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Are you a daytrader?


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Then why do post about the price every day?
Just hold eventually it will go up

life's not fair you fucking slut

pls be my gf ur so cute

>korean NEO

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i wait for you post every day, qt pie
please let me kiss your nose

>korean ETH

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>Mainnet launch will go 100x

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>korean exchanges

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That you got wrekt just buying what everyone else shilled?

No one got rich letting other people think for them user

Hopefully you will learn your lesson now

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I was one of the first people to shill ICX on Veeky Forums you fucking faggot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.18_[2018.03.11_17.19.28].jpg (1280x720, 55K)

They did up until the middle of January. ICX is a solid choice though those despite the memes. My only concern is the supply.

When there were 10 threads every hour about it that should be your clue to GET OUT

Because when that happens that means there's no more buy pressure because all the newfag anons are already bought in and struggling to shill it to the last few holdouts

Use your head

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>all the koreans know about this

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who the fuck shilled us this and why did we buy.

go back to shilling you lazy fuck I need to get my money back

I'm still holding 10k from the ICO. Just shut up and hold till the ICOs start.
If you're holding WAN as well, then don't sell it either. This is gold dust.

as someone who bought before all the shilling, I'm still up
you faggots need to stop selling this shit, I'm getting tired of seeing my potential gains vanish

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The fucking 800k total supply is such bs. Thus shit was not clear on the white paper.