Perfect bounce off support and right into inverse head and shoulders

perfect bounce off support and right into inverse head and shoulders

we live to see another day boys...

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Are they next days critical for bitcoin?

that looks like a pretttty skewed inverse head and shoulders.. You might as well be reading TA from tea leaves

ye sure, head and shoulders, you TA fags have no boundaries for anything do you? you even ridicule your own invetions

if the head and shoulder pattern is so flexible in its application your whole analysis is so flexible in itself that it has zero value just because of it being that flexible

if you want to shill this shit atleast do it with a little bit of brainpower


every day is critical for bitcoin

normally you'd think now that volume is dropping it might not sustain the bounce and test the support again but those recent low volume runs from ~8k to 11.5k have shown otherwise

logic says that low volume points to bearish but if we can hold above 8.2k - 8.4k region and close above 8.9k,9.5k is very likely

Attached: freefalling[1].jpg (800x517, 19K)

>logic says that low volume points to bearish
what logic... your pseudo knowledge is not logic m8

the next days are ABSOLUTELY critical for bitcoin

That's not an inverted H&S by any definition. It could be a slightly skewed double bottom, but the falling volume makes me think we are not out of the danger zone.

low volume is bearish buddy

how's a bounce going to be sustained without volume?

is head and shoulders the new 'it' thing for crypto or something? I dont think 99% of you TA fags know what you are talking about

you guys are so deluded wtf all of you will be losing money. (no i didnt sell bottom). this market is so heavily manipulated this pump wasnt organic at all. fucking brainlets. im glad all your money is going to me.

im guessing you've been implying that we will see a

Think about the amount of money that didn't sell the dip to 6k, or the recent to 8k. These people are hodling to atleast 16k for a somewhat 2x. Bitcoin will oscillate on PnD forever under 20k.

>low volume is bearish buddy
why do you think that? explain. afterall you say its logic. so explain the logic behind it

>how's a bounce going to be sustained without volume?
price goes up when more people buy than sell and vice versa. has nothing to do with volume. thats pretty basic

also what is your reference? the last price? the highest bid? the lowest ask?

yeah, BTC is way too overpriced at $5, maybe if it was $1 I'd buy.

>muh perfect inverse head and shoulders.

Please stop

>price goes up when more people buy than sell and vice versa. has nothing to do with volume. thats pretty basic
Wrong. How can there be more buyers when for every buyer there is a seller? Price goes up if the people buying are more urgent than the sellers. This is usually accompanied with larger amounts of volume.

low volume means that the majority is not heavily interested in those prices making manipulation a possibility

tradiotionally low volume indicates that a trend may not continue but recent events (low volume btc runs) have shown otherwise which is why i say that,USUALLY,its bearish and may confirm a bearish divergence but it could also go on a low volume run like it recently did

>Wrong. How can there be more buyers when for every buyer there is a seller? Price goes up if the people buying are more urgent than the sellers. This is usually accompanied with larger amounts of volume.
well i assume you understand the concept of orderbooks. if the sellbook is thin. low volume can drive the price up easily.

also it depends on which price you are referring to. beacuse if you just say its worth what the cheapest seller is willing to sell for you dont need volume at all. if you refer to the last price what i said above applies

i dont even agree on usually and even if i would. usually does not mean its logic which was the initial statement

>the next days are ABSOLUTELY critical for bitcoin
Think I heard someone say that last month.

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