No EOS thread?

You guys realize this will easily 2x - 50x by June, right?

EOS is, literally, the best project in the space and lightyears ahead of everything else.

1 EOS = 1 roastie pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

4000 eos reporting in

You’ll make it. Who’s next?

Thats not a roastie, too young.

Also 140 EOS poorfag reporting in

You’ll make it if you hold until 2022. Who’s next?

Attached: FB7F0FC7-19DE-436A-A734-F2295698A5BA.jpg (482x730, 44K)

> bikini
> tan
> mirror shades

> not a roastie

You *might* make it. Who’s next?

Attached: 9366864F-422A-4F07-9681-94CFCD5BD8F5.jpg (479x480, 68K)

1370 eos

You’ll make it. Who’s next?

Attached: 2964066C-84BD-4988-9EC5-08CD67C8FC72.jpg (500x505, 55K)

thanks roastiebrah

550 EOS over here

As a guy living in a coastal city with nice beaches, what the fuck are you talking about?
Roasties are girls fucked so much that their pussies looks like roast beef. If it is too young, the collagen still does its job keeping the labia small and pink.

you have horrible taste in women faggot

I thought roastie meant piked like a rotisserie chicken

my god, perfection...imagine cumming on her face

roastie = thot

You’ll make it

30mil EOS here, Ive been slowly converting it all into fiat. Holding is for retards

Larpers get no wives at all. Who’s next?

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Is that enough bro. I would love that many. Only got 105 at the moment.

i'll buy when it inevitably crashes in price
good project and it'll be massive if it takes off but it's horribly overpriced for vaporware


Please see:

You’re officially BTFO

do you actually know what a testnet is? until they prove themselves that their product can scale & is ready for the masses it doesn't mean shit. right now it's still an erc-20 token. yes, the "ethereum killer" is an erc-20 token.
> officially BTFO

Only a few months left for this laughable argument. EOS will be better than Ethereum day one by leaps and bounds. I think you secretly know this. You should join the big boys club and put everything you have into EOS unless it is your intention to remain impoverished.

I remember when the same people shilled bitshares with the same tricks. kek

A successful DAC is bad? BitShares isn’t a functioning decentralized exchange which handles considerable volume?

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>EOS will be better than Ethereum day one by leaps and bounds
you miss the point fanboy

Ah, it is your goal to remain in poverty. That makes sense.

This is all I have right now, I'm mining $15 etc a day as well

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Good goy. You need more.

cant believe people buy RLC...

>fucking too much cause deformation of the vulva
Wizzardy lvl 12

2300 EOS here.

30 ETH reporting in

I might buy after mainnet. After the dump commences. Patience.

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Not to mention a 50x will be tough to come by in these market conditions. It will happen but I don't see happening in the 3 months that you need to fomo in now. Wait for dump after mainnet.

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horseback riding and playing college soccer also has the same tragic effect.

Please help me get a qt gf OP

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1013. hoping to accumulate after an amb moon brah