to Meh-he-co or whatever you call it.
samefags plz fuck off
ooh you told him fucking faggot.
these are pretty good desu
Riiiight, using expensive natural honey is why these 30 cent dry turd-rolls lose by a landslide to superior American corn syrup.
Go back. You have to go back.
You say it like it's a bad thing
I'm Mexican and admit our sweet breads are horrible. Out sandwich culture though, its underrated. Top 3 in the world
are you criticizing something for tasting like butter?
410 whaddup, hollah atchya boi r-reezy if u c me in the streetz and u know whats gud!
epic maymay, user.
Thanks bruh
I haven't seen these in stores and want to try them.
These are my favorite. I also like the bread that's filled with cream cheese and jalapenos.
Have you actually had any? Especially with coffee? They're delicious and very cheap.
They're also better than the shit pastry sweets America has full of artificial sugars and preservatives.
I don't know why anyone is getting stale pan dulce, try not living in a slum?
>raped anus pastries
no thanks
Looks too soft and buttery to be a birote. It's also lined with a sweet filling if you look closely.
Its only expensive here in the states, retard. Its common as fuck down there. Are you just trolling or are you actually this fucking stupid?
Are you having a stroke?
Holy shit, literally "add lard and X to your ingredients" and you have every single pastry ever.
You are both faggots.
First you get pastries from really cheap places and second you see them as main dishes instead of a dessert.
Specially the first poster who is comparing Mexico to Japan because of the design, like, god damn, kill yourself.
Because they use spices on top of just sugar and Americans have no taste for anything that's not sweet or salty.
This guy has a point. Why not Mexicans go back to their own country and do their business there?
>Why not Mexicans go back to their own country and do their business there?
Many because they were brought here as children and don't know any other way of life
Many because they find a better life here instead of mexico's shitty economy and corrupt government
Either way I'm ok with it as long as they live and let live and try to assimilate to this country's lifestyle
Also don't play fucking ranchero music from your shitty beat up raised truck while going down the road
They're Palmiers niqqa
Conchas are great, but really easy to do poorly.
People in Hispanic places stick with bakeries for generations for this reason
those are so fucking good with some chocolate milk
a bun with cream cheese in it
You can take a Mexican out of Mexico but you can never take the Mexico out of a Mexican.
Or, something to that effect...
What the hell is that music with the trumpet, tuba, and accordion? It all sounds the same.
American "food"
How do they taste (ideally)? They have them at my supermarket but they're so big that I don't want to get one and risk most of it going to waste because it's too sweet or something.
The fried ones?
Outside is a crunchy crust that tastes like sugar. Inside is a thick, dense, and bland white bread with no flavor.
Whenever I am in the neighborhood and get some conchas (never really grew up on other kinds of pan dulce but w/e) they normally go staleish in like a few days in a Ziploc. Idc though I'll still eat them.
Choc conchas a shit though
This guy here
I agree with him. I only go to a place in East LA since that's where my mom would go and every other place I've tried is shit in comparison
>How do they taste (ideally)?
Sweet and cinnamon-y.
>they're so big
Don't let that intimidate you. They're actually pretty light and leavened.
>too sweet or something
If you find the sweetness overwhelming, don't buy from that bakery anymore. Even the topping's sweetness is supposed to be moderate.
What you gotta watch out for is any bread pudding and "ojos de buey." Anything that looks cakey and not like a cookie or a biscuit will wreck your diet.
any pumpkin empanada man in?
>See new bakery open in shopping center
>"French Bakery" it says
>Oh nice I can get some nice eclairs, macaroons and stuff
>walk inside
God damn mexicans are taking over Maryland
Actually I barely eat pastries at all and when I do it's form the French and European places
There are a couple really expensive bakery's that are south american too but even those are hit or miss and don't come close to European stuff
I think it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding on what a mexican candy is supposed to be. Americans expect sweet and maybe sour from candy. Mexicans don't.
Mexicans love a candy that is sweet, savory, salty, sour, and spicy. Mexican candy makes you work for the flavors. Its why we cover a sweet sucker in chili-lime powder. Also the sensation of going from acidic spice to a mixture of spice and sweet to finally just sweet is less boring than one straight flavor.
Yea, they're like roaches. Much like the Chinese are like ants.
It's cause of the cocoa. The chocolate polvorones are shit too. Only yellow, white, and pink are good because they are simply sugar cookies.
Exactly how Native Americans described whites. And they were right.
You mean Mexican "Bakery"