Look whats in his hand

look whats in his hand

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Other urls found in this thread:


Elon Musk is a fucking retard and I can't wait for him to crash and burn. This dumb mother fucker thinks his shitty SpaceX can beat Jeff Bobby B Bezos' Blue Origin. He's going to try and go toe to toe with Big Man Jeff Bezos and Jeff Bezos will rape him so hard it will make Musk's future divorcerape look like two teenager lovers losing their virginities to each other. While Elon Musk wasted his money buying better hair, Jeff Bezos shaved it off and conquered the Internet. You can't get more alpha than that.

Jeff Bezos will rape SpaceX's corpse and make Reddit watch while I jerk off furiously to Blue Origin's Mars colony.

>muh blue orign

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Why is he reading manga?

meanwhile some retards think Sergey Nazarov is speaking at some hippy music festival when fucking Elon Musk is taking the stage at the same conference talking about intergalatic travel in the 2020s.

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t. Jeff

sergey our lord
you forgot our lord I had to correct you...blasphemy will get you a visit by the bogs

Fuck off Jeff

$1000 EOY

Go home jeff you're drunk

>tfw crypto is prefect for interplanetary exchange of value

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Musk is kicking ass and taking names, SpaceX is unstoppable.

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Retard, doesn't matter who wins.
It's not about winning at all.
If both lose, we lose.
(Faceplam omg ideottt)

This is impressive shit..

oh fuck off my digits say your full of shit and die of shame for ever thinking something so stupid. let alone typing it out! Musk will be the next God emperor check um!

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the tesla deal is real

Unironic truth. Musk fangirls SEETHING

Lmao Elon is owning Jeff hilariously. But the very fact we can talk down Blue Origin's achievements - which would be awesome, if it wasn't for Space X - is testament to both of them desu.

Blue Origin/Bezos will at some point catch up if only because Bezos is HUGELY richer than Elon so can pour more funds in and get better scientists and engineers.

Anyway the competition between them is far better for us than the USSR vs USA comp was.

Imagine Musk going to the panel with Sergey in it.
Any price predictions?

he's trying to contain his laughter and remain focused on that little weesh pamphlet about retarded internet money while all he can think about is how rich he will be for not wasting his time with it

Holy fuck i'm already cumming.

Musk wants nothing to do with cryptos. Why would he? His businesses all rely on fiat subsidies.

>Elon Musk is a fucking retard

Said some nigger who didnt finish High School

>This dumb mother fucker thinks his shitty SpaceX can beat Jeff Bobby B Bezos' Blue Origin

Thats pretty much waht happened

Benzo doesn't have a chance desu, money can only get you so far. Musk is just to good and inspires so much drive in everyone, we will make it to Mars in our life times and it will be on the back of SpaceX rockets.

It's satire

Elon Musk is making a decentralised currency for the mars colony called Space Buxs. or SBX.

>While Elon Musk wasted his money buying better hair, Jeff Bezos shaved it off and conquered the Internet.

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he's jacking off with his other hand offcamera (and offworld)


The fact that they are even at the same conference together says a lot.

Spacebucks was a fucking awesome game

>Byzantine Sergey meme
I like you user.

It's this one



What kind of boomer reads a book about cryptocurrency?

Fuck off faget. Bullshit 'guilty pleasure' fiction is what Kindle and eBooks were made for. Serious books anyone who isn't a pleb likes to hold in their hands and write notes on.

thx user

Maybe Elon is going to buy the 160k mtgox bitcoins with your taxes.

Ure good guy user.

>Serious books anyone who isn't a pleb likes to hold in their hands and write notes on.

Fuck off faget. Bullshit 'guilty pleasure' fiction is what cars and airplanes were made for. Serious travelers like to sit in a saddle and travel for months.

It's common knowledge that Musk hates cryptos.

He's probably intrigued by crypto and wants to know more about it, but he openly mocks it all the time on Twitter.

>crypto for dummies

jesus fuck elon is such a reddit meme boy

nevertheless, if he comments on ANY crypto related project that will obviously have an impact and hopefully make me money

lmao you got me there user well played.

Whatever enjoy your Bitcoin for Dummies, dad.

I cant believe litteral billionaires come to post on biz. Have a great day Jeff.

At this point I am 100% my bet in crypto is safe.
Also we have to spam Musk to give us Linkies a helping hand.

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Ol Musky found a way to convert LINK tokens into pure energy to power his rockets? That's fucking brilliant, I knew LINK would find a use case someday

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Jeff you need to calm down, you cant win them all

are you trying to stick all of elons cock in your mouth or just some of it? think about how fucking disgusting you are.

got it

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If you combined the total no. of books read by all Veeky Forums investors we would about 3.50

Jeff put the bottle away and go to bed. You're going to regret this tomorrow.

TenX to the moon

They know, pump it

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tfw to the mars

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jeff pls go

most punchable face that ive seen today

You people are absolutely desperate for a reason that will make crypto go up.

This is pathetic.

Stealth Ethereum Blockchain Company Buys $1 Billion Worth of Land Next to Tesla’s Gigafactory, possibly the largest building in the world



look how old you've become

Just for this post, I'm gonna go kick your glass ballsack, Jeff.

Naza should do experiments of blockchain in space.

Elon Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto

when audiobook

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notice he's smirking whilst holding the book like it was handed to him. Like 'kek, crypto' 'sure'. Read his tweets on btc, he has 0.25btc a friend sent him years ago.

like he's gonna tell you what he holds and actually tell you how much he loves crypto




This guy probably has to write 500 page documents to get his government grants.

Then he sees shit like TRON with a 2BN market cap for essentially no reason beyond the fucking name and a fucking copy pasted white paper

I can see ( )'s point about him hating cryptos. But i also think Elon would put his hate aside if he could use cryptos to acheive his goals.

interplanetary currency might be a good idea. Also what if there was a SpaceX ICO? And what if the coin you buy could be used to get free rides in teslas instead of ubers? 10 SPX It could be the biggest ICO of our time


Elon is totally the kind of person who would do an ICO and would be incredibly successful with it.

He took $700mm in deposits for Tesla 3s

He 20 million on those gimmicky flame throwers