Portfolio rate thread
Portfolio rate thread
>Portfolio rate thread
How do you that much invested, but no link or req?
Well I'll tell you buddy, I believe in the Chinese to have the best operating blockchains in the future
Well you need at least 1k link for life insurance.
Alright, I'll pick up 1k link when I mine enough to buy it, should take 3 days, hopefully it isn't $100 by then haha
Honest advice to make it: sell those shitcoins VTC and DBET and put it into WYV and BIS. You can thank me in 3 years.
Look. Nolinkigger are subhuman.
Why do you have dbet? Revv Nissan is some asshole Facebook vlogger who made a shitcoin.
Just wanted a low cap moonshot.
VTC is going to have two direct to fiat exchanges this month. Also lighting network and atomic swaps. Nice hedge against NANO.
LOL at newfags not HODLing Bitcoin Candy. Bitcoin Candy will be at the peak of the lollipop industry in 2030. Screencap this. By 2030 you won't be able to buy candy without using Bitcoin Candy.
>crypto won't be completely institutionalised and will still exist in its current form in 3 years
This is definitely a fake portfolio.
Nope, I can cap my binance if you want.
>I can use inspect element on a webpage if you want
why would you care if its fake or not
What makes you think it is a fake portfolio?
Simply tired of memes and shilling.
You must be poor then bro. Sorry if you think my port is fake. I’ll do a time stamp if you want. Just to make your day brighter.
Not bad OP, what’s your target price for HPB?
Rate my folio faggots, I’ll have at least half a million by EOY
Don't let your memes be dreams, mate.
Watch me make it to 100K+ with shitcoins.
Bought Nas near the high
Muh copy of litecoin which is a copy of bitcoin will totally pump in a bear market because it has cool logoz and it fast amirite? Nobody cares about these shitcoins, and nano at least has free transactions, even though all currency coins are destined to die eventually.
there are people who unironically hold heavily shilled memecoins. Ask people who held Ethereum in 2016 how that worked out for them.
Rate it my fellow anons