hey Veeky Forums, what do gay people eat?
Hey Veeky Forums, what do gay people eat?
>what do gay people eat?
homemade pasta
with meatballs and sausage
This and ass
You know what they eat.
Cum and arse
muff, also lots of pasta and ethnic food. That is not a euphamism, that's what I cook.
Dim sum is based
poo, cum and dick
I wish I was gay so someone I was attracted to would lick my asshole
Sorry, not interested
R u a grill
Cream of Sum Yung Guy, hot dogs, sausage, eggplant, bananas, baguettes, carrots, kielbasa, etc.
lel OP you sly fucker
Don't forget espresso
dey eat da poopoo
A lot of sausage.
Holy fuck could there be any more butt devistation here? I have a feeling this is fagfags doing.
You could just ask the person you like if they'd eat your ass. It's not that out there in terms of requests.
dicks and poop and cum and farts and burger king
Human beings are disgusting, gay or not.
Gay people are actually some of the best chefs in the world.
Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Ellen, Elton John, Seinfeld, Queen etc
example of best cum dish from each
Poo poo
Wathever fast food is pandering to the at the moment, they are just trashy like that
I dunno what did you have for lunch OP?
straight person here and i eat tons of cum and ass
Yes it is you fucking freak
low-hanging fruit
Basically this. Also hummus
you're a virgin.
Smegma, goat cheese, water popsicle. Jerk beef (only to throw up). Rim salted chocolate with nuts.
Mushroom risotto