$500 Reward for Solving Crypto Puzzle

The EthPhoenix Developers (ethphoenix.com) are offering a ~$500 reward for solving a puzzle related to the announcement of new feature they are planning to release for their Ethereum dApp.

The puzzle appears to be partly cryptographic in nature and partly literary, and the clues are spread across the EthPhoenix dApp ecosystem (e.g. pyrmex.com).

If you're a puzzle solver who likes a good mystery, this treasure hunt might be up your alley. Hints and other clues can be found on the Ethphoenix twitter and on the discord. You can find both by going to the main page at ethphoenix.io

good luck and happy hunting. OH, and the 500$ is just the tip of the money iceberg. Prepare for a new era in crypto.

Attached: unknownpuzzle.png (1410x794, 370K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Larping bullshit.

Heh I'm afraid it's true. Sorry user.

Good luck, everyone!

ok, so if its not a larp then what user?


there is more than just a cash prize for the user that cracks the case.

First we must state what is known, lots of strange shit happening with this string of integers.
it has recently replaced the title of (buy price) on ethphoenix.io and it has also been swapped for the "house) title on pyrmex betting block??? what does it meme?

They're not the same string, user. ;)

sting from buy page

string from house


also dont forget the breaking bad video/poem on the stats page!

yes! good point! there was a poem on the stats page added subtly at sometime last night...

>Ozymandias poem from breaking bad

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
-Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792 - 1822

wow, some nice taste with some high class lore. Ill be digging

also after some investigation, in the picture in the OP, it says "a four foot box a foot for every year" which brought me to a poem called mid-term break by seamus heaney

things fall apart, the center can not hold brought me to The Second Coming by W.B. Yeats

and you my father there on the sad height is a poem written by Dylan Thomas which is listed on the picture as well above that (and under Reddit)

my guess is the strings of numbers/letters correspond to authors of poems

and then the next obvious question is... what the fuck are norsefire's eggs?

come the fuck on pajeet. this is just some larpy bullshit to get mor interest for this shit ppyramid.. FUCK how are you so dumb?

>come the fuck on pajeet. FUCK how are you so dumb?

The dev said it was real, why shouldnt i believe him? Not once has he ever NOT delivered on something he said he would do. Your lack of faith sickens me.

Attached: f7727f5350879af8e05d2a07bbec5e6d3e66d44520fa770e2458a454f20d14a7.jpg (255x175, 7K)

For what it's worth, I transferred the prize money to a wallet yesterday.


You don't have to believe me, but I'm not the kind of man who makes shit up with nothing behind my words.

Why the fuck did we let the king of the autistics play DM?

Attached: 54607751-DB79-4D58-BF39-4F442334C40A.jpg (733x485, 51K)

Oh you

new clue has been found on the bottom of the whitepaper page on ethphoenix.io

Seems tricky but I will try to solve it.


bump for interest

Bump for the poor starving children that all want that $500!


march of gods and dæmons, and all spirits but on, who throng those bright and rolling worlds which thou and i alone of living things behold with sleepless eyes! regard this earth made multitudinous with thy slaves, whom thou requitest for nee-worshp, prayer, and praie, and toil, and hecatomb of broken hearts, with fear and self-contept and barren hope. whilst me, who am th foe, eyeless in hate, hast thou made reign and triumph, to thy scorn. o'er mine own misery and thy vain revenge. three thousand years of sleep-unsheltered hours, and moments aye divided y keen pangs till they seemed years, trture ad solitude, scor and despair, — these are mine empire: more glorious far than that which thou surveet from thine unenvied throne, o mighty god! almighty, had i deigned to share the shame of thine ill tyranny, and hung not here nailed to this all of agl-baffling mounain, black, wintry, dead, unmeasured; witout hrb, insect, or best, o shape or sound of life. ah me! alas, pain, pain ever, for ever! no change, no pause, no hope! ye endure. i ask the earth, have not the ountins el? i ask yon haven, the all-beholding sun, has it not seen? the sea, in stom or clm, heaven's ever-changing shadow, sead below, have ts deaf waves not heard my agony? ah me! alas, pain, pain ever, for ever! the crawling glaciers pierce me with the spears of their moon-freeing crystals, th brigh chains eat with their burning cld ito my bones. heaven's wnèd ound, polluing from thy lips his beak in poison not his own, tears up my heart; and shapeless sights come wandering by, the ghastly people of the realm of dream, mocking me: and the earthquake-fiends are charged to wrench the rivets from my quivering wounds when the rocks split and close again behind: while from their loud abysses howling throng the genii of the storm, urging the rage of whirlwind, and afflict me with keen hail.

part two
and yet to me welcome is day and night, whether one breaks the hoar frost of the morn, or starry, dim, and slow, the other climbs the leaden-coloured east; for then they lead the wingless, crawling hours, one among whom — as some dark priest hales the reluctant victim — shall drag thee, cruel king, to kiss the blood from these pale feet, which then might trample thee if they disdained not such a prostrate slave. disdain! ah no! i pity thee. what ruin will hunt thee undefended through wide heaven! how will thy soul, cloven to its depth with terror, gape like a hell within! i speak in grief, not exultation, for i hate no more, as then ere misery made me wise. the curse once breathed on thee i would recall. ye mountains, whose many-voicèd echoes, through the mist of cataracts, flung the thunder of that spell! ye icy springs, stagnant with wrinkling frost, which vibrated to hear me, and then crept shuddering through india! thou serenest air, through which the sun walks burning without beams! and ye swift whirlwinds, who on poisèd wings hung mute and moveless o'er yon hushed abyss, as thunder, louder than your own, made rock the orbèd world! if then my words had power, though i am changed so that aught evil wish is dead within; although no memory be of what is hate, let them not lose it now! what was that curse? for ye all heard me speak.

More interesting than anything else going on today.

500$, kek I've given out more for begging anons on this basket weaving forum

Seems interesting ...

OP here. After looking over the OP image some more i have noticed a few things...help me out here...

two poets are listed in the image, Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas.
There is a line at the bottom right corner too...
>"and you, my father, there on the sad height"

is from the poem, "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas. LOOK AT THE OP IMAGE MORE

Hmm, what links these poems together? Death?

Death, No. Perhaps its int he biblical sense.
jesus said something like, "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” but!
it was actually mistranslated in the king james and it was really translate to "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the Eon"

maybe norse is hinting at a new era? Big if true...

Whoa whoa whoa, don't go giving me an ego - this is how cults of personality start!

not calling you jesus senpai, just that death is sometimes synonymous with eon or era; like a new beginning!

So far everyone ITT has failed to mention the third hex code

shhhhh i want the ETH mate dont tell them

bump for answers

this is all still shitty smoke and mirrors. how can u not see this..

your judgement is based on the absolute superficial understanding of the situation. What if your wrong?

no m8, it's prize money. You don't need to buy EPX to win, you only need to spend your own time examining clues.

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