Sorry guys the launch is postponed to early Q2.
#1 post address here
#2 ping me (@blake)
100 EBET ($ 10) airdrop post your ETH address!
thanks just licked 100k cunts
its amazing that clits are just dicks that didn't grow.
fuck off pussy
there are pepe memes everywhere, how is a cunt less SFW than what we have now anyway?
btw if you're at work gte your ass back to what you're supposed to do in the first place
im on nofap you faggot
you know how many times you thotposters have ruined my streaks already?
wow you're weak minded
might as well stop nofap
thanks senpai.
>le no fap meme
you may as well do noeat nodrink or nosleep
go back to your r/nofap
you fags could just stop spreading disgusting pornography on blue boards
theres a million websites if I wanna look at naked girls, why the fuck do you thotposters have to ruin my sanctuary!!
wtf is that stupid shit written on her shoulder
Have you guys looked into Monaco? Seems like a unicorn pick after doing some research beyond just the card.
I want to suck her banana while she sucks my banana
>$10 of a coin with $88 volume.
Be careful not to crash the market.
Thanks dude
>Parth picks his shitstained fingers up off they keyboard, a subtle peeling noise emitted as the adhesion between his greased appendeges and the grime on his never washed 6 year old keyboard. Almost reactively at the mention of porn, he switches tabs to his pre-loaded asian scat femdom video. "Sir, it is time for a good fap sir" he utters to himself as he unzips his fly and prepares for his hourly pixel-accelerated flood of dopamine
your no fap skills correlate with your holding skills
>we found the weak handed faggot
Is this even legal?
its not my fault my dick goes hard while my hands go soft!!
>nofapper posts unironically
just fucking jerk off you faggot
you let some redditors brainwash you into thinking that if you resist the urge for a pshysiological need that your boyd demands you will see some magical resulats in becoming a superhuman with x1000 better energy/focus/whatever lol keep staying deluded
it's no different than trying to resist the urge to eat or sleep yet you don't hear people saying nosleep will get you all boosted in every possible way
it's all a fucking placebo, people fall into this brainwashing and then yea of course you will feel like it's real, if you start believing it
the black haired girl is a pornstar ffs
>hurr durr its totally natural to have hardcore pornography shoved in your face 24/7
>durr nothing wrong with following your impulses like a nigger
Innies are superior. She needs to tuck that shit in, looks like she's growing a dick.
who said anything about pornography let alone hardcore?
people have been jerking off for centuries, you think you discovered some incredible truth with this nofap BS?
physiologically it's no different from fucking yet you don't hear pussy slayers saying they wish they did nosex because hurr durr no motivation/energy/focus lol
good luck blueballing yourself, not being able to focus on anything because you think about yout superior resistance to natural basic needs
pic very related
virgin af
>Prateesh's stomach gurgles as last night's lentil curry begins to spoil in his stomach. "There is one cure for this naan-sense!" He declares loudly. A quick stroke of keys leads him to his true passion, bbw breast pump videos. He grins as he begins his session, momentary bliss drowning his pores until he finishes, letting out a loud fart against the cold metal chair.
ew wtf
>people have been jerking off for centuries
they didnt have hardcore pr0n shoved in their face all day dipshit
>it's no different from fucking
lol virgin detected. who was oxytocin and a bunch of other hormones that you miss out on when you fap. maybe actually get laid before you talk about this subject
>good luck blueballing yourself
good luck with ED and constant cumstains on your pants
found the soyboy
I bought 1,420 of this shitcoin at $0.70. fuck me up
fasting is actually extremely beneficial
get fucked nigger
>chronic masturbator
>calls other anons soyboy
Send me 100 eth and I'll post about you shitcoin on my warframe discord with over 3k members
how is OP's pic hardcore porngraphy lol? is a naked woman hardcore pornography to you grandpa?
>lol virgin detected. who was oxytocin and a bunch of other hormones that you miss out on when you fap. maybe actually get laid before you talk about this subject
the only difference is psychological, sure real sex is better (most of the time at least) but I'm not gonna blueball for myself for weeks or something because logistics or something else gets in the way
>good luck with ED and constant cumstains on your pants
lol that's what's gonna happen when you wet yourself at night uncontrollably (I hope it's a word)
I'm sure it was beneficial in labor camps during the WWII lmao
try nodrink, let's see those benefits
>masturbation is literally the elixir of life
nice logic you fucking kike
>bitch eating another bitches pussy
>pussyflaps hanging out
>not hardcore pr0n
youre probably a youngfag and gew up on 24/7 hardcore pr0n. you have no idea how your brain got messed up by the digital jew already. if you want to be a chronic masturbator fine, but why do you have to shove this shit in other peoples faces who dont wanna see it?
THIS IS A PORN FREE ZONE!!! You faggots have a million boards where you can spread your degeneracy why dont you simply respect the confines of this board you disgusting niggers!!
proof and i will
>ew wtf
Why they keep increasing in value
for someone who is so obsessed with nofap u sure are spending a lot of time in the only thread with porn in it
>probably an 18-20 yo who thinks nofap will get him a gf
>they didnt have hardcore pr0n shoved in their face all day
ancient Romans and especially the degenerate subhuman Caligula would have to disagree
Agreed... Still I have lost motivation and energy after fucking maybe I'm not doing a line of coke like you are.
Fuck yea
>blue balling yourself will give me superpowers
nice logic you got there goy
it's funny how that is considered hardcore porn and something bad/evil yet when sucking dicks/licking pussies and fucking like animals in real life is considered romantic/pure/healthy
sure if you don't get turned on by regular porn/thoughts and you have to go for some degenerate shit you have problems but lets not act like jerking off (lets say without any porn) is bad and resisting in doing so will give you ANY benefits
>hurrr I'll be more productive durrr
yea sure, lets all stop jerking off/fucking we will all be bill gates and thonny robbines' lmao
you fags are obsessed with porn. I just wanna browse this board without having degeneracy shoved in my face 24/7. and FWIW Im probablly old enouggh to be your dad and had enough pussy for two lifetimes. now go jerk your little dick and keep this board clean.
>ancient romans had 24/7 access to digital pornography
you cucks are just mentally weak and try to rationalize it. you dont even seem to realize how messed up your squishy little brains already are.
>sure if you don't get turned on by regular porn/thoughts and you have to go for some degenerate shit you have problems but lets not act like jerking off (lets say without any porn) is bad and resisting in doing so will give you ANY benefits
I never said jerking off is bad I just dont want to see pr0n all the time when this is a pr0n free board. then you pornfags and thotposters start sperging out and strawmanning because you cant even coinceive that maybe some people dont want to see degenerate shit like this on a daily basis.
thanks user
>See this thread when it has 0 replies.
>mods will surely remove this right away
>check the catalog an hour or so later and it's still here
her asshole looks like a vagina your square cunt it's quite gross
2 bitches licking eachother's cunts is nothing wrong, don't be a faggot
>but hurr I don't want to
something tells me you want to if you try to resist so much
instead of acting like a superhero resisting natural needs and arguing with people for hours you know what I do? jerk off, 10 minutes I'm all done and can be productive with important stuff.
that's how you handle it
One of the girls is Tanner Mayes, don't know who the other one is
obvious virgin larp
you come off like someone in their early 20's if that
are you old enough to even use online exchanges?
Nah, just prefer not having my girl with a little penis growing. How your gfs blown out pussy treating you?
Thanks for the coins and fap material
she probably fucks him with her monster cunt
absolutely disgusting
hey virgins newsflash all vaginas look different
>considering any board sfw
Thanks for the coins
thst's what I said before, I would rather have someone see naked bitches on my screen than some obscure memes with pepe
thanks just got fired from my job
>1 hour ago
I see this board has no mods.
looks like a turkey neck
nature can be disgusting
thanks famalam
A little lip feels good massaging your dick. I thought the innie vs outie debate died in 2009 though along with the uncut vs cut shitposting.
>working on a Sunday
top wew
pls sir, thank you
wait i didnt do it right
there we go
thx bro
into the trash she goes
what weird looking penises