Veeky Forums future wife game

Ok Veeky Forums it’s time to play the “future wife” matchmaker game.

Let me unlock the mysteries of your fate.

How much EOS do you hold?

Tell me, and I will show you your future wife.

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Who’s next?

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binance dust for me

Enter the paid EOS shills

Who’s next?

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Made for BBC

Wrong. Whale. Who’s next?

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what about everyone else with 0?
I dont want to share her.

Also 0. But hold a lot of iota and neo

The only right amount, 0.
Any more than that and you will probably marry a yaoi pillow.

Who’s next?

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0, fuck that pajee coin


Friendly reminder that cuck posters like this are the "canary in the gold mine" that is telling you that Veeky Forums is full of low iq brainlets

to put it another way
you're the wafting smell coming off a fresh turd


10,000 EOS

100 EOS

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2k EOS checking in. Don't need a wife unless you got 3

put the meth down faggot, you have horrible taste in women, oh and elastos is already fucking eos in the anus, have fun with 5 dollars eoy

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The famous girl who sang the Havana song.

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She's fucking hot, bro. Looks almost like Dan Larimmer

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Elastos is laughably slow compared to EOS. You’re deluded. Who’s next?

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I bought 5000 at ATH and sold last month, what does my wife look like

You sold, you lost. Who’s next?

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i dont understand the token distribution model of eos. they are still selling tokens through their website, but for how much is somewhat hidden. what is the average price for 1 eos if bought on their website?

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why should anyone buy eos through binance for a certain price if it is not obvious what their "ico"-price is? fuxxing shill thread here.

0 will wait until correction and buy 10k again

> correction
You sold, you lost. Who’s next?

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A shill I’m not.

I’m a mystical EOS whale here to unlock the mysteries of your fate.

Stand up and judged.

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it's correcting right now and still has a ways to go. don't fall in love too quickly.

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105 trying to get more

as if i would fall for a wife meme

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100k of Syscoin

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When I make it, I'm leaving behind this meat prison and never looking back.

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I can't believe that's a real person.

What the actual fuck.

If I woke up like that, I would stop eating for a year.

Who’s next?

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Is EOS the new Link?

What would you do if you woke up like this?

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Oh you, tee hee.

Oh you, tee hee.

EOS is the new LINK, Ethereum and Bitcoin.

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I can only do a couple more.

Allow me, the mystical EOS whale to peer into your future and reveal your one true love.

Post how much EOS you hold and my meme magic will guide your soul.

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How many for the girls in OP pic?



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>Money Skelly v2.0


0 but what can I get for 10?

look like you have a heavy bag of abomination on your computer

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Wtf, did they cut through her skull? Lokk at that scar

15 on Kraken

She likely had a brain surgery.

2038.29 EOS help OP


2000, been holding since november and 1$, was too dumb to sell for 14 and buy back now, but I think loyalty should be rewarded , right OP?

you have done such a good job with the shitcoin shilling, here is your wife and american style burger

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