No matter how much money you make, you will never hold your waifu in your arms

>no matter how much money you make, you will never hold your waifu in your arms

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read books, do drugs

books and drugs arent powerful escapist tools enough

>tfw no 40 year old Japanese salaryman reborn as qt loli in ww1 Germany gf

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they literally are you brainlet
also fuck you
>implying I'm making money

Faggot, you think I dont read books and do drugs? They wont make my Waifu real you fucking retard

your not doing the right ones

Do any of you faggots even try to date women? Genuinely asking. I mean if the only issue that's your source of misery in life revolves around not having a gf, just go out and get one? I'm a virgin myself and I don't talk to girls, and my life is miserable, but not because I don't have a gf.

ok Ill just eat some Datura Brugmasia

You can buy Japanese candy that allows you to visit the 2D world

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uh hey retard, 3d women are digusting Pigs, If I wanted a real woman Id fucking pay for it

I want my WAIFU, understand buddy?

Waifu =/ 3dpd

>the same
KYS you fucking virgin normie. I unironically enjoy staring at my waifu for 10 minutes while sipping on whisky more than having sex with some dumb roastie from tinder.

virtual stuff doesnt do the trick, Its still not real

oh right I forgot I was speaking to deranged antisocial teenage shooters in the making

I'm a fucking chad compared to you, you fucking failure.

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to school tomorrow

I can tell you havent lived a full life, because you still think theres a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

in the end, you are stuck to this reality and its limitations, and that is worse than death unless we can transfer into the 2d world

I have had 4 girlfriends, i swear for my fucking life, 2 year relationships and etc, i don't want to come back to that, being in a relationship is good at first then it is boring as fuck, now i only fuck a girl from time to time because reasons but nothing more than that

With time you learn that 2D>3D is more than a meme, its a fucking reality, you only have to experience it

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>obsessing over another soyboy's 2D rendition of his obsession with his oneitis

Because you're a sissy anime faggot. At least you're making money. People who make money and complain about their anime waifus should be flogged.

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it hurts. The only woman you can trust in life is your grandmother or aunts

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It's as real as you want it to be m9

>he doesnt watch anime

dont talk to me bitchboy, you lost your money because you are retarded, respect your superiors

Besides, life is really boring and repetitive, look at people at their 30's, most of them are already depressed and feeling like shit, in the end we all search for escapism tools, the difference is the age you realise how life really is and im not saying 'life is hard muh' it is another feeling, life is just -limited-

Its not about anime, its about getting an escapism tool and anime is a great one

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