>he doesn't own at least 5000 RLC
Not going to make it, user.
>he doesn't own at least 5000 RLC
Not going to make it, user.
>decentralized cloud computing
dead on arrival. nice pump and dump. worthless token.
shhhhhhhhhhhh non
don't be so stupid
excellent rebuttal my dude
will be sure to stay far away from this shitcoin from now on.
thank you im sure the market will care about your shitty opinion kek
anyone who isnt in eth, bch, xrp, neo, omg, iota is going to get extremely justed this year
shitcoin pnd are fucking finished, the sec is making sure of that. only real coins with lots of normie and institutional attention and interest will survive. xrp will be at the forefront of all of this
lots of really shitty/uncreative FUD = coin has value
daily reminder blockchain cloud computing is retarded and will never be able to compete with aws. anyone buying these coins did so purely based on buzzwords and doesnt understand even the basics of how cloud computing works.
>thinks he's smarter than a team of PHD's
guess you haven't seen the blender render demo or understand what iExec can do.
also really poor FUD almost zero factual evidence all buzzword negging low IQ shitpost thank you for the bump
>thinks all those phds listed on the team are actually real
>not realizing most shitcoin sites lie about their team
>lying about team members that show their faces on camera and visit events almost weekly
>not realizing true value when he sees it
I know you're just trying to accumulate while fudding, it's obvious.
ill screencap this and post when xrp is $5+ and rlc is keeled over at 50 cents
Iota neo and omg are shitcoins you dirty kike. Iota doesnt even have a fucking wallet and is filled with retards that want to make a trinary system.
As a dev, I agree. This will never compete with AWS. It just won't. I'm running 5 micro tier servers on AWS right now and it's costing me like $2/month. Why the fuck do I need RLC?
Complete shitcoin, I hope you don't really hold it.
>have only 300 RLC because I'm poor.
>can't see outside of his fishbowl
kek, poor confirmed
It doesn't need to compete with AWS. It will, but it doesn't have to. It will do many other things your small feeble fucking brain can't even imagine.
>As a dev
Please. AWS can do so much more than this piece of shit. You're so fucking clueless.
"It doesn't need to compete with AWS"
kek'd, good luck with that.
You have 300 RLC. You are in fucking poverty. Even if it went 100x, you'd still be poor.
>As a dev
Yeah, I literally am a software developer. It hurts, but some people on Veeky Forums have real jobs. Good luck with your 300 RLC dude. Hope you make it
>I literally am a software developer
There was a nice pump recently, so if you got out at the top of that, then nice. If you're bagholding, you should probably DYOR so that you realize that this token will never capture any cloud computing market share. It doesn't have the resources or the vision to compete with giants. Anybody telling you otherwise is either retarded or naive.
15K RLC here, in for future
can you do cloud computing on the blockchain? sure. its a neat idea. will it ever be faster, better, cheaper than centralized solutions like aws? no fucking chance.
>t. I work for a cloud computing company
Read the whitepaper. It's not meant to compete with AWS you dolt
Lol, this.
>cloud computing
>not meant to compete with AWS
What did he mean by this?
>I work for a cloud computing company
A decentralized app that needs more computational power than can be provided by the blockchain alone needs a second layer solution that is also decentralized.
Give me the name of your company so I don't accidentally hire you.
this response reads like a donald trump tweet. you're an uninformed bagholder user. face it. nobody is going to use a far inferior service just because muh crypto. it doesnt offer any advantages over what we already have.
why does it need to be decentralized though? in ways is decentralized computing power better than centralized? honest question.
yep, zero overhead for the same if not better performance
yep, a trait of decentralization is that it's always cheaper than the centralized option.
None of that is true... at all.
What the fuck are you even saying, retard? What is the point of decentralized cloud computing? How will your stupid RLC ERC20 token compete with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft? By the way, I'm sure you hire lots of people. You seem really smart.
>None of that is true... at all.
great rebuttal, very insightful
>What is the point of decentralized cloud computing?
hahahahahahahah i'm so glad i'm not this retarded
>the worlds best taxi service owns no cars
>the worlds best market owns no products
>the worlds best cloud computing service owns no servers
also, it solved the oracle problem already.
If your dapp uses a centralized second layer then its not really decentralized, is it? The whole point of building a dapp would (presumably) be to reap the benefits of decentralization. This isn't about competing with AWS. The whole point of RLC is that it provides a solution that didn't exist before: it expands the capabilities of smart contracts. The fact that you can also use RLC for non smart contract related jobs is just a side bonus.
>a trait of decentralization is that it's always cheaper than the centralized option
>why does it need to be decentralized though? in ways is decentralized computing power better than centralized? honest question
>why does it need to be decentralized though
>why does it need to be decentralized though
>why does it need to be decentralized though
>why does it need to be decentralized though
literally the entire point of cryptocurrency you fucking retard just give your fucking money to a homeless man it'll get more use faggot
>How will your stupid RLC ERC20 token compete with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft?
How the fuck do you function without a brain?
See .
its been working just fine for the thousands and thousands of dapps that have already been built so far.
>this isn't about competing with AWS
this is a solution in search of a problem is what it is
He's a dev, be respectful
>its been working just fine for the thousands and thousands of dapps that have already been built so far
No it hasn't. Cryptokitties is the obvious example.
>tHiS iS a sOLutIoN iN sEaRcH oF a pRoBlEm iS wHaT iT iS
You are not seeing my point here, and holy shit you might be the most retarded person I've ever interacted with on the internet.
>The whole point of RLC is that it provides a solution that didn't exist before: it expands the capabilities of smart contracts. The fact that you can also use RLC for non smart contract related jobs is just a side bonus.
>the whole point of RLC is that it provides a solution that didn't exist before
Sounds like a great business model. Kys retard, the solution isn't even needed.
I bet you hold deepbrain chain too, huh? youre one of those kids that thinks plugging "crypto" into literally anything automatically makes it better. how old are you user?
What if i own 5000 btc?
>why does it need to be decentralized though
>why does it need to be decentralized though
>why does it need to be decentralized though
lets just remember that you said this about cryptocurrency
let's just remember.
>pic related, it's you
Also no, I'm 50% RLC 50% ETH.
that has to do with the transaction speed of the ethereum network, not with the centralized servers they use for computing power you fucking brainlet
dump it all in RLC and be a billionaire in 4 years
He isn't saying that about cryptocurrency, you fucking brainlet. He's saying that cloud computing does not need to be decentralized. Anyway, good luck with your bags.
>another retard that doesn't understand the point of cryptocurrency
Not gonna make it, anons.
I'm not saying that about "cyptocurrency" I'm saying it about iExec. there are plenty of applications where decentralization offers advantages but this is not one of them.
iExec is a cryptocurrency. You're saying that decentralization is not important, when it is. Are you seriously that retarded or are you just fudding because you're trying to accumulate?
> there are plenty of applications where decentralization offers advantages but this is not one of them.
Right, i'll totally believe your shit opinion that holds zero factual reasoning kill yourself
I've already made it. Keep buying shitty ERC20 tokens and wishing that it'll get you out of poverty. Can't argue with retards. Best of luck user.
Christ you don't fucking understand how Ethereum works. All those transactions were to execute functions on the cryptokitties contract, not to transfer value. All of that logic could have been taken off chain.
>All of that logic could have been taken off chain.
Not to mention, infinite other possible use cases.
Oh, and lets not forget that iExec can already render blender files, something Golem hasn't even done yet.
>I've already made it.
Doubt it. Your IQ is obviously below 93.
you getting mad there little buddy? iExec is a dapp built on ethereum RLC is a cryptocurrency. my point is lumping all cryptocurrencies into a single bucket is retarded. decentralization only makes sense in certain applications like supply chain and payments it isnt automatically better for every use case on earth you fucking monkey
>iExec is a dapp
>iExec is a dapp
hahahah oh wow
>he doesn't know it's blockchain agnostic
>he doesn't know it's crypto 4.0 and beyond
just stop talking now faggot
You're a clown