Unite against pol sub humans

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but im a polack

> implying that pol isn't on top of politics the same way that biz is on top of crypto
A lot of trash on that board but they make good points and do good research within the political scene. Don't throw stones from our glass house thanks.

We're all from pol you reddit newfag cuck

Every board is /pol/

Attached: pol visits other boards.webm (960x396, 1.23M)

/pol/ is my home. Here for a holiday.

Veeky Forums is /pol/ but with a crypto focus. You should really go back.

Veeky Forums is superior to nu-/pol/ yeah, but what people do you think Veeky Forums came from? This board is just the people from /pol/ who are 30 now.

Veeky Forums is /pol/ newfag

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polack here.

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/biz came to existence through mental evolution, we are not the same

get the fuck out you degenerate faggot.

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Did u get banned OP?

Kindly fuck off back to your shit board then you insufferable faggot cunts. Cheers. You retards are sickening

U mad?

But I thought this already is /pol/?

Get fucked nigger

That appears to be a Grynch in a mask holding a gun

/pol/ack repoting in

dude youre so angry lmao.

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polfag here
we run this board OP

i'm here to stay

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Sorry kiddo we've been pol the whole time, time to go back to le hugbox


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Not going anywhere faggot

/pol/ is alittle dumb but theay are bros, we must unite against the subhuman niggers.

>pol is on top of politics in the same way biz is on top of crypto
More right than you know

people that know about politics are on /sg, the rest of pol is just plain retardation

So you start 2 threads for What? Attention? Kys my man and by my man I mean never my man you pathetic rape baby