Let's try this one more time. Just bought Eth again at $711, looks like the markets are turning more optimistic.
If it falls in the next hour I'm fucking done.
Let's try this one more time. Just bought Eth again at $711, looks like the markets are turning more optimistic.
If it falls in the next hour I'm fucking done.
bulltrap after bulltrap
See you at $650
Still $711. Looking okay so far.
grats on being able to risk all you got, you live with your parents or are you stupid?
I work, and can actually make money, unlike most of you, I'm sure.
Went in with $20k this time.
if this is the same OP as yesterday, stop posting
Keep it up OP. One day your going to go all in and ETH is going to go 100x. It might not be today, but it might just as well. Keep up your optimism. You're gonna make it.
Are you that faggot who was calling everybody nazi, or that sad cat guy?
$715. I'm in the green. Suck it, nazis.
lol you bought high, user. sell now or lose everything
user, I....
oh boy here we fucking go
I was still working on the cap of your last thread, might as well make it a saga
see you at 450 later this week
Don't bother, I'm still in the green after an hour.
Keep being toxic on the sidelines though!
Read above, genius. The price already went to $715, that means I could go down to $706 before losing money.
you're making the LARP too obvious
Blatant fake. Bad larp. The other guy seemed like a real redditor:
>he did it again
it really is the same OP as yesterday! You make me regret every time I’ve called someone a faggot because I realize now I’ve only been watering down the word for when I truly needed it, but here goes anyway: OP you are the biggest faggot I have ever encountered. I hope you lose more than just your money and sanity.