Self sufficiency

What are the steps needed to live like pic related? I've always wanted to have a house and some land that I could live off of if needed. I don't want to be reliant on anyone for my basic needs.

I have two years left in college and thankfully I have all of my expenses paid for. So right now I am in a good position to try to plan ahead. I'm working a job that gives me about $500 a month. That's not a lot but it works with my schedule so I'm able to keep up with school. I've been saving all of it and putting some in my robinhood account. I was going to buy into crypto at the dip but I wasn't sure if it was worth doing.

But I don't know anything about purchasing land, building a home, or living after college. What advice can you give me and where should I start reading?

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kinda easy manbrodude
go to an older couple's farm and tell them you'll work for them for shelter.
they'll happily let you in, i assume.

In which country do you live?

Land in my EU country is very expensive (also yearly taxed). Still planning to buy some land (see it as my duty to leave some land to my sibblings).

I live in the US. You can find cheap land but a lot of it is in the middle of nowhere. I'm assuming it's taxed here but probably less expensive

Lmao.. people like OP are so deluded by "rural simplicity". Do you have any idea how much work it takes to be "self sufficient"?
Take your picture for instance, are you going to live off all that? Who's going to grow and maintain that field? How are you going to have meat in your diet? How are you going to feed whatever animals you might have?
How are you going to fix shit when it breaks?

this is pretty hard to do without help. If you just have a small yard vegetable garden it takes a lot of work.
Having more than half an acre of shit is basically impossible by yourself.

this user is right.

i take it you are some limp wristed urbanite.

its not that hard, it just takes work.

also op, look into permaculture. you can get land set up in a way that it more or less takes care of itself (yes some maintenence will always be required) by turning it into a self sustaining system. you can easily get yourself into a situation where you not only produce enough food for yourself, but enough for your community as well.

i would love to do this, but im still a wage/rent slave so having some land of my own is still far off in the future.

Target the region you want to live and then look up what it grows naturally. Don't try to grow something that wont fit naturally. Start a garden to practice your green thumb. Buy and read pic related

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Honestly, I would much rather feel like I am working for myself with a simpler life than relying on someone else.

I don't plan living completely off the grid. I would still most likely go to the store to get food and some supplies.

like 3 acres of land, guns and animals

Highly depends on the law of the country.
In some its an expensive bureaucratic hell ride.
In some its a cheap and easy process.

My gf's family owns land very much like pic related in latvia. There is no electricity, no cellphone connection, only dirt streets for 10km and people (a few live there all year) get their water from the local spring or well.
It always drives me there in the summer to really calm down from the city life.

thanks. I'll look into it

alaska will pay you to move there and give you land

It requires so money, experience and equipment that self sufficiency is nearly impossible unless you live like a mountain man.

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sweet! I'm definitely going to read this.

There's a community garden in walking distance from me. Me and a friend worked on cleaning it up last semester so now it should be good to start practicing on it.

try wwoofing after you're done school. i highly recommend for the exposure to that sort of lifestyle

>winter kills your crop with frost
>irrigation fails during summer and your plants die from thirst
>animals eat your yield

oh boy can't wait to see op try this out

this is definitely a possibility

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Read this OP.

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Good luck user - self sufficiency has been my goal since I left corporate cuckoldry. I live in premium wine country so I've learned winemaking and started my own small winery. My goal is to have it pay for my own vineyard and small farm soon

This. fucking city anons idealize this "self suficient" meme. Its like clubbing, everyone says its awesome but doing it is always shitty, but on the next day tell everyone about this dope party.

Maybe I shouldn't have said self sufficiency, I just want to have some land and a house to be able to grow some food. I am not really into living off the grid and I'll still go to the store for supplies and some food.

Thanks I will

What should I do then?

Don't listen to them user - keep on the path. It is much more fulfilling being a producer than a full fledged consumer like these cucks. Sure you wont be 100% self sufficient, but if you grow a specific crop then became becomes "value added producer" of said crop then that's where you make your money and bartering power. That plus water rights and you'll be set when SHTF. Focus on rudimentary basics and understand how to do things without electricity just in case

Source on this?

*Become a value added producer.

Things like bio oil processing from sunflower or hemp will be HUGE by 2020. I plan doing it myself

look into permaculture, it maximises the space on the land by planting in layers. ie smaller cheaper plot

Land = property tax, just fyi
You'll have to be a fair distance from a city for space/affordability. Not deep boonies or anything, but you'll have limited local possibilities. Midwest is okay for this, unsure about other areas.
Weather is a factor anywhere you grow stuff. Some things grow well in year round sunny areas, some don't, for instance.
The guy talking about woofing is right too, seriously do that for perspective on this idea of yours and experience.
Still think it's naive and a waste of time. Working on a farm is hard as shit

make some money by hard work doesnt matter wich kind, and try to make it with shitcoins after this do what you desire in life

i am a fucking farmer so i produce some of my shit for myself, i will sell this hell of a farm to a cuck like you and be free. Finally

my slaves, soon to be replaced by roboslaves

No you won't because I don't want your shit land that's been raped with pesticides and inorganic fertilizer. Go talk to your boys Monsanto and Dow, maybe they'll take it off your hands

This is from the book.

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this looks so comfy

It is depressing seeing how much food like 6 people need and even with all that you still have to buy stuff outside to sustain.

1. start a pinterest and pin lots of pictures of farms
2. get involved in the #farmlife twitter hashtag
3. raise awareness for the need for more women and diverse people in farming
4. rent an apartment in the city

eww stop. I wish this meme wasn't real

I don't think people understand the pain in the ass farming is. Gardening for food itself really sucks. You have to really love it. I don't. Would rather buy my stop from the grocery and you know you aren't saving money farming it yourself now.

>Sour grapes

Why are you guys mad that other people want to be self-sufficient?

>raped with pesticides and inorganic fertilizer

Oh god it's a city boy faggot who comes into the local grocery store in his faggot bee keeping hat. Everyone laughs at you, FYI

Start lurking /kay/ this shit comes up fairly regularly.

Because people don't understand what is involved. Like someone coming to /diy/ and saying guys I want to build a quadcopter, what do I do? Like no research, not even a Google search or looking in YouTube. They want spoonfeed and self sufficiency is a difficult subject.

google homesteading programs, there are other states that do this as well

You could plant some permaculture (stuff that doesn't need to be planted yearly, such as fruit trees). Maybe some bees to polinate the fruit trees and honey. Add some goats.

It doesn't to be extremely busy the whole day, if you are thoughtful.

Some people have a family or some friends with common goals that cohabitate with them. I know it's hard for you to imagine a life that's different from your lonely wagecuck life, but it's possible.

can someone please just hold my hand and tell me exactly what to do so i can be self sufficient!

^^ this makes sense