F to pay respects.

Attached: vitalikpedo.jpg (1006x773, 68K)

He is right though, as long as you didn't pay for the child porn or in some other way provided people with incentive to make more of it.

It's old and it only made ETH stronger because of child trafficers that are using it now

many people are putting it online because knowing someone else faps to it makes them fap to it

Reminder that Jews want you to think 16 year olds are icky so you don't produce strong offspring.

So as long as you don't let them know you fap to it you're in the clear


>Reminder that Jews want you to think 16 year olds are icky so you don't produce strong offspring.

Attached: 1470031944401.jpg (332x396, 43K)

He is right though, as long as you didn't cum inside. You can ask my daughter and she will agree.

16 is perfectly legal in most countries

Attached: age of consent.png (940x470, 40K)

vitalik doesn't give a shit anymore. he sold all of his coins long time ago.

At least for japan that map isn't accurate, while the federal AoC is 12, every single prefecture raises it to 16 or 18.

>autist is right using non-pc argument
>liberals tell him he is bad for using argument

RIP Adam Morgan for being a virtue signaling fuck

its all jews fault right user?


Attached: 5553453543534.png (512x720, 573K)

Africa is 14x bigger than greenland

Japan and Germany are eternally cucked by the US in their legal systems, being split up in lots of small zones each with their own legislation.

kys you disgusting fucking pig

Not as big as Texas though

Attached: texas size.png (800x754, 346K)

>virtue signaling on an anonymous board
Tell me why I'm wrong then you fucking brainlet

the map marks with green the ones closer to 18 kek what a stupid world we live in , 10 should be the legal age everywhere

Lol, rip ETH.

Sounds pretty personal bro stop posting cp

it's fucking over boys, only a matter of time before this hit CNBC.

Attached: ethprice.png (1404x739, 102K)


someone needs to send this to the CNBC crypto tip line for thre lulz

>Can legally have sex with a 16 year old
>Can be put in jail for seeing pictures of a naked 16 year old.

What a world we live in.

Din't seem to hurt them, as they both had big economic growth after ww2. On the other hand centralist France and the Soviet Union...

Wtf you made me sell OP, I checked his twitter and its not there
fuc u lying piece of shit

Their economic growth had nothing to do with their cucked legal systems, but everything with that the countries were heavily industrialised countries in the first place with strong work ethics.
It's what drove them to fascism and imperialism in the first place, and made them to be the US' enemies.

The decentralised legal system of the US is an obvious result of its history. It also helps to give states a high degree of autonomy to prevent a new civil war.

A teen is a child porn producer if he makes pictures of him/herself and rightly should go to prison for this sinful act.

Based money skelly. He doesn't give a fuck.

Ohello Veeky Forums, my name is Chips Handon. I always like to lork at 4cham and I also like mudflips too, as you do. DASU DASU LOL. I also like having sex with underage children (HOES DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY DICK), shop the wops, do a battle roll and i just lost the match. Due to the fact that i'm not a noobfag i know that /random/ is in posession of a great variety of "PC", at least those of you that aren't underage b%. in a nutshell, I need Anomalous to deliver to an Astrafaglian /re/tard some of his "PC" (you know what i mean LOL). ROW ROW ROW THE BOAT. PLEASE DONT MAGE THIS THRED IT IS NOT COPYPIZZA, BUT ORIGINAL COMMENT.

Attached: chips handon 3.jpg (272x403, 69K)

Decentralised systems are superior. They survive human error. Germany also has a history of small states.

>They survive human error
The United States are one big human error, m9.

Then imagine the USA were a centralised Country.

-t yurocuck