Any other oldfags here remember when this board wasn't total shit full of non-stop crypto threads? Threads about legit topics get buried instantly and no replies because this board is 100% wage cucks investing in scam coins. Where'd old Veeky Forums go to?
Any other oldfags here remember when this board wasn't total shit full of non-stop crypto threads...
Veeky Forums was created to get crypto out of /g/, newfag
you are a stupid faggot
Veeky Forums started as a crypto containment board because faggots like you were complaining that crypto threads were shitting up /pol/ and /g/
now apparently crypto threads are shitting up Veeky Forums
you queer
>Any other oldfags here remember when this board wasn't total shit full of non-stop crypto threads? Threads about legit topics get buried instantly and no replies because this board is 100% wage cucks investing in scam coins. Where'd old Veeky Forums go to?
Is this a meme? You can't possibly be this new to Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums sucked before crypto who was making money?
>old Veeky Forums
I too remember the one drop shipping thread, the one resume thread, and the rest of the threads being crypto
This board was literally INVENTED by Satoshi Nakamoto and his partner Sergey Nazarov.
Get necked OP.
yeah before you suck any more time out of my life I am just going to stop your faggot reddit ass right there and tell you to kys like the revisionist queer you are
cry more Veeky Forums is /pol/ is /g/, queer
I remember. It’s much better now. I don’t miss dropshipping threads or affiliate marketing shit. Or underage faggots “what degree should I do” threads.
Bet you'd be fine if it was underage girls asking though you fucking sicko
The only thing I miss is frugalposting
satoshi created Veeky Forums back in 2010 so autists wouldnt shit up his bitcointalk threads
>incoherent string of /pol/ buzz words
Yeah you're retarded.
90% of the smart people left, clearly. This board should be able to sustain drop shipping threads (my drop shipping business brings in $8k/month still), resume threads, etc. Yet it can barely do that. Sad shit.
>Affiliate marketing
Fuck pajeet tier trash pisses me off - "Oh yes sir, oh I make $0.30 for only 25,000'000 clicks sir, look at my link farm Google delisted inside of 3 minutes sir. "
Any time someone used to ask "How to money" this shit would be posted. Cryptos are way better, money, tech, memes, fucking everything. So OP is a faggot.
I've made a ton off affiliate marketing, sorry you couldn't figure it out. How's that cubicle cuck job working out for you..?
>8k per month.
Pics or it's bullshit. Drop shipping invariably fails as you're a completely unnecessary middleman open to your supplier simply creating their own damn listing. Without fail, every time someone days they make money with this, it's utter bullshit (ie like a couple hundred per month).
>simply creating their own damn listing
>he thinks I'm selling on ebay or amazon
Ha you fucking idiot, stay poor.
>anyone remember when this board was full of threads where you might make 1.25x yearly returns instead of threads where you might make 2000x yearly returns
Kek, I don't wagecuck pajeet. Coder - so I do bounties and contracts at home for $85 - $135 per hour. In addition I have a bunch of android apps out, a trading bot (about 2% daily returns for 0 effort), a 6khs hobby mining rig and oh yeah - my trove of shitcoins I've accumulated for the past couple years.
And that's not bragging, as that's not unusual - ton of coders like me around. Unlike "successful" affiliate marketers, it's a pretty easy and well established path to riches. But yeah, I'm sure YOU have the magic formula for generating dollars by the dozen for only 80 hours per week plus!!!! You're a thousandaire!!!
>about 2% daily returns for 0 effort
fake news
Kek, sure you do - you're a Shopify faggot then right?
Tell me all about how you have SUCH great SEO, you successfully compete with fucking Amazon.
Are you a total moron?
Even though I use my own Bot, both gunbot and profit trailer get about the same on average (profit trailer a little more from memory). Go look it up faggot. Bot trading has been insanely profitable for a few years now, even in oldfag markets.
>But yeah, I'm sure YOU have the magic formula for generating dollars by the dozen for only 80 hours per week plus!!!! You're a thousandaire!!!
>mfw app business for 7 years (iOS only) 6 million installs to date; apps in education/utilities/productivity
>drop shipping across several Shopify/Woocommerce sites
>separate Amazon merch business
Literally all outsourced. No idea how to code either. Kek. I work maybe a few hours a week, tops. Feels unusually good, man.
It's called PPC code cuck.
>The state of marketing cucks
Ah yeah, I get a LOT of work fixing up the mistakes your little outsourced minions create - I'm sure I've NEVER exploited their amazingly successful code kek.
You're irrelevant to your own business - this is why you fail (despite your larping). On the rare occasion one of you little low-skill parasites even has a good idea (that took you 3 months of wrangling shit-tier pajeets into creating) someone like me just knocks out a better version in a weekend for free.
>mfw you're capitalizing words to emphasize attempt at being passive aggressive on a malaysian kite flying board like an angry stay at home mom on Kikebook
>mfw everyone more successful than yourself must be larping
Kek too much.
I do remember some finer business arts threads however I think the vast majority of it was fags larping and trying to show off or outright lying about supposed "strategies" and their "successes"
I remember some obvious larping threads but a lot of threads with legit advice/guides.
Veeky Forums sucked before crypto. It was people talking about small-time business ideas like drop-shipping, and boomer-tier index fund advice.
All of that is still relevant. I've been in Eth since $10, but I still want to diversify into other shit eventually, even boomer memes.
You are new.
Veeky Forums was created in 2014 as a crypto containment board.
Fuck off!
Remember that this is the kind of "advice" that nocoiner faggots like OP offered back in 2014.
I was here in 2014. Why were there practically no crypto threads back then?
I've been in crypto since 2010.