Newbie here. Should I buy Ethereum? Why?

I've read a little about smart contracts and Oracles. I fail to see how the decision that a certain condition is met, can be decentralised. Pls help.

t. Brainlet

Attached: IMG-20180309-WA0014.jpg (736x1103, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Its funny. The girl in this pic is being stalked by her future self.
Remember, young thots age. Don't ever fall victim to any chicken you're stickin. And never pur the two before the one.

t. Link $1,000 eoy


here for you cuck

Paccoin EOY gonna be top 50.

We're buying LINK here.

Only wh*Te thots.

This video is retarded. ETH is retarded. 'Smart' contracts have no fucking use in the real world.

sell low to me cuck

Read the fucking whitepaper.

Attached: SUPPLY3.png (964x995, 1.02M)

Attached: vitalikpedo.jpg (1006x773, 68K)

28 million now.

fuck off newfag we're full

Ethereum? which one? classic? forked?

why Ethereum? do you plan to actually use it the way it was designed for?

>are you just the next gullible faggot thinking to get rich overnite in a couple mouseclicks following some random user's advice?

Attached: WiT.jpg (1200x1824, 322K)

Who is this goddess?

that manjaw, holy shit

All that image does is describe PoW, also that emission is from before the last hardfork. It's about 20400 daily now.

PoW is in general a problem which is why ethereum is switching to PoS. Bitcoin is doomed to PoW.

PoW lowers price in the short run but it leads to larger distribution which allows for an actual adoption. That's why ETH is going to $10k after PoS.

I thought ETH was a bad buy because of all the people who bought it just for ICOs and all the ETH locked up in ICOs that have to be dumped at some point but now Im not sure.

ETH is going to be shilled hard in the MSM in the next few months so yes, it's probably the best short term buy you can make. It's going to grow much faster than BTC through the summer.

just an average girl on the streets of Barcelona


I like you user

Independent Catalonia when?

she has incredible legs

>how the decision that a certain condition is met, can be decentralised

Attached: popteamlink.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

lol start by not asking this on an anonymous Veeky Forums board. if you really want technical info go reddit or even better twitter, ask a question, and all the top autists will fight to answer you and then argue about it

it's called cocaine

only way she could be comfortable walking around outside like that

get a load of those getaway sticks

In case that wasn't clear, look into Chainlink for decentralized oracles.

This is painfully true. Be sure to kudosthe most autistic answer.

Soooo you didn't say I love you...